1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃん’s Cafe: 食後のコー..
2020-11-15 12:50

山ちゃん’s Cafe: 食後のコーヒー編

Welcome to Kevin's English Room podcast.
So we just ate Yamachan's originally made.
What was the dish's name?
Again, it was a bongolero.
Bongo, yes.
That was delicious.
Now it's coffee time.
You want a chocolate maybe?
Yes, I do.
Sorry, but I don't have any chocolate.
Fuck no.
No chocolate in your room?
I have maybe a senbei, little senbei.
Ah, I want chocolate.
I don't have any sugar.
I actually don't have sugar, sir.
Sorry, I didn't even notice about it.
I don't have sugar.
Wow, you really hate sugar.
Like, I don't hate them, but I don't need them.
You don't need them, right?
Where is all your condiments?
It's here.
Ah, you don't have as much.
You don't have like a katakuriko or anything like that?
I have katakuriko here.
Oh, it's in here. Got it, got it.
But I don't have mirin.
Oh, you don't have mirin?
I can make you a soup.
Alright, so I still have this.
Starbucks coffees?
This beans here.
So let's go with...
What do you feel like drinking today?
Like, breakfast brand.
Breakfast brand, okay.
Oh, breakfast brand.
As you said, you prefer that deep one.
I do prefer the deeper ones.
Can I go with this?
Italian rose?
Oh, it really smells good inside.
Oh, you have your little azuki, shio azuki amachan.
Oh, I'll give it to you.
Can I have this?
Yeah, I feel like sugar right now.
Thank you.
Is that enough for you?
Of course not.
But at least you're happy.
Yeah, yeah.
Happy that a lot of sugar.
But like I said in the last episode, I am trying to reduce the sugar amount.
Yeah, by your age then.
I couldn't help it.
I thought you love to freeze your beans.
Yeah, yeah, I do.
In the fridge.
Oh, you have beans in here?
Oh, shit.
The beans I had bought before I came to Starbucks.
Got it, got it.
As you said, I didn't freeze these beans from Starbucks.
Yeah, right, Starbucks told me that they shouldn't.
We shouldn't freeze our...
This is Starbucks beans, then I didn't freeze them.
Oh, yeah.
How long has it been?
Like two weeks?
Out of shelf life.
Throw this away, guys.
Throw this away.
Out of shelf life.
Not a fresh bean, man.
Oh, wait, one week maybe?
One week, right.
Because you bought last week?
No, that's good.
Is that right?
You're safe.
All right, then it's today, you have to drink them all today.
Okay, today, okay.
Oh, the smell.
How's that?
Oh, it really reminds me of when I worked at Starbucks, right?
It's the smell when I entered in the store.
Thank you for your hard work.
And you smell that.
Yeah, I smell this.
I wore this black pants.
This one, exactly.
And my white polo shirt.
Yeah, I know that.
It's got coffee smell staying on it.
It's already off, but like during the times when I worked there, I can just feel it at home.
You smell your polo shirts.
That's good.
It's got the coffee smell.
Right, right, it does, it does.
For me, it's good.
You have your stick coffees too, right?
How's that, is that different from, do you, is that like?
That was...
How's the taste?
It tastes bad, actually.
Like, I don't...
You don't consume them at all?
This is something I bought for, like, for...
No, when I am outside, like, I don't have any...
No equipment, right?
Got it.
Like, I've been, you know, spending so many times in, like, office, restaurants, you know.
But still, I wanted to have coffee, so...
You'd rather drink the bad tasting stick coffees than have nothing.
What are you looking for?
Yeah, for the little stuff for this wine.
The cork?
No, no, the...
I have a little...
Little stuff for...
No, no, no, no, no.
Use in here?
No, no, no, no, no.
It's not inside here.
I have a little...
Something made of rubber.
Oh, okay.
Like, the stuff you bought at the 100-yen shop.
So that it can be paid for.
