1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. コラボ動画撮影をやってました
2023-02-15 11:00



welcome to Kevin's English room podcast oh so we um it is not the morning nah
it's almost five was five we were filming a collab video for YouTube we
can't say who it was yeah but I think it'll be out soon soon after I guess
beginning much beginning of March right then yeah yeah how was that yeah it was
um like in a good way it was very friendly yeah that person was very
friendly yeah I didn't have that feeling of like oh I have to make sure that
today here I have to make sure that there's no today there and that vibe
wasn't there which was really like a nice thing to have I felt yeah yeah yeah
yeah we were like completely like relaxed yeah and kind of we're kind of
almost like been friends for a long time ago I know yeah quite natural also like
in between the films right like we took two videos but like in between we did a
little like chat yeah yeah how's your like yeah yeah yeah
you're dead alive and right right right and that was very like very casual very
friendly and I felt warmth from that hmm yeah right not like trying to yeah quite
comfortable hmm to talk with hmm and I also what I want what I thought was like
these little junbies mm-hmm like every time you know how there were staffs yeah
yeah five or six staffs like you know taking care yeah yeah and everything yeah
that person was also like you know really doing the things yeah yeah yeah
I needed something like she'll do it yeah like it's she doesn't rely on the
staff yeah yeah right like she even called several local stores right to get
some who's yeah like you needed some ingredients right that we didn't have
but like on the spot we're like okay we need this so where can we get it yeah
okay I'll call this I'll call it like Google map and yeah right I was very
surprised with that wow I love that he's on the go yeah true right so I guess
quite like you know friendly as in person and also have like respect to
everybody around very down to earth yeah very down earth yeah yeah right right
down to earth down to earth you agree with that yeah okay down to earth
wait that means no no I didn't know the expression so oh right agreed oh it
means like that guy no ah you're not down to earth like you're up there okay
like I'm the master of everything everyone does all these things for me
and I'm not gonna move not gonna do anything okay okay you all servants not
like that yeah on earth like huh you're respectful to other people okay you're
understanding and like you're yeah yeah okay down to earth yes right right right
right right right so yeah that was a great experience yeah and it was fun to
me yeah absolutely yeah but I actually wanted to talk with her you know a bit
more because we were kind of rushed into eating some foods right like making some
you know things right so we didn't have enough time to like um talk about some
you know cultures or like daily lives hmm because I'm curious right you know
the lives you to share a lot of yeah there it is right as in like like
country yeah eyes I actually did want to still I do want to talk about some you
know more many things mm-hmm about lots of things right it was a very you know
activity based naku based yeah yeah dog ah yeah it wasn't like like one on three
yeah yeah yeah station yeah like that yeah yeah I get it I get it yeah so yeah
yeah I hope we will have you know another time to you know gather and
absolutely yeah yeah it was a we have to wake up really early today yeah right
nine o'clock 9 a.m. shugol at some yeah a little far that was a bit far yeah
right from our standard yeah yeah it was so so right yeah I woke up and I yeah
yeah so right yeah and it was in a snowy so right you know transports were kind of
unstable mm-hmm so right on our way from that studio here we're both like asleep
yeah we're both getting some power naps yeah right yeah cuz we ate lot we had a
lot yeah so a lot some sweet things yeah yeah sleepy a bit right but yeah so um
yeah we can't say about talk about and video that much so right maybe later
maybe later yeah maybe after March yeah yeah when the videos out already yeah so
so be excited for that yeah yeah there are several more things that I want to
talk about okay all right let's talk about that one's filming and they also
right right let's talk about that one the videos yeah yeah yeah okay talk about
the weather snowing it's snowing I can't believe it yeah like I remember two days
ago I remember feeling like oh it's actually not that it's actually getting
really warm and like yeah it feels great right you was like two or three days ago
exactly yeah all the Sun yeah yeah yeah no ah still cold but it looks beautiful
actually you know when the snow is yeah kind of some order yeah I like I like the
view I do like snow I like the view of the snow-filled yeah city okay Tokyo oh
I like it oh it's beautiful right it's rare yeah it is rare it's quite right
because it's today it's like a nice and some senti mm-hmm it's a - yeah so but
right now it's actually it's raining yeah and the the melt the snow is all
melted yeah gonna be gone yeah bummer sadly I'm bummer for me yeah yeah do you
have many snows in Georgia yeah we got some snow it's colder than Japan like
the cycle is really similar right gets hot yeah during the okuatsu go roku
shichi got to right it's hot you got to catch a guy too it gets really cold right
it's really cold in a chinigatsu and but overall it's a little bit more colder in
Georgia okay okay right so a bit more snow more yeah right bit more snowy I
guess okay okay right hmm so yeah yeah yeah I remember when I was in Georgia I
we would always start the engine the moment we wake up what do you mean start
the engine so that the inside gets warmer like the inside of the car is
warmer I remember we used to do that like we get up in the morning and then
we take like what 30 minutes to prepare right to go outside so we just first
thing we do is we turn the engine on so that the engine and the inside of the
car arms up a little bit inside our garage and then when we go in the car
it's already it's all great like it's comfortable Wow yeah I'm doing that so
if you don't do that yeah it's very cold inside the car yeah right which is
normal in Japan yeah right like it's so normal that freezing cold in the car
yeah right but that's a good good strategy like right right right you turn
on every like a air con or like every every those heater things when you wake
up and then yeah comfortably right I mean we have a central heating all right
so I guess we're just really susceptible to like really cold environment really
uncomfortable environments yeah not used to it yes right so you just wake up and
it's already hot yeah it's perfect temperature okay and then you get in the
car which is already warm enough right then you go some school right Walmart or
every yeah right which I'll wait already like being heated right that's why we're
fucking oh that's how we get you know that's how we get fat yeah we're just
we're just so used to comfortable things huh and just don't walk all right we're
spoiled spoiled people yeah yeah right all righty winter yeah is it ending it's
winter ending sort of right yeah like to me from March it's spring right right so
it's like 10th February yeah it's when they're ending it should be ending right
yeah but yeah all right I miss some bright sunny days
you too you too yeah can't wait till can't wait to go outside yeah sleeves yeah you know you can't wait
yeah all right we have to wait like three or four months for me it's like a month
or two okay like from March or April yeah yeah okay yeah okay thanks for
listening guys thank you bye

