1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 水より無味な液体って存在する..
2022-07-16 10:52



Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
Nice sound effects. Yep. I like that. Thank you tenensoi. Yep, tenensoi applause
Speaking of tenensoi. Mm-hmm
Okay last episode I I told you that I wanted to talk about something yeah, and it's about water, okay
Do you think?
There are people out there. Mm-hmm
loves the taste of water
I'm not talking about loving water. I mean, I love water. Yeah, I
Love you know waking up in the morning. Mm-hmm. That glass of water is good
Yeah, like, you know working out or playing soccer and then chugging that water. It's good
It's amazing, but I feel like that love comes from
me being
hydrated, yeah, you know I'm
Solving my dehydration problem. That's why it feels good. Okay, but like
Will I get the same satisfaction if I drink Aquarius or Bokkari-san? Yes
Because I am also that's also meeting my
Dehydration needs. Yeah, right. Well, so do you think?
There are people out there. Okay, that just loves the taste of water just like how I love the taste of sprite
Mountain Dew, okay, right
What do you think?
Okay, that's a really great I mean that's really great question I love waters, okay, I
See there's not typical strong taste
With water. Yes
It blends in with everything. Yeah, anything. Yeah
so basically this is like a
like zero ground zero
Taste yes me. I understand. So that's why I prefer water
Mountain Dew
Or like those some even like a curious, okay, it's too sugary to me, okay, I'm sorry, right so
So, you know at least there's nothing
Negative taste. Okay. I see. All right, okay
so the the taste of water can be like
Place in a like maybe
Quite high ranking. Mm-hmm
But I don't believe there's one who loves this taste
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm
Because it's do you think water is tasteless?
Tasteless do you think so if you compare to like Mountain Dew right relatively it's tasteless
Well, like do you think it's actually I mean there is taste
So it's not like completely zero taste drink, okay, okay, it's less taste. Uh-huh
Do you think there are any like do you think a tasteless liquid exists Wow in the world
It's liquid we can't taste
Hmm if you purify a water, yeah like
To its fullest you think it's it becomes tasteless because because I feel like the taste comes from if it's a sweet
Oh see like it becomes it's from all the bacteria isn't sure right now like those magnesiums and yeah those
Corbett's taste right? Yes, if you purify all that
So do you do you do you finalize with Wow? Are you left with this?
Zero taste. Yeah tasting water
And if you drink it, will you not taste anything from it? Wow, is that possible? I don't know
You're you're the professional
That's really good question, yeah, hey, what about your
See, it's maybe this might gonna be really dirty, you know a topic but what about your
Diabetes, ah, do you feel the taste?
That's a good question, yeah, I don't I
Don't feel my me to me either. I don't feel any me neither me either me neither me neither
Yeah, I don't feel any tape that typical taste
But I'm sure if I drink yours
I know this is awkward. But if I'm
completely sure that if I drink yours, I
Obviously I would feel the taste
When I agree yeah, but I
Feel like
Have you ever yeah spat out?
Because I've done it before I've done it before I don't remember why but I I
think I
It's either I was bored
Or I accidentally
Spat out. Yeah, right and then I wanted to it was so good. I don't want to put it back in my mouth
It was I think it was either those two okay, and I I think I remember tasting something Wow
Why is that I don't know I I don't know I have no idea
But true but
Inside my mouth. Mm-hmm. I don't feel anything, right? Or I'm just so used to my dyke e flavor
Yeah that my brain doesn't recognize it anymore. Sure
That's that's possible. Yeah, that's possible. Yeah
Yeah, but I don't think there
Would be someone that loves this this taste yeah taste
You're confident I can't be so confident why because it's I don't know there could be
Right. I mean, oh, yeah
Loves the taste of that I still best water. Yeah. Mm-hmm
Like you know how different brands mm-hmm
Someone's who's really sensitive can taste the difference in water, right? Yeah, I can understand that Evian. Yeah versus
You can only think of one what are some other ones of all week right? Yeah, what do we go?
Contrax yeah, and I see this one right people out there they can sense the difference, right?
but do you think that there's a more that that's because what you said because of the yeah,
magnesium and the yeah, yeah, right so if you take out
Cold water. Yeah, do you think it's possible taking out everything in it? Like yeah, everything but the h2o
If it's possible when I drink that me to you how it tastes like
But I guess it's technically
Can be because you
You just get like pure
And you just take just get pure like exactly is and and you're right and you you do some experiment and shit
That's what we got to do. Yeah, we gotta get hydrogen oxygen. Yeah, and I am it together
Yeah, this is pretty in their mouth. Yeah
That's the that's the most purest form of water. Yeah. Yeah. Oh shit. Oh
Now I'm really curious how it would feel in my mouth
true Wow
Do you love water by the way
I mean I
Yeah, I love you love water because it's healthy
Because it has no strong taste, okay
Wow, yeah, if you talk about healthy
Things maybe you should take like some kind of teas. That's true. Like some kind of Oji do yeah those
Sure, that's true. One thing I love about what I they don't have any
You know, you've really hate flavors, don't you?
Like is do you think like like a tea like an Earl Grey tea? Is that too strong for you as in flavor?
No, oh, that's not strong. Oh, I took a sugar. Yeah, like mainly sugar. Okay
Yeah, okay, I see yeah, all right
Yeah, yeah
The frappes. Yeah
You never drink those you never drink frappuccinos of
shakes nah
Sodas well, sometimes you do. Yeah, so does yeah, but if it's too sweet, I haven't prefer like
Just soda water, you know, wow
My mystery is unsolved it's not solved but
Let's wait some you know professionals, right? Right or if anybody out there
Is confident that they love the taste of water. I want to hear the reasons why true. Yes. Yes
Thanks for listening guys, bye bye!