Oh, okay, got it, got it.
You know that one.
Pave Parfait.
How do you pronounce this?
Pave Parfait.
Wait, wait, did you say that?
Did you say this?
Say this again.
Pave Parfait.
Say that again.
Pave Parfait.
You don't pronounce the S?
And that sounds like...
Pave Parfait.
How do you pronounce that?
In English it would be like...
That sounds...
That's a French, I think.
Pave Parfait.
Look at this.
Pave Parfait.
Yeah, yeah, that's kind of right.
What is Chardonnay?
I always hear this so many times.
Like, I see them in menus.
I see people talking about Chardonnays.
What is a Chardonnay?
I think it's a kind of grape.
Ah, okay.
There are Sauvignon, Chardonnay...
There are so many types of grapes.
Is your...
What's wrong with your teapot?
It's pissing out a little bit.
Do you drink wine often?
Lately, I have been able to drink wines.
I'm able to enjoy wines lately.
I bought wine because it was my birthday last week.
And I still have them in my fridge.
And I'm...
So like...
Yeah, fridge.
Were you surprised that I had a fridge?
No, no.
I don't know about that.
Was that the reaction you gave me?
Like the fridge, the me having fridge was like, "Surprised me?"
No, I know that you have your own fridge in your house.
But that was...
You putting your wines in a fridge was...
Is that bad?
Is it bad?
I like not...
Oh, it's bad.
You know, it depends on the taste.
Like the difference.
But I prefer not in a fridge, but cold still.
Not half-light like here.
Right, right, right.
I understand.
I'm still an amateur.
So like I can't...
The taste of the wine is a bit too strong for me.
Oh, yeah?
So like I have to drink it in with the coldness with it.
I know I'm not supposed to do that.
I know wines aren't meant to be...
Like you know some people have a shelf.
Yeah, wine shelf, right?
With the temperature controller.
But I'm still a baby so I can't drink.
I'm better off cold.
The wine...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What was your wine?
Do you remember?
Like I think it was like rose.
Yeah, probably.
But that can be...
Like pink one.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Are rose okay refrigerated?
I don't know but...
I don't know.
You know I don't drink much alcohol so I'm not a professional.
Of course.
When I was in France, there was a wedding of my family in France.
And at the wedding party, we went to a castle, like really old French castle in a countryside.
And they served me really, really expensive wine.
Because it was a wedding.
And that was so bad.
Like that tasted so bad to me.
Because it's too strong.
Yeah, I think so.
I was a little baby.
My tongue was a little baby so it was too strong and I couldn't understand at all.
How this was so expensive?
It was so shibui, so mazui.
But every other French people did enjoy that.
Do you drink wine now if you had to?
Yeah, now I do.
Now I do.
So you bought that wine for cooking?
Not for drinking?
But I won't.
Occasionally you do?
Like a glass of wine or something?
I have a wine glass here.
This is something I bought when I was a college student.
Don't worry, I have one too.
How's your candy?
It was an azuki flavor.
Yeah, it was azuki candy.
I needed chocolate actually.
But it's still...
It is, but like it...
I feel different.
The chocolate sugar and the azuki sugar.
Is it different for you?
Do you understand?
I understand the difference, like taste-ally different.
But sweetness is same to me.
A little differently.
How different is that?
More sweet?
I feel Japan inside.
I feel the ancient Japan when I eat an azuki.
The sweetness?
Yeah, the sweetness itself is Japanese-y a little bit.
That's good too.
I sometimes like eating an azuki bar.
You know what that is?
The ice cream?
The ice cream?
The very hard ice cream.
I sometimes want that.
But yeah.
Usually I want the chocolate kind.
So it's American sweetness.
Thank you!
Like if it was Ghana chocolate, do you feel American sweetness inside?
Yeah, I do.
Oh, you do?
I do.
Okay, we will take a sip on the next episode.
Bye-bye, guys.

