1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 空港乗り継ぎ10時間の暇をどう..
2023-06-23 11:11


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Hello guys.
So, this is from...
Is that in English or is that in Japanese?
It's in Japanese.
Hello Kevin-yama-chan.
As always, I'm healed by all of you at Kevin's English.
Speaking of traveling, the American video was very fun.
I was so happy that I was finally able to go on a trip.
When was she talking about traveling? She was like,
I don't see the context in there.
That was so sudden.
You're right.
What happened?
She has like a title.
The title was,
I see.
So, she put a title in her...
I didn't read it.
Sorry, that's my fault.
I see.
And then, pen name,
I see.
My bad.
Speaking of traveling,
the American video was very fun.
I was so happy that I was finally able to go on a trip.
And then, Times Square,
the rent was so high,
supermarkets were so quiet,
Target was called Nijumaru.
I was so happy that I was finally able to go on a trip.
And then, I was able to link the video and my memories.
I was so happy that I was finally able to go on a trip.
I see.
She might have.
Yeah, lived in the United States.
Well, as I was being affected by the American video,
I was thinking about going on a trip.
I was thinking about going on a trip.
But, I was wondering what I should do.
It was an empty hour,
more than 10 hours,
I see.
Depending on the airport,
some places don't have any shops,
and the security around the airport
is not very good.
It seems that you can go out and sightsee,
but I want to go as soon as possible.
Even if I have more than 10 hours,
I feel like I will return to the airport
without enjoying sightseeing.
I'm scared, but I like traveling alone.
After all, I'm only nervous to go alone.
Have you two ever experienced
a flight with such an empty time?
If you have any experience,
how did you spend time?
If you have any advice, I would like to hear it.
If you haven't experienced it yet,
I would like to ask Yama-chan
about the recommended shops in France
and the time for sightseeing.
I would like to use it as a reference.
I have a lot of things I want to ask,
and I'm going to leave it here
because I'm going to be greedy.
I'm looking forward to reading it.
Thank you.
You know, I've never experienced that
and I've never done it.
Have you done it?
No, like 10.
But I remember
I went to Kenya, Africa.
There was like transit
at UAE.
And that was like
not like 10 hours,
but like at least
6 hours.
That's a lot of time.
So we were
like I was with family,
mom, younger brother.
So we
just did a
sightseeing in the airport.
Airport sightseeing? Oh, wow.
You know, the Dubai airport is like
big. Oh, is it big?
You can see some buildings
from the window.
You know, tall.
A skyscraper, right?
Things like that.
But it took us
like just one hour.
I mean, it's just an airport.
How long can it be, right?
So after that, we slept.
Oh, we just slept.
In the airport? In the airport, yes.
But there were many people sleeping
in the airport. I see.
Just, you know,
waiting for the next flight.
Similar situation. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Transit situation.
So we were like kind of
packed. I mean, it wasn't packed,
so we had to stay closer
with some other tourists
and just sleep
for a few hours.
So it's not dangerous to do that?
I mean,
because we were a family
and we were four. Right.
So kind of
But if you're traveling alone,
I don't know.
I'm not sure if you sleep alone.
I'm not sure. Don't recommend it that much.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know those people that go outside
and travel around?
I want to do that. I want to try that
if I have the time. Yeah.
See what it's like.
Just have some local food.
It'd be fun, right? Quick lunch.
Yeah, quick lunch.
Half-day texting. Right, right.
I feel like that's so fun.
Right, right.
It's not just waiting for you,
but you get to have the side fun
for the real fun.
That's so fun.
It's exciting.
But I remember
there were so many people
I guess
that depends on the time.
I remember that was
night time when we arrived
to Dubai.
So there were not many
transport going on.
Midnight. I see. So you can't really go outside.
So I guess there were
many people sleeping.
Waiting for the next morning.
I guess.
There's an article.
17 ways to make the most of your
long layover. Oh, great.
1. Escape the airport
on your own to explore the city.
2. Take an
organized tour of the city.
I don't know what that is.
Book yourself into a
transfer hotel.
Not a bad idea.
4. Try out local
cuisine. Kind of feels
like number one.
5. Indulge in the
comfort food you've been avoiding.
That's a good idea.
Indulging? Like try
something that you've never done.
Like, you know. Right.
This is a time that I have. I have nothing
to do. Maybe it's a good
time to try things that I've
been avoiding in my life.
That's a good idea.
6. Take a shower.
Shit answer.
For 10 hours?
Of course.
Phone a friend.
That's a shit answer as well.
That friend's so meiwaku, you know.
8. Find a meditation
room. Okay.
Not bad.
Set goals for your trip.
That's actually a good idea.
For me, that's a good idea.
I don't plan things that
much. It's a good time
to use.
10. Journal about your experience.
When you haven't done the experience yet.
How the fuck are you gonna journal about what you've never done?
What you're about to do?
Check out the country's
Netflix selection. Okay.
I like that.
Because, you know, if you...
Netflix in Japan
is different from Netflix in the United States.
It's different from the other countries.
It's content that you can only watch when you're in the country.
I see.
It's actually a good idea.
Organize your memories and photos
from the trip. When you haven't done
the trip yet.
That's a weird answer.
I mean...
Escape the airport
on your own
to explore the city?
Back from the trip.
You don't have long...
That's true.
an airport lounge.
Two hours.
Two hours max.
Because we did go to that...
We did use an airport lounge at
LAX, right?
I mean, I was bored in like
I did everything I could there.
Go to town
on samples
and duty free.
Shopping, right?
That's like number one.
Post a mandatory
Instagram photo.
16. People watch.
I like that. I like people watch.
I do that sometimes.
I do that in cafes a lot.
I go to cafe in Tokyo.
eavesdrop on people
next to me.
I love
eavesdropping on couples
that are just dated.
That's my favorite
thing to do at a cafe.
It's still fun.
Have you done that before? You should do it. It's fun.
I sometimes...
Yeah, this is such a
seikaku warui thing to do.
I even put earphones on
to make them feel safe
and talk.
I don't play any music.
I go into the listening mode.
You know how you can change
transparency mode?
I do that and I listen to it full on.
Pretend I'm on a PC
focusing on my shit
when all the attention is right here.
It's a bad thing to do. Don't do it.
It's fun.
Research and plan for your next
potential travel destination.
Not bad.
I mean,
things that we might can
easily think about.
I mean, Netflix one.
Netflix one is good.
That's good. I like that.
Thanks for listening, guys.

