1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 将来どんなおじさんになりたい?
2022-07-31 11:06



welcome to Gavin's English room podcast right do you do you when you clap mm-hmm
which hand you don't because you're lefty guy I'm a lefty um left hand palm
mm-hmm and my right hand fingers go together oh yeah same as mine yeah I
never do the opposite oh it's always you do the tennis with your left hand
yeah yeah I do test my left hand okay yeah just the short just curious yeah
yeah yeah hmm so all right this one is from
Rochiko-san Rochiko-san thank you Rochiko-san 先日山ちゃんのお誕生日のエピソードで年齢の話をされていましたが
right right right yeah I agree I agree I understand where you come from 女優の桃井香織さんの五六を集めた桃井カルタの中にさ
maybe I don't know maybe but we I'm not sure you are but I do agree
28 is still like 花垂れ小僧 I agree yeah we still got so much to go yeah yeah
So do you have any certain like image?
So one thing that I do want to hedge like not want to be is
lose in touch with the trends
Ah okay oh that's quite like you
Yeah like technology, apps
Yeah oh that's quite like you that's my desire though
I don't know like I don't know if it's possible
by me trying to like I don't know if it's overcomeable just
by trying see I don't know if it's like a well
probably I can yeah but yeah I don't want to lose in touch of like
like what are the young people listening to are the young people
doing during their free time oh that's quite like you
Yeah it really is yeah so I don't want to go out of context
Yeah okay so you want to be some some ojisan like
who knows what is going on in the you know
youth culture yeah or like the trend things know about those different
things and applications yeah different technologies yes
Okay I do oh great yeah you can be yeah yeah some people like then um like
um Elon Musk like those people uh talking about oh no no well
that's like way out of league okay okay I'm just
I don't want to be a person who's like who's stuck
on on facts okay right okay nowadays there are still people that only
use facts right you've dealt with those companies right
company yeah or like who who's still stuck on okay
at the easy
you know what I'm talking about the okay I don't want to be stuck to that I
like I want to be able to use line yeah like I want to be relevant in
society okay okay I don't want to be stuck using um
a cassette player yeah like I want to be able to use Spotify or like Amazon Music
or or Netflix or the current like
method of of doing many things you know like I want to
I want to be relevant okay so that's your desire
yes okay yes oh that's quite really you yourself thinks yeah it's quite
like you yeah yeah yeah sure but I guess you can do
that right like if I keep my radars on yeah
I feel like it's possible right yeah like if I get my hands on dirty
yeah it's possible yeah yeah and also um the key fact that might be like
try to trust to try to you know be connected with those young people
right because even though it's difficult yeah if you yourself try to you know
catch up all the things but talking to with me every day
it won't change right yeah yeah I agree you know talk to the you know
how do you do that how do you talk to young people like where do you get the
connection I don't know right there
I can't think of any way oh yeah that's true
staying young by talking to these people they're like
what are you gonna do go to Starbucks and talk to people that's just really weird
yeah um see I'm a member of a hip-hop club okay and there are so many
young people ah okay sometimes we gather together right
right right session together so I have some you know
elementary school friend uh-huh uh so that's the occasion that's a really good
connection like a really good like club yeah yeah so maybe uh
yeah but but you are like um you know
creating content by yourself and putting these out
and then young people comment on your right that's contents right through
social media I feel like you can absorb a lot of youth yeah even just
by watching TikTok like you can understand like what's popping
right and youth culture or like even watching the comments
understand how they communicate like what language they use
that's possible yeah that's my current way yeah
staying young oh that's great
yeah oh great but I would never want to say
things like oh TikTok oh that's just for like young high schoolers to dance right
that's I don't want to say that okay like I want to be able to understand
the value okay okay great yeah yeah but oh you want to be
someone like that yeah okay well that's I can kind of imagine that
you would be like yeah 60 70 and yeah still in the middle of those you
know young culture and yeah yeah trying to you know listen to
k-pop sounds yeah whatever's popping yeah
how are you um me uh yeah
um okay still athletic as in like physically physically yeah
not that professional athlete but right but capable yeah just
yeah um have a beer beer
and uh skinhead maybe oh
like that wow and wear cool you know glasses like round ones yeah round ones
and um like a wooden frame yeah wooden frame
and um the most important would be experienced and have many
knowledge right yeah yeah that's what I want to be
someone ha you know someone who has so many um knowledge
and someone who can say things you know uh like give advice yeah
the real thing and like lead your grandchildren yeah the right way yeah
yeah uh maybe I won't lead them to certain place but
some people some someone who can say you know important word uh that
can be um that leaves yeah hard yeah I say
that's it that's oh that's really an oh so
something that seems like something that you would oh really yeah I can imagine
yeah I wanted to be something like that yeah I guess I would I wouldn't I won't
be people like uh you know still on the trend
guy right because I'm already you're established right yeah it just feels
like you're already like completed right like you've you've you've done
like what you want to do yeah you've reached a point where it's like
yeah right yeah I would be someone like
kind of um yeah in that sense she was right I want to you
know someone who has certain world of yourself right experienced
and professionals you know right those those guys
right I admire I want to look like I want to
look back on this episode yeah or like 40 years from now see how
we do so funny yeah it'll probably be really funny yeah
we'll probably be laughing yeah so true all right
thanks for listening guys thank you bye

