1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 知覚過敏のアイスクリーの食べ方
2023-07-29 11:52


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
You see, ssssssss, revealing, revealing, revealing, revealing.
Well, I taught you this three times already.
In the last hour.
You still haven't gotten it.
I don't get it.
I don't understand why I can't remember this word.
So, I don't, oh.
We did a Kevin's English Stream podcast plus episode where I taught you how to say
Hatsui, Hatsui-sei. Yes. Yeah. Yeah
Bousui ga? Waterproof. Yes, water resistant.
Dato, mizu ni tsuyoi mitai na ga water resistant. Yes.
Think of it as like, you know when you hajiku. Yeah, think of the word hajiku first. Okay, remember? Yeah. Yeah
Start with that
So start with R
Yes, and then end with L
E or L O
L something
Re-dee. No
It doesn't I think it ends with L. Oh, really? Yeah
Reveal? No.
Reteal? No. Wasn't that like reteal-o? No.
How bad my memory is. Yeah. Yeah, you're just not getting this word. You're just bad with this word.
I don't know why. I just can't remember this word. Re-repeal.
Repeal. Repeal-o. Yeah, no.
Not repeal-o
Repeal. Repeal. Repeal. Oh, so then vo-ta re-vo-ta
Repellent. Oh, close! Repellent. Yes!
Repellent. Water repellent.
Water repellent. Water repellent.
Look at the spelling. Look. Oh.
Water repellent. Repellent. Yeah.
Vo-ta repellent.
Excellent. Yeah.
Repel. Repellent. I see. Water repellent. Yes. Got it? Yeah, I got it. All righty.
I'm gonna test you on the internet, so.
I will.
I'm gonna do that. Yeah, repellent. But I think I finally get it. You finally got it. Yeah, it's like three, four, five times already.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Three times? You saw the spelling? Yeah, now I got it. You understood the word repel? Yeah, repell-o.
And then. No, no, no. Repello is not the word. Repello was not the word.
Repel. Repel. Yeah. Repellent. Yeah. Repellent. Okay, I see.
You refilled your coffee there. Yeah. Yeah, nice. What kind of coffee is that today? It's a
It's a Mexican one.
Mexican? Isn't that kind of rare? I've never heard of a Mexican coffee. Right, right, right, right. I think so. It's a bit rare.
But you know, it's like a mid-South African, American continent. It's famous for coffee.
Oh, really? Yeah, it's just south of the United States, you know, like, you know, there are many countries like famous for coffees in the middle, middle America.
Like Colombia? Yeah, Colombia. Guatemala? Yeah, those. They're very famous. So, true.
True. I've never heard of Mexico that much in the coffee world, but I kind of understand it's like very close.
Within the coffee belt. Yeah, right. Coffee belt. I know that word. Coffee belt. Right, right. Yeah, that's true.
Oh, yeah. Okay. So I'm gonna read a message. Oh, yeah. Message repellent. I am message repellent.
Oh, you still remember the word? Yes. But it doesn't make sense at all. This is repellent.
I am message repellent guy. So, it's like, you know, you're just, you're not receiving the message then. Yeah. If you're repelling it.
No, I just reply very quickly. Oh, I see. I see. Not the good usage, but okay.
Konnichiwa. Mizikaku sumu wadai ga hoshii toki ni kono DM wo dehi wo tsukai kudasai.
Suki na hamigakiko wa nan desu ka? Okay. I love it.
Suki na hamigakiko do you have? Quick and easy. Quick and easy. Is that quick and easy for you?
I have a go-to toothpaste. Okay. It's like a white, red and blue twisting one, right?
Well, that's a stereotype right there. That's a huge stereotype.
Do you have a go-to? A go-to? Recently, I use the same one.
But, yeah, I would say that. I mean, yeah, it's not my go-to, but okay. All right.
It's like it's been a while. I repeatedly use one. Okay. That's called Nonio.
Ah, yes, I know. Yeah, I guess that's very, it's sold in everywhere.
Yeah, kind of in the convenience store, truck store.
Yeah, I think I like the people that use Nonio. Oh, thank you.
Yeah, Nonio looks great. Okay.
Yeah, Nonio, people who choose Nonio, I like it. Yeah, they're cool. I think they're cool.
Oh, really? Is it cool? Yeah, I think they're cool.
Okay, thank you. Yeah, I mean, it's not that expensive.
And it's like plain, and it's, I guess, just good enough for me.
Yeah. Yeah.
