Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
So, yeah, I understand what you said in the last episode.
It's sad.
That the more you go to America, the less you like it?
Yeah, that's a sad story.
Yeah, sad story.
It is.
But I kind of...
I mean, maybe it's not the same, of course.
But, you know, for example, when I was a college student,
I watched many videos of singers singing and performing,
including many professionals, the highest level professional,
but also not the very professional professional,
but great, good video creators, I would say.
And I was really enjoying, you know, watching them, listening to them.
And I was... I had huge respect to them, to those people.
And since then, I, you know, played and have been practicing many years.
And then, you know, a lot of step by step, but improving myself.
And then, let's say, five years later, I watched the same video.
Like, randomly, oh, I watched the same video.
And sometimes I feel it's not good as I thought.
It happens sometimes.
Well, I mean, still, I love them.
And the vibes and energy, it's still shining.
But, you know, and that makes sad sometimes.
Right. It grew inside you.
Because they were shining to me like stars.
The more you got bigger, you got more experienced, right?
Yeah. And sometimes I see them and look back and, ah,
it's actually not somebody like super, like, incredible.
Oh, it's actually this simple, you know, and it's, oh, it's happy at the same time.
A lot of sad at the same time.
So, if I watch the same video that I was watching when I was a college student now,
and if I'm still amazed by that video or that performance, I would be very happy.
Like, oh, yes, he's actually great.
Oh, okay, okay, okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You don't want to let down, sort of, like, yourself.
Yeah, right, right.
The guy I had huge respect when I was, you know, kid, for example, is actually a great thing.
That makes me happy.
So, I think that's the opposite side of that feeling, right?
Yeah, yeah.
You don't want to meet.
Sure, sure.
Yeah, that's true.
Avoid that, you know, sadness.
That's true.
So, in that way, I understand it.
I get it.
You know, in a way, like, I think about, okay, if there was a chance to meet somebody from a K-pop,
I'm actually, right, I'm actually a little bit scared of, like, what if that person off camera
was so mean?
You never know, right?
You never know.
You never know.
It's like, I'm scared.
I'm scared of that as well.
What if this person is a terrible person being...
And what are you scared about it?
For example, what if off cameras, that person was very, like, nasty to the managers and,
like, the staffs around them, like, hey, bring some water.
Oh my god, that would be scary.
That would be, like, that would ruin sort of, like, my enjoyment.
Ruin your enjoyment.
I see.
Well, then next time I hear this person on camera or on songs,
it would remind me that this person is a terrible human being.
I see.
I see.
That's what you don't want to.
I don't want that happening.
I don't want that happening.
I truly don't.
You truly don't.
I don't.
I don't want to.
But it's possible, you know?
It's possible.
Who knows?
Who knows?
They're all human beings, right?
Who knows?
Who knows?
Who knows?
I'd be happy if I see them off camera actually very rude.
Why would you be happy?
I mean, happy wasn't a proper word, but it's not sad at all.
It's like, you know, the inside of the real side of that human being.
So it's like, oh.
Oh, like you got to know more about them?
It feels like, oh, he or she was actually a human, just a human.
And yeah, I get it, man.
Kind of.
It sort of, that sort of like excites you in a way.
Yeah, kind of, I think.
But if that doesn't go too far, if one, you know, off camera start punching people.
Oh, yeah.
I would be, oh.
That's scary.
Of course.
Similar feeling I had with the Hokkaido.
I told you this before, you know, there's people, there's Kaisendon, you know.
Maybe it was growing in my head.
It was getting better and better.
It was idolized in my head, maybe.
Yeah, I get it.
True, true.
So I don't afraid America because I don't know about.
You don't have an expectation, right?
As you.
So that's, I guess, the difference.
I don't, yeah.
But if you love somebody or if you have your idol, your expectations getting bigger and bigger.
It's getting bigger and bigger, right?
Don't want to ruin it.
Yeah, yeah.
Especially if that's like, for example, Messi.
I mean, I don't kind of care if he's rude or so, if he's punching people around him.
It's okay for me.
But if he was terrible football player.
Like off-cameras.
Yeah, he can't control my pass.
Then I would be so sad.
Oh, that's true.
So especially like for you, like idols or like.
It's more focused on the person and the character.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Then I understand you have like afraid of.
Actually knowing the truth, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Because for Messi, I know he's obviously, he's at least this good at football anyway.
So, yeah.
Maybe that's why I don't afraid that much.
Yeah, yeah.
I get it.
I would be very sad if we play football together.
And if I, you know, give a pass to him and he can't control my pass.
I don't want to imagine that.
So awkward.
So awkward.
And he passed the ball like random place.
I don't want to.
That would be awkward.
Oh, I don't want to imagine that.
That would be awkward.
Now I get it.
Oh, and the thing is, I have only lived in Kentucky and Georgia.
So I can't, I feel like I'm not fair to judge the whole America, you know.
I've never lived in California, never lived in New York, never lived in Washington,
something like that.
So I feel like I do have to really experience those places before I actually decide, you know.
I do have that in mind, just letting you know.
True, true.
All right.
Thanks for listening, guys.
Thank you.