1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 「I'm thinking about you.」..
2024-12-02 07:43

「I'm thinking about you.」って言われました。脈ありですか?



「I'm thinking about you.」という言葉は、明確な思いを表し、好意を持っていることを示すシグナルとされています。相手が「I'm thinking of you」と言った場合の返答方法や、それが気持ちのサインであるかについて考察されています。また、この表現が相手に対する感情を示すものであるかについて議論が展開されています。さらに、「I'm thinking about you.」がロマンチックな意味を持つことも考察されています。

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Is that time of month again? Every month, we're doing what we're doing on the Kevin's English
Room Podcast Plus on this show. So we're going to be answering English questions we get from our
listeners. Yes. All right. So Yamachan, could you give us a message for the Kevin's English
Room Podcast Plus? In this usual show. In this usual show. Yes. The non-plus version.
So this is from Nakajima-san. Nakajima-san. Thank you.
Thank you.
It was random. Okay.
You missed that one. Yeah. I'm thinking of you. Well, if you say I'm thinking of you,
that's a pretty like clear message of like, I have feelings for you. I like you. Pretty obvious.
Oh, is it? Yeah. Pretty obvious. How would you rate it? At a zero to 10, I would rate it as like,
well, what would be the 10? Like what would be the definition of 10? Like if you like
level of affection or like level of obviousness. Obviousness. Yes. That person is into you.
10. Wow. Obvious. It's so obvious. If you text somebody, I'm thinking about you.
Well, you're definitely, you're definitely liking her. 100%. Like there isn't any other
ways of interpreting it. Really? Yeah.
I'm thinking of you. Yeah. I'm thinking of tomorrow's test.
Well, then you would say, I'm thinking about tomorrow's test, right? It's a you, but I'm
thinking about you. So it would not be anything. It will not be tomorrow's test. Yeah. But I'm
just thinking of you. I'm just thinking, is that that obvious? That obvious. That can,
you can never be tomorrow's test. It will never be a tomorrow's test. It's just, it's you.
Wow. Yeah. So if somebody sends you a message, I'm thinking of you,
what should you reply to that message? Like how, what would be the reply?
It really does depend on the relationship at that stage. Like how deep you guys are,
like what tone you guys use to have conversations. But just go casual. Just be casual. Just don't
too much. But y'all weren't in a relationship, right? So it would kind of be a little bit
unnatural to be like, hey, I'm thinking about you too. That would make sense if y'all were
like dating, like if y'all were official. Okay. Then it would make sense to be like,
hey, I'm thinking of you. Hey, I'm thinking about you too. You know? Yeah, right.
Go on. But like, if that was like the sign, like the, his first step, his first action of like,
hey, just disclosing himself to be like, I'm thinking about you. Hey, I think I have feelings
for you. Yeah. Then it could be like, hey, I was actually thinking about you too. That could be
one. I wish we're together right now. Say something like that. If you have the same feeling.
Yeah, of course. Of course. Yeah. So can I do a question? Yes. So there are two phrases. One is,
I'm thinking about you. And the other is, I'm thinking of you. Oh, yeah. Are those two different?
I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking of you. Same. Same. Same. Okay. Exactly the same. Yeah.
Okay. So what if, you know, I sometimes think about you. Oh, shit. Does that sound weird?
Yeah, that sounds a little weird. What did you say? I sometimes think about you.
For example, like I think about like the team. Yeah. Think about my friends, my, you know,
my family, my friends. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Sometimes I think about you sometimes. Okay. Okay. Does that
sound strange? It can. It can be strange. Yeah. If you say it in a way that doesn't make it sound
like, oh, you have feelings for me. Okay. It won't. And there's ways of doing it. Okay. Yeah.
But like, if you come out to me out of nowhere, without context, I'm thinking about you. That's
like, feeling, you know, having romantic feelings. Yeah. Wow. Is how you would sound.
But like, thinking about like, I was thinking about, I was thinking about you and how you
were having trouble with your diet. Then you could be like, yeah, then that would not
be a romantic feeling. Yeah. That would just be. I see. I see. So for example, we're talking about
the team, Kevin and Kirishima team. And then, yeah, I, I'm thinking about Kake-chan. Yeah.
That doesn't sound. That doesn't sound romantic. Romantic. Yeah. So yeah. Okay. So I guess that's
a little tricky then. I see. Yeah. But you are a little bit surprised if I say like. Out of nowhere.
Out of nowhere. Like, hey, um, I was thinking about you last night. That sounds like you're
going to continue your sentence to something else. Yeah. So that doesn't sound, that doesn't sound
like it's not unnatural. But like, if you end the sentence with like, hey, I'm thinking about you.
Like romantically. I see. I understand it. Okay.
I see. Right. I mean, if you're, if you guys weren't not in a relationship and the guy's like,
hey, I'm thinking about, that's a pretty like strong push there, I think. Yeah.
Feels like it's so strong that there was, there should have been other signs of,
of, there's other hints of like romantic gestures that she could have understood as well.
Cause it's too obvious. Yeah. For him. Yeah. Cause it's 10. 10. Yeah. Absolutely.
Feels like there's, there could have been something else. Okay. It's kind of weird.
It's true. All right. So you can use it. Right. Yeah. For like. Romantic. Yeah. In a romantic
way. Yeah. I don't know. Like, yes, yes, you can. All right. Thanks for sending guys. Thank you.