Mine is, it's not the blue, red, yellow American toothpaste.
It's like this long.
Yeah, although I know what you're talking about.
I'm using Chumitecto, Chikakukabinohamigaki.
Oh, really?
Yeah, I'm using Chumitecto.
Ah, because you have...
Because I have Chikakukabinohamigaki.
Ah, right.
Oh, that's something very surprising to me.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, I thought you were using some kind of, like, you know, Ippon 2000 yen.
Oh, I used to.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I used to buy one of those.
Like whitening...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Not anymore.
But the Chumitecto says that it has a whitening stuff in it.
I see, I see.
Plus, I can't buy any of the ones that has Kenmazai.
Ah, right.
Because I'm using a Dendohaburashi.
Ah, right.
If you have Kenmazai in it, that's too much damage.
I see, I see.
So your Chikakukabin gets worse.
I see.
Oh, is that...
Does that, like, make your teeth more stronger?
You know, I actually don't know, you know.
The thing about the Chikakukabin is you don't know if it's working or not.
Like, because it's not like one day you're just never gonna be able to, you know, be in pain.
It's like, also, it really has to do a lot with your skill of eating cold stuff.
Like, if you have ice cream, if you eat it in a certain way, it doesn't hurt your teeth at all.
So if you are terrible at eating ice cream, then, and you have Chikakukabin,
then it's gonna hurt like hell.
But if you know your way around it, then you're gonna do a good job.
So you really can't tell if the toothpaste is working or not.
I see.
But that doesn't make any worse for your...
You know, I don't think so.
You don't think so.
I don't think so.
Yeah, I'm sure.
I mean, it's not supposed to, right?
It has to be better, right?
Chikakukabin, right.
Do you have any ways of fixing it?
Any ways?
Oh, so all you can do is just eat well.
I mean, eat good in a way.
Yeah, just eat in a way that doesn't hurt you, that's all.
It only gets worse.
And the more you feel the Chikakukabin, the worse it gets.
It gets more sensitive.
So you don't want to feel that.
You don't want to feel that Chikakukabin as much as possible.
Stay away from it.
Can you explain the way of you eat?
Yeah, sure.
So you bite it.
And then you make sure that it doesn't touch your teeth as quickly as you can.
You just release it from the teeth.
Oh, on which part do you have Chikakukabin?
All of them.
Oh, really?
I don't know, but I feel like it's all of them.
I don't think it's like just this teeth.
I feel like it's cavity.
No, no, no.
It's like the whole thing.
Your whole teeth hurts wherever it touches.
Then how do you eat like ice cream?
Yeah, you eat it with your tongue, basically.
You don't use your tongue.
You don't...
If you bite into an ice cream, it's going to hurt like hell.
So you just basically just...
You spoon it and then put it in your mouth.
I see.
Or like you lip it and then put it in your mouth.
You make sure that it doesn't always touch your teeth.
If it's just like a second of touching, it's okay.
You can just use your tongue to just like scrape it off your teeth.
So like...
I see.
There's a lot of ways.
I mean, I'm actually quite comfortable with the way I'm eating.
It's okay.
I mean, I don't eat ice creams by my teeth, actually.
I don't bite them.
You're right.
You're right.
You're right.
You know how there's like popsicle...
I said it like obstacles.
Like popsicles, you have to bite into it, right?
Like, you know, gari gari kun.
You have to bite like this.
That could hurt.
That could hurt.
How do you eat them?
So I eat it using just a tip of the teeth.
If it's the tip of the teeth, it doesn't hurt.
It's like on the stomach side, on the backside, that's where it hurts.
Oh, yeah, I see.
If it's the tip of the teeth, it's okay.
So you just gotta really lightly bite it and then kind of bend it down.
Oh, bend it down?
If you bend it down, it's gonna crack where you have the teeth laid.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And then boom, it's gonna crack.
Then you let your tongue do its thing.
Sometimes I do that.
Or just, you know, normally bite into it, just casually bite into it.
And then immediately when it cracks, just release it.
Oh, I see.
You love ice creams, right?
I do love ice cream.
Maybe that's why I got my chika cupping.
You hate too much.
Yeah, it could be.
I think it's, yeah.
That's sad.
It's a possibility.
That is sad.
But you know how to eat now, so it's okay.
My phone?
Was that your phone or my?
That was a little difficult, right?
Yeah, a message or something.
I can't do it anymore.
That was too good.
All right.
Thanks for listening, guys.
Thank you.

