1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビンはツッコミ派だったのか..
2022-08-28 10:55



Welcome to Kevin's English from Podcast! Hello guys! Alright. Okay. So this one is about the DNAs. DNA? The YouTube 動画? Yeah. Okay. Remember we did the DNA cast? I remember. Cast? Yes, yes. And this is... 初めまして木村と申します。いつもYouTube楽しく学びながら拝見させていただいております。
先日、加計さん、ケビンさん、山さんがDNA検査をされた動画を拝見しました。私はハプログループから性格を診断するDNAマトリックス診断というものを扱っています。扱っています?Yes. I guess she's a...学者さん?You know, those... So she's like a professional at this. Yeah, yeah. Okay.
That's true, right?
Yeah. Is he 探検家タイプ?
Yeah, that's true. But the others, I think...
Yeah, like 身長でリスクヘッジが得意。人助けが好きで他人にアドバイスしたり、ご意見版になるのが得意。
Yeah, that I agree. That's true. If it's... Yeah, 探検家? I don't know. Yeah.
Yeah. Okay, but anyways. ケビンさん。ハプログループD4(D)。
Yeah, I agree. But I don't do tsukkomi though. I don't know how. I kinda agree with this actually. Really? Do I go for tsukkomi?
I do. I mean you do tsukkomi. I don't. Really? Yeah. Like if I do something stupid, you always tsukkomi to me. Really? Yeah.
There's nobody who can tsukkomi in this room. So you kinda... You feel that like it's my role to... That's true. That's how I feel. Right? That's kinda 共通性を重視してツッコム。
That's true. Damn! That's right! That's right then! Yeah, yeah. I feel like you help me always like when I say things and... Yeah, I kinda understand that.
Wow! That's cool! That's really cool.
Like a musician? Like an artist mindset? Creative?
I think that's true, right? I mean...
I love creativity. I love creativity. That's true. But I do care about people.
I think your self-satisfaction is a lot more important than how people feel about what you do.
Yeah, in that way that's true.
I think that's pretty accurate. Or at least we think it's accurate.
See, it's DNA and it's just 傾向。How do you say 傾向 in English?
But yeah, it's not exact. Your individual describes yourself but it's just 傾向。So that's it.
OK. Thank you.
What did you know those?
I didn't know that we had those numbers.
Did we say them in the video? Like the MA7/5?
But I remember we read those numbers.
Which I don't remember.
Me neither.
So now we find that you are a 傾向 guy.
I've always had this feeling of like, I don't know how to 傾向。
I'm so bad at it. Whenever I don't have to, I don't.
It's only when I'm 強調性 or when I'm the only one that can, I push myself into doing it.
I didn't know that.
Actually I've got some certain image of you.
Like this kind of podcast of course.
But also like 生配信 and the night 生配信.
It's you always who save the atmosphere.
Yeah, like you 突っ込み.
I think Kake-chan is 突っ込み.
Don't you think?
He doesn't 突っ込み.
He kinda...
He can kind of reflect everything.
But it's not like 突っ込み.
What's the difference between reflecting and 突っ込み?
He just reflects things and you kinda start new conversation.
It's not like 突っ込み.
Oh, oh.
He also 突っ込み too.
Yeah, I think he does.
Yeah, true.
That's all.
I also think Kake-chan is being pressured into 突っ込み.
Ah, okay.
Because none of us would do it.
I think he's the type that would ボケる along.
I think all three of us would be the type to ボケる all the way.
Okay, okay. True.
It's my image.
Also I found that you always...for example like the FIFA 22 you've recently got.
And you get mad at those tutorials and saying things like in a fun way.
That's kinda 突っ込み though.
Oh, that's true.
I've never done that before.
You always get angry at like "It's a tutorial, why the fuck do you have to clear the...?"
That's 突っ込み.
Drum Shiki Sentakki too.
That's true.
Why I fucking lost? Battle.
That's 突っ込み. That's true.
That's 突っ込み mindset you've got.
You're right.
I do 突っ込み.
When I do that, that's my natural state.
I think that's natural born...
Wow. I never knew that.
So it's not like one of those...
I thought it was kind of different from a typical 突っ込み in Japan but like...
Yeah, yeah.
What do you think?
Yeah, but mindset...
The mindset is the same, right?
Because if I bought those FIFA 22 and tutorials are sucks, I will never say like that.
So it is 突っ込み.
Yeah, yeah.
How would you express that feeling then?
I would be like explain those things and then...
And then I can just run.
I can just run on the real video games.
I can just run.
Oh, so...
It's my conclusion.
I see, I see, I see.
I don't like, you know, to the video games.
Your conclusion will be that you can avoid doing the practices but you can just run.
Yeah, so I can just run, you know.
That's my, you know.
I guess I'm kind of a 僕スタンス.
I don't 突っ込み into it.
I see.
I never knew that.
Wow, what a discovery.
Thanks for listening guys.
Yeah, thank you.

