1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. アメリカに7種類のジャンケ..
2022-03-14 11:40



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
I'm always fucking around with the camera here.
You know, this is good.
All right.
This program is brought to you by Kimi no Koi wo Todoke yo!
We are using an app called Anchor to create and distribute this podcast.
Anchor has all the features you need to create your own podcast.
It's free, you can download it off of Google Play or the App Store.
Check that out if you're interested.
What did you...
I stared directly at you.
At the very end.
Thank you.
That was um...
Because I noticed you looking at me.
Oh yeah.
You know, through the screen here.
Through the iPhone recording.
So yeah.
Just wondering if you wanted to stare back.
Just wanted to reply to your stare.
I um...
It's heading all right.
It's all good.
It's all good.
All good.
All good.
I still haven't finalized how I should like do all the microphones.
The video formats and everything.
So this microphones is for recording the audio.
The one that we have onto us.
The pin mic is just the audio.
And we're using an iPhone to video record it.
And then we have the rodeo fancy ass shotgun microphone-ish kind of thing attached to the
iPhone capturing the voice.
And I don't know how clear this rodeo microphone is compared to this pin microphone.
Or like the usual iPhone's microphone.
I'm excited to compare the differences of the pin microphone and the rodeo.
What if it's completely the same?
I know, right?
The shit pin microphone and the expensive ass right now.
Or like if we capture like this sound, like every sound too clearly, then that will be
like a problem too.
Yeah, that's a demerit itself.
Yeah, like this kind of sound.
But yeah.
All right.
Do you see that screen when you speak, when you record podcasts?
Sometimes I do.
Sometimes you do?
Sometimes I just look to check the angles or just make a scene of some sort.
Make a scene.
Make like a...
Like I can't do those kind of things.
That's what I...
That's cool.
So maybe I don't...
I haven't seen that screen that much.
You don't have to.
So maybe people might think that, "Oh, she never see the screen.
Where is he looking at?"
But it's just recording the audio and cameras is there.
We're not doing it for the camera.
We're doing it for the audio.
It's a podcast show.
So audio is the main format.
So sorry for those who wanted the screen.
I don't see you.
I just see Kevin when we have conversation.
That's good.
That's good.
So Kevin-san, Yamachan-san.
This is from...
Can we go?
Yeah, go ahead.
This is from Kaori-san.
Kevin-san, Yamachan-san.
My name is Kaori Moonlight.
I enjoy watching various contents.
Thank you.
I'm going to read the podcast for the first time.
I love all the contents of Kevin's English Room.
When I started listening to podcasts with high English walls, I only knew about about
20% of the content.
So I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
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I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
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I'm going to read the first part of the book.
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I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.
I'm going to read the first part of the book.

