Welcome to Kevin's English Room podcast
Hello, we're back at Amazon Music Studio
Good to be back here
Always smell this
Brand new building smell, you know. Yeah, I wonder when this you know smell will wear off
Yeah, this brand new smell. Yes, because if it's not new anymore, it's gonna be gone, right? Probably. Yeah
Mmm, you got a haircut
Yeah, you look fresh. Thank you. But actually I didn't cut these area. I just cut
You know those I did it by himself, you know, just shaved. Oh, yeah
You got did you get a palmer no
How's the okay? That is so fascinating. I mean, why is that cuz it's raining, you know? Oh, that's what happens
if it's like
your curls are so like like
Although even evenly done. It just it looks exactly like
You got you got a perm. Yeah on your hair. Yeah, if it's like humid like today. Yeah
You know my hair gets
Shrink and
Of course, I put some jell-o. Yeah, so that's one reason of okay if I didn't it will just be
So your hair is still very long, yeah, yeah if you make it straight like this, oh, that's pretty long
It goes down to your nose. Yeah
So I want to cut them all
Mm-hmm, but you know, I haven't
Enough time for okay visiting. Yeah, be your students. Oh, I just did it by myself and I mean, it's that's so much better
I can you see the back sure actually cut a little bit. How is it in it? And I feel really
Uncomfortable. Okay my back hair
Yeah, what you've done. Yeah. All right, so the mistake you made in the middle you went too far. Yeah
Yeah, so right now it just looks like a back
Yes, yeah, yeah, it should be like this but you're just like right now it's like this
That side - yeah, you got to get the horns - yeah get it off
cuz um
As I didn't touch whole my hair. I just you know shaved that you know
That you know, yeah. Yeah
my hair was still kind of too long yeah, and
One day I wake up my hair was like
You like this
And I wanted that tail
Be gone. I just like grabbed that here. Yeah, just
That's what happened. No, okay. Yeah
So that's yeah, it doesn't look that bad though. I really I mean it's not you know
It's really difficult for yours for you for me for you to check the backside
True. I actually did check that enough. Yeah
Did you just like feel it with your hand and you're like, okay, yeah, it's it's get you know
No long so it's okay. I sometimes use my phone
video record it and then just
Put it on that and then stop recording and watch the video
Yeah, that's easy
I have a mirror. Yeah, you know something kill. Oh
You can never never completely look at your back, right? Yeah, right. So yeah, you gotta need a yeah like a phone or something
It's raining it's to you season. I know they oh is it from today? Oh
You know, I haven't checking the the weather channel recently but I thought it was already over
you don't mean didn't we already have like a
to you
Like a heavy, you know rain season just like two weeks ago or something. No, we had like a week worth of rain
Whoa, how did some few days of days but I thought that's about to you
No, it is for like one month long rainy. Oh, so we're gonna
I'm gonna have rainy days and rainy days again
For like one month. So you again? Yeah, it's not again. It's it's finally to you. Oh
Feel like this recording day in Shibuya. We've been running into some rainy days true
Right. I remember I remember, you know walking through heavy rain. Mm-hmm, you know
After this recording. Yeah
Again, yeah
True. Yeah
You know when we started this recording and start using this studio we had a
We had so many sunny bright. Yeah
Really nice day. Yeah
But suddenly changed into yeah
Different side it's all cursed now. Yeah. Yeah, so it's gonna be rainy days
Man whole one month for a month. Yep. It's gonna be like this like this. Come on always rain
Humid do you like the rain? I mean I
Like rain itself. Mm-hmm. I don't hate
Rain. Yeah, but I I don't like to your season. I never liked this season in my
How come because it's too humid. Yeah, my hair gets
Weird as it is it mainly because of your hair. I'm not mainly I feel bad, you know, it's not like
You don't know like energetic. Yeah sharp. I come and I wake up and see the rain and
You know feel a little bit like dark. Yeah kind of
Too relaxed. Uh-huh
Not like motivated. You know sharp. Yeah
Yeah, I kind of get that. Mmm. Yeah
And I feel like seven a cup of coffee and yeah
Reading book all day. Uh-huh. It's not doing anything. Yeah. Yeah, I get that
Do you like rains? No
No, no, I hate rains. Mm-hmm. Yeah for the same reason as always. Yeah, I
Have to use I have to give up one hand, you know for the umbrella
