1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 結局ケビンのファッションは..
2022-04-22 10:48



welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast
hello guys
um where did you get that pants?
this I got it H&M
okay yes
okay then this one yeah yeah okay
thank you that's the end of the conversation then
all right what was the uh no the answer you thought it was
Uniqlo uh-huh the other day we talked about my pants I was wearing Uniqlo's pants
and you asked me where did you get the pants and I asked answered Uniqlo and explained some
uh it actually looks similar different but yeah you know color look similar so
I really like these pants and yeah I asked you because it was a like a same drawn
row pants it was a similar one and I was like oh I want that that's why I asked
okay right okay no I thought you just went quickly
I tried to look for it actually was it one of those Kando pants?
that one yeah yeah yeah it's really light thin but looks like classic
the thing is um you know how this feels like like not wooly but like cottony right
whereas like Kando pants is more like it it feels colder on the skin yeah yeah right
it's more like plasticky kind of yeah feel to it and I I tend to not like that
okay I'm okay with it but like it's not as comfortable as like these cotton ones
right so I tend to go with these ones good texture yeah really like yeah true
so right I I kind of hesitated yeah um maybe I'll think about it yeah that's right
yeah so that's it thank you all right
you have any update on your fashion? fashion? I threw away like a third of
what's in my closet the other day wow really yeah I threw it all away why did you do that?
because a lot of my clothes were first because of the um
the dryer it shrunk it shrunk all my clothes that's one and I also had a lot
of clothes that were kind of a little bit old okay so and so yeah I also there
were some that was already small okay like it didn't go through the the
machine the Kanzaki it was already small okay and um yeah okay several years ago
I was able to wear that shirt like when I was working at the cafe okay right I
wear like I was really saving money and my food yeah cost was like really trying
to like get it down yeah like 200 yen yeah a day you bento right yeah and now
I'm not in that situation and I really feel the difference through my clothes
okay like I feel like oh this clothes I was able to wear it like three years ago
but like now it's just kind of like looks really tiny god damn I've gotten fat so
although that I feel like you know when I wear yeah it's gone now yeah now you
have so many you know space oh yes I do I actually have this one mine is like
six racks six okay I don't know if you say racks but like six floors six blocks
yeah and one of them is completely empty yeah and then another one two of them is
like half filled so yes yeah right right that make you feel good it does make me
feel good yeah yeah it feels very organized yeah I feel like I'm going to
control it true yeah sure you're planning to buy some new things um
thinking about it yeah yeah thinking about it yeah but you still have enough
yes yes I do I do okay I do so I don't necessarily have to buy okay new ones
but yeah yeah you know you talked about the new you you know trying to new yes
style oh yes yeah Korean style American style you know those new styles yes but
none of that worked out okay did you try it I tried oh but none of it really
worked out how really yeah why I don't know I just didn't look good on me
really or or me just not choosing the right clothes yeah that's maybe one and
or like you just not you know get used to see you in those kind of style you
know that's a really good point yeah it's just you know you have to get used to
seeing that's you're really I get you yeah like I feel like I you know it's
really difficult to look at yourself like from a third-person perspective
yeah like because you yourself as you've seen that you're used to what you're
used to seeing so yeah I yeah I understand that yeah maybe that could be
it yeah but you did you give up on and you know stepping to the new styles or
just no I'm still open for a new discovery okay yeah so maybe new
suggestions yeah I am open to suggestions okay yes I am okay okay yeah
hmm but you know it will be like spring and summer coming so yes not many
choices you know yeah it's true like in the summer really summer seasons you
just wear shorts and t-shirt and that's all so yeah not much to yeah play around
with yeah yes yeah what do you think about hair removal of the he gay okay
what do you think about that well I personally don't do but it's um good
yeah like like you know every day you shave your your hair yeah that's you know
takes time yeah you know that's one unnecessary thing in your life so if you
don't have to do that that's better right why I think so too yeah yeah but I have
a plan of you know someday having huge mustache like this like this yeah so I
never want to you know Santa Claus remove but yeah like it's it's it's
getting really mental side after every day and like it just it feels like that
will be a an option that makes a lot of sense sure you have more take s con yeah
right well now me I'm starting to thinking start to think about not shave
up more have have you know hairs around yeah will be good option for me but do
you get like some of the hairs that are like just like several like right here
yeah like not fully exactly like for here yeah like if you let it really grow
naturally like it might be a style in itself yeah but like some of the
mustache to get right here like I get like like one two three four five six
under the other thing I'm right here that I like like some weird huh like lost hair
like yeah that doesn't know where to go yeah like a child at a department store
that can find their mother announced your name yeah but recently we had a
like days of not seeing or like not recording recording day yeah so I tried
to make my you know hairs you know grow enough yeah what happened it was
actually good yeah like to me okay but I have to you know grow them much more
yeah I won't have like but you're gonna have to take care of it don't you like
you have to trim it sometimes yeah of course to like you don't want it has to
like be neat and straight and everything right I don't know yeah do I I don't know
either but yeah but maybe you know how in the US there's like hair wax for
oh yeah that's mustaches right so I guess there's but you know yeah but I
mean I'm feel like it looks good on you well yeah yeah someday I will you know
appear in front of this you know camera when all the all the way you get all
dandy yeah yeah I like that yeah Santa Claus yeah all right thanks for
sitting guys

