1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Black Fridayはなんではじまっ..
2022-12-06 13:40

Black Fridayはなんではじまった?


Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Hey. Still getting used to the setting here.
Yeah. New couch thing. Yeah. You know.
This arm is still a big problem
for us. You know. It keeps twisting.
See look at that. Look at that. It's not supposed to do that.
Does it? It's not supposed to do that.
Here you go.
Thank you. Good.
Yeah, but it's okay.
But it's okay. Alrighty.
So, okay. So this is from Natsumi-san.
Natsumi-san? Yeah. Natsumi-san.
Kevin-san, Yama-chan, konnichiwa.
Well, thank you. Because we're working with Amazon, right?
Well, thank you for that. There's like an ad on there.
Oh yeah. You sometimes do the...
So you can send us a DM for the podcast, right? Yes.
And there's two types of podcasts that we're doing. We're doing the Kevin's English from Podcasts.
And the usual normal one. Plus. The plus is you can only listen to it on Amazon Music.
Yeah. And sometimes for Amazon Plus
content, you choose the one that's sent for the normal
podcast, right? Yeah. That's why you should check it out.
Yeah. Well, basically what we do in Amazon Plus'
podcast is just answering all the English questions.
Yeah. Or like English... More like English learning.
Yeah. I guess it's a bit more educational, I guess. Yeah.
Me, you describe the meaning of the word. Yeah.
How it's being used. The different nuances and stuff. Right.
So when I find these kind of messages, like English learning, like
"Can you use this word?" or like "Can you explain this word?" Yeah. "How do you pronounce this?"
You know, all those messages. Sometimes I pick those messages for
the podcast Pluses. Yes. And it makes a lot of sense
to do that. Yeah. So that's why... So maybe for
those people who doesn't... You know, who are still thinking that, "Oh, my
message hasn't been read by Yama-chan." Yeah.
"Oh, what is he doing? I hate him."
Maybe I just picked up in the
podcast Pluses. Especially if it's a question that's very like,
"What is this meaning?" Like, "I heard some English speakers
say this. What does this mean?" It's highly likely that
it's in the Plus version of the podcast. Yeah.
So that's why...
Thank you.
Oh, yeah.
Absolutely. That's exactly what they're doing. Yeah.
That's exactly what they're doing.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.
Black Friday.
Coffee? Go ahead.
Yeah. Go ahead. Black Friday.
You know, I actually don't
know the origin of Black Friday and what it does.
Okay. I'm actually still not in the world of Black
Friday. Oh, okay. It's kind of sales, right? Yeah.
It's a... Yeah. Sales. Right now it's Black Friday right now. Oh, it's a Black Friday?
Black Friday week. It's Monday, though.
It's Monday, but like... Black Monday, you mean?
No. That's Cyber Monday, right? If you're talking about Mondays, right?
I don't know Cyber Monday, too, but like... It goes on for
like a week. It's Black Friday. It probably starts
on a Friday, I guess. Oh.
Japan just likes to celebrate everything, right?
Yeah. It's like a whole week of... Yeah. So that it's better for...
I mean, that's better for the, you know... Companies. Business guys.
Yeah. Black
Friday. So if you look at Black Friday in the US,
for example, a lot of the brick and mortar shops, they have
a lot of people coming in their stores, right? For example, like Walmart,
Best Buys. They have huge lines.
Right? Of like, people trying to get that
great deal on their laptop or the monitor or the TVs.
A lot of electronics, right? Okay. Are
on sale during Black Friday. And it's such a
mess. It's so crowded that people get injured.
People... Really? Right. And it became a huge problem.
So a lot of companies are, you know, doing things to like
ease that chaos.
So I just want to know... Yeah.
Black Friday. So Black Friday is...
November 25th.
November 25th. This year. November 25th? November 25th.
That's... Last week? That's last week. Three days ago?
Yeah. So it started from last Friday. Okay. And it's still going. It's going to
continue for a week. So if you go on Amazon right now, Black Friday sales,
it's huge. It's everywhere. I actually bought several stuff.
Okay. I bet you Kake-chan bought something. 100%. He loves
buying. 100%. 100%. Yeah. I bought
Fire Stick TV. Okay. It was 50% off.
