1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 動画版のpodcast始めるぞー..
2022-03-03 09:06


実際のPodcast動画の公開は、撮影スタジオとして使用させていただいたAmazon Music Studio Tokyoが公開される時になりますので、しばらくお待ちを!!Amazonさん、スタジオを使用させていただきありがとうとざいます!Amazon MusicではKER Podcaset PLUSが聴けますので是非→ https://amzn.to/3rkDkhT

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
This program is brought to you by Kimi no Koyo Todokeo Anchor!
We are using an app called Anchor to create and distribute this podcast.
Anchor has all the features you need to create your own podcast.
It's free and you can download it off of Google Play or on the App Store.
So check it out if you're interested.
Alright, alright, alright!
Hey guys! From this episode, there's gonna be a video format as well!
New things!
New things, this is a new challenge.
We've got the camera rolling right here as we're doing the audio recording as well.
This is gonna be on YouTube.
Right now, planning to make a new YouTube channel that's dedicated only for the podcast.
And this audio right now, this audio is gonna be out on March 4th, or March 3rd.
But at this time, this studio, which is the Amazon Music Studio Tokyo, this is where we're recording.
Look at the studio actually.
Beautiful, right? Beautiful.
This is not currently, at this moment, not public yet.
Okay, so it's not officially open yet.
Amazon, uh, arigataku tsukashii tarai timasu.
Arigatou gozaimasu.
So, I'm just gonna hold this video back, I'm not gonna publish it yet.
I'm gonna publish this video when this studio is published.
Okay, at the same time.
They're saying it's around the end of March.
Somewhere around the end of March.
So hopefully around then, that's when all the videos are gonna bam go out.
At the same time.
It's gonna be like 20 videos at a time.
But hopefully, you know, I'm sure there's a lot of people who saw, who didn't even know that we're doing a podcast and saw this video.
Oh, true.
Yes, right?
So hi to you guys.
If you guys are new here and watching us for the first time on YouTube for the podcast.
We are doing the podcast.
Yeah, there are some people who have never seen you speak in English.
That's true.
That's what I thought.
I'm always speaking Japanese on YouTube.
And you too, as well.
Yeah, true.
I feel more people are surprised with the fact that you speak English this fluently.
Yeah, well I'm just still studying English.
Right, right, right.
Yeah, let me just briefly introduce this podcast.
Because it's maybe brand new for you all.
Yeah, right.
So it's just me who's studying English.
And Kevin.
Born and raised in the United States.
Speak in English.
About nothing.
That is exactly what we're doing.
What we see.
We're basically like monkeys.
We just basically talk about what we see.
We just do whatever is in front of us.
And yeah.
There's no plot at all.
At all.
But however, we are doing kind of like this thing where like we get topics from DMs.
From the listeners.
You're right.
You weren't even...
Prepared for that.
Wait, how much time do we have left?
It's like 10 minutes, guys.
This is like about 10 minutes each.
Like 5 minutes.
5 minutes.
So let's just...
Oh no, I have something I want to talk about.
You know, this is like this.
This is how this happens.
So maybe we just talk like...
Like talk as we talk.
Remember several days ago I talked about like how the Amazon people...
How like one of the workers named Catherine...
Can we name her?
I don't think so.
But we already did.
It's already out there.
That's true.
And like I was wondering every time I'm on a Zoom call with her, right?
I always feel like she's standing up.
I've never felt that.
You've never felt that, right?
But I always have, right?
And I said that on the podcast several days ago.
And you know what happened?
I got a DM from Catherine.
Really? From Catherine herself?
Absolutely. From herself. Catherine.
I'll show you the DM.
Where was it?
Was she mad at?
No, no, no. Not at all.
Wait. Let me just go to the DM.
Why would she be mad, man?
No. Just revealed a secret.
Of standing up.
Hold on.
Right, right, right, right.
Yeah. This is like this.
We just randomly speak and...
Speak about everything.
So we hope that this is gonna be like...
A tiny, tiny help for...
Improving your English.
I hope.
Oh, there you go. There you go.
For privacy, I guess I'm not gonna read Thea texts, right?
Because she sent this to us.
Not for the podcast, right?
But she did say, to answer her question,
"I am standing up when I'm in Zoom calls."
And she sent us a picture of like the setup that she has.
It's made for standing, right?
So she is on her feet.
Wow. I didn't know that.
So I was right.
I was right. She is standing up.
Can I read the text?
Sure, sure. Go ahead.
I love her photo as well.
So cute.
Cute dog.
Yeah, he's a cute dog.
Right. So that was...
You were right, actually.
Yeah, I was right.
You want to try, like,
for the next Zoom meeting we have?
Do you want to stand up and see how the people react?
Yeah, let's try that.
Let's try that.
See how Kake-chan would react to everything, you know?
Maybe the angle?
People would notice the fact.
So why did you...
Sorry, the reason why I thought she was standing up
was because, you know how when you're standing up
your bottom is secure, right?
Your butt should be in a single place.
And if you move,
it pivots off from your butt, right?
So your butt's stable, but your upper hand,
upper side is like wiggly.
That's when you're sitting.
That's when you're sitting.
So that's what I'm used to seeing on Zoom.
But with Catherine,
her whole body was moving,
from the center.
So I kind of knew that, like, okay.
So I don't think she's sitting.
If she was sitting,
she wouldn't move like that.
So that's how I kind of felt it.
That's what you saw on the meeting.
You just focused on her move.
Yeah, her movements were a little bit like
not regular.
Not normal.
So that's what I thought.
So, I can't believe we talked about that
on the very first video podcast.
Like, you know, we literally just introduced ourselves
of like,
"Hey, if you guys are new to this."
And we started off the very first topic with like,
"Okay, so last time we were talking about Catherine,
and like, it was such an inside joke."
And like,
all these guys were like, "What the fuck are they talking about?"
But this is how we're going to do things.
I hope this brings you value.
Thanks for listening, guys.
See you in the next episode.