She really hate umbrella. I hate umbrellas. I hate it
Did you discussing you bring the umbrella? Yeah, it's uh
You said at the front gate. Yeah, but
Hate it again
Hated it. I also hate the fact that like when you fold it like it's still kind of wet
Yeah, and like when you have another bag like today I have this
Yeah bag for the mixer here and it touches the bag and it gets it it gets it all wet. I hate it
Hate it. Oh, yeah, I understand that. Yeah
In your socks
Yeah, I know that socks hate that. I hate that. I brought an extra socks
Extra pair of socks
Okay. Oh, that's much cool. It's really important. Yeah
Came here by
With your snake. Ah, yeah. Yeah, I actually don't own any like water resistant shoes
Hmm. Do you do you have any of those? Um, no, you brought yes. Yeah
But the older one, you know me too. This is an old model of mine
I'm thinking about buying a rain like a rain shoes. Yeah. Yeah
Right because there I I saw some like out once I was looking for them and I saw some like cool looking models out there
Yeah, like many of the Gore-Tex. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah shoes. Yeah, you know Gore-Tex is like rain
waterproof waterproof, right
Yes, thinking about getting one of those. Yeah, we good
Have you tried like a like a Gore-Tex shoes? No, no, but I had those rain rain boots
Those rubber looking ones. That's good
When you're a kid like those saying you saying yeah like red one, you know
How is that?
Actually, are you comfortable? It's comfortable if you look at because it's of course waterproof. Yeah, your socks
Will be never get you know, we'll never get wet. Yeah about the same time. It's completely
It's a you know
Like how should I say that? Um
Mipu it's like ah, there's no way of for air. It's not breathing. Yeah, it's not
So it's actually um, really mood a room. Ah
And actually, it's not that comfortable
Yeah, yeah, so for me the best solution is um
Get like flippers
Flip-flops sandals. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's the best way
The most you know comfortable way it's actually kind of true. Yeah. Yeah, and you just fight
Yeah, you just let it air dry. Yeah, you can do yeah
It's true. That's the best way. But do you have the balls to do it at this age?
Yeah, will you I actually do you have the boss you do you've got some balls
No, you didn't yeah like two weeks ago that one the rainy day where what was your like, where did you have to go?
I went to I
Stayed at my friend's house, which was in Tokyo and my shoes was really wet. Yes, so I
So my friend
You know, let me have
The sandals sandals. Yeah, and I came back to my house from Tokyo to my house
So you didn't really have to go to the store or not?
I know just on the train and oh, I mean, I think I have the balls to do that. Okay, okay
Not like going restaurant or yeah things. Do you think you can go shopping in like, Shinjuku or like
like Shibuya or like
These major towns and and flip-flops. Yeah. Oh shit
Let me try that how I feel
If I feel too like embarrassed yeah, no stop that but yeah
No, you don't I I don't think I have most balls to do so. Yeah, yeah, cuz maybe you're too famous now
people look at you and oh, he's
But you know like those
Cheap sandals. No, but like, you know how they've got some of those like I wouldn't call it
Sandals, but like you know how they got like one of those like yeah
like them
Those are some cool sandals. Yeah. Yeah for like outdoor
Camping exactly those like river trekking exactly. Yeah that I think I can outreact
Yeah, sure, right then that's the best, you know solution for like yeah, but I don't know if it's
Like you know how today's not that hot. Yeah, and those sandals are for like really like hot days
But like on a rainy kind of chilly day. I
Don't know. I
Don't know
Can you do it? Um, yeah, because you can find some
Shoe looking sandals. Yeah, that's true. Yeah
You know Kage-chan's got one of those like a letter one
Leather maybe yeah, but like it looks
It looks like like Roman
Roman age like the ancient Rome
Think it's like
Charcoal colored
Flip-flops that he wears barefoot and
It's got like it looks like a cage, you know, it looks like a cage for your feet. It's got these
Oh vertical
Vertical bars, right? Yeah, I can yeah
Does it ring a bell? Yeah. Yeah, that looks kind of
That looks wearable on a rainy day. Yeah, those you know, yeah, not like cheapest, you know
Right that like this shape right one, but the fashion right fashion item
Okay, thanks for listening guys. Thank you