50% off, man. That's huge. Yeah, that's huge. Yeah.
And I bought 12 packs of Tohnyu.
Yeah, those things I understand. 12 packs of Tohnyu.
Maybe like that toilet paper. Yeah. That's on sale too.
Tissues. Like the one you... You definitely have to
buy it in some day. Yeah. Exactly.
Black Friday...
The first recorded use of the term Black Friday
was applied not to post Thanksgiving holiday shopping, but to financial
crisis. Specifically the crash of the U.S.
gold market on September 24, 1869.
Two notorious, ruthless Wall Street
Okay. Oh, he's broken.
Oh, we need to reboot him, right?
L, delete. Yeah. Financers...
Financers Jay Gold and Jim Fisk
worked together to buy up as much as they could of the nation's gold,
hoping to drive the price sky high and sell it for
astonishing profit. On that Friday in September,
the conspiracy finally un...
Unrevealed, sending the stock market
into freefall and bankrupting everyone from Wall Street
to farmers. Most commonly
repeated story behind the Thanksgiving shopping-related Black Friday
tradition links to its retailers. As the story
goes, after an entire year of operating at the
loss, quote-unquote, "in the red,"
stores would supposedly earn a profit,
quote-unquote, "went into the black."
I see. On the day after Thanksgiving before... Because
holiday shoppers blew so much money on
discounted merchandise. I see. Yeah, I see that.
I see. So it's "kuroji akaji" black.
Yeah. Right, right. Okay.
So, um, when is Thanksgiving Day?
Thanksgiving... I think it was just
last week. Last week?
Yeah, it was, uh, 24th.
24th. Oh. So the day before Black Friday.
Hmm. Okay. So what do you do
on the day, the Thanksgiving Day? Do you buy things?
Holiday shopping things? You mean after Thanksgiving? Or are you talking about
around that time? Yeah. So
usually, um, yeah, a lot of Christmas presents
are bought during, you know, the Black Friday
season. Okay. Because it's, you know, cheap and everything. Yeah, yeah.
And, um... Okay. So it's like a holiday season to you.
Yeah, true. Right? The holiday season usually starts from Thanksgiving.
Hmm. And, um, right, the 24th we get
together, you know, family time. Okay.
Dinner, family dinner. Maybe go to the shopping?
Right. The day after, you know, the Black Friday starts, right? So... Okay.
Thanksgiving... No, no, no. Shopping. Thanks. Uh, Black Friday
shopping just for yourself or, you know, buy some Christmas presents. Yeah.
It's usually going to last for a week, so you don't have to go on the
25th, but like, yeah, around that week, right?
Get the presents. Okay. Yeah. Hmm.
I understand. Yeah.
Sorry for my mask in it. Are you Doraemon? No.
Is that a Doraemon outfit? No.
Are you trying to be Doraemon? Why?
That's our reason, right?
Because the... I've never seen a jacket that has a pocket.
Oh, really? It's really convenient. Never seen it. You have...
You put things like this in it. That's so Doraemon?
Yeah, you can put everything into this pocket.
So like, if you were in a situation, "Oh, I don't know what time it is."
Yeah. Oh no. If somebody had a watch or something...
So short.
I don't think Doraemon has ever said any gadget that's so short as watch.
True. Should be something like... Something stronger than that.
Yeah, okay. So that's...
Sorry. I forget my... You forgot your...
Oh, God.
Yeah, so that's how
the real Black Friday in the United States.
The reality. Yes.
Okay. Yeah. Do we answer your question?
Yeah. All right. And now we do this in Japan too. Yes, now we do this in Japan too.
Because Japan likes to celebrate everything. Yeah. Well, that's a happy
country, right? You know, I do love the celebration. Yeah, you can intake
every happy thing in the whole wide world.
That's pure optimism. Yeah. And when we celebrate everything, what a happy...
And we don't even know what we're... 90% of people don't even know what we're celebrating,
but we're just happy. That's pure optimism. Yeah. We don't know what is Christmas, but
it's great. It's happy. You eat cakes and give presents.
Oh, great. I feel like many people don't even know it's a religious thing.
Yeah, true.
That's funny. All right. Thanks for sitting, guys. Thank you. Bye.
[ Silence ]

