1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 最近のケビンの健康生活は順調..
2025-02-04 08:43



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast. Hello. Oh, hello.
How's your healthy things going on? Uh, so right now, um,
uh, yeah, I mean, it's not as extreme as like a year ago. Remember, uh,
eight kilo loss and then, oh, that's too much. I should get back on track. Yeah. Get a little
bit unhealthier and I'm kind of doing that. Like I'm eating. I'm not. So before I found out that
I was, I lost so much, I was doing things like オトファジー or something like that. I don't do
that anymore. Um, before I was doing things like, let me just eat a salad. I don't do that anymore.
Um, before I was like, oh, let me just stop right here because this is probably healthier. Yeah. I
don't do that anymore. I eat until I like were actually full and actually like don't want to
eat anymore. So that's been going on. Um, and, uh, yeah, I did, uh, realize this. So I'm trying to
pump my pump up my arm a little bit more, but I've come to realize that I might've hit a plateau.
So like オトファジー ish. What did you say? A plateau. Plateau. Yeah. Hit a plateau.
Plateau. Plateau. That's one word. Plateau. Okay. So I was interested in what steps you have to do
to grow muscle. So you were saying protein, fat, and carbs, right? Yeah. Is that the three that
you essentially want to take in a lot? Yes. Okay. You need, um, protein, of course, and you need
calorie. Calorie. Yes. And also like heavyweight, like heavier weight. Heavier weights. Instead of
a lot of lightweight, you want to go for a heavier. Yes. Several lifts. Even like four or
five. Four or five. Yeah. Rather than 20 light ones. Okay. To sort of impact your muscle. Yeah.
I see. Yeah. Right. And also so that the guy, he says like when he want to grow his muscle,
he's in the bulk period. And what he does in bulk period, he eats a lot. And he weights,
he lifts something heavier and heavier. Like every time he goes in like 五キロ and the next day
六キロ, like seven キロ. And then it makes it heavier and heavier. And then,
yeah, that's what he does. Okay. Yeah. Make sure the, you know, you consume energies when you do
some activities or when you just live. For example, like if you can train,
make sure you have eaten more than that. Because if not, you're just losing calorie. Yeah.
And if you think about everything, how much you consume calories just by living. Right. Yeah.
And have to think about that, the exercise itself. And then that's what he said. And after
that, he cut his fat and then big and then 絞る. Yes. That's two steps. Oh, okay. So it's really
difficult. You do this, those two at the same time. 絞る and then growing is kind of two opposite
sides. So that's what he does. He's like this. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That's
what he said. I didn't know that. I see. How much does he eat? Like when he's in his...
So right now he retired from the competition and he's like, he's happy with keeping it.
Okay. Yeah. So he doesn't eat much. Okay.
For example, he doesn't eat fat. So he doesn't eat skin of the chicken. Okay. Or he doesn't
eat ramen. Okay. He doesn't eat something really oily. He eats soba. Okay. With boiled chicken
and some veggies on it. Yeah. Those things. Okay. Okay. Yeah. All right. One bowl with salad
for lunch. That's enough kind of. Like in general, what do people eat when they're like
on their bulk period? Bulk period? Yeah. Unbelievable amount of chicken.
Amazing amount of rice. Okay. Incredible amount of
Yeah. People eat cabbage. Cabbage. Cabbages. Yeah. Cabbages or like potatoes.
Yeah. Potatoes, you know, contains shokumotsuin too. So you have to... If you take proteins this
much, sometimes it's difficult to digest. Okay. And then keep your... Gut healthy. Yeah. Yeah.
So you have to eat shokumotsuin a lot and then keep your chonai kankyo clean.
Yeah. But it's not something special that they eat like a fuckload of hamburgers or pizzas or
something like that. But it's just usual meals but a big, big amount. Yeah. And that's... Yeah.
The more I hear it, the more like severe the everyday life is.
Yeah. The competitors, you know, the professionals. Yeah. The lives of the
professionals are like... They've completely given their life to their muscles, right? Yeah.
You have to... So one guy, the champion of Japan, he said you have to quit your job.
Because you're going to like office every day. You can't do that. Yeah. You can't do... You can't
eat lunch or oyatsu the timing you want to eat. Yeah. For example, you have kaiji. Yeah. You can't
do that. You have to quit your company and focus on the muscles. Wow. Yeah. How do they earn their
income then? I don't know. I don't know. If they're like really like professionals... You know,
have you seen like Yokokawa-kun? No. No? He's a champion of Japanese tournament. Oh. And he's
kind of now do some activities as a talent. Oh, yes. I know him. He's funny. He's funny. Yeah.
And he's on TV or those things. And then maybe he earns from those things. Yeah. It's like the
1% of the 1%. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So I mean, I honestly have no idea. Yeah. Maybe the teachers
kind of, you know, instructors maybe. I see. I see. Yeah. Instructors are main ways maybe.
But honestly... It's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy. Yeah. They have their own beauty.
Yeah. Right. Right. Right. But other than that, my health life is... I think it's pretty
pretty good. Pretty good. My knees has not been hurting for a long time. Really? Yeah. Because
of that... No idea. Medicine. That's a different... That's for Jikan Kaihou Show. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I have a lot of shit going on. Right. But yeah, the knees haven't been hurting. Good. Good.
You do some sports or... No. Not really. But I want to though. I want to get back to doing sports,
see if that would hurt my knee or not. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Because I'm just living
everyday life. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's try... Let's try the soccer thing, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Well, yeah. I hope your knee is fine. Yeah. Getting better. Yeah. Two years. Two years too.
Yeah. Yeah. But you look healthy. Yeah. I kind of am. You do. You do. Yeah. Yeah.
So it's good. Good. All right. Thanks for sitting guys. Thank you. Bye-bye.

