1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 変声期の記憶が全くないんた..
2022-03-13 11:15



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
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On the plus section, which you can hear on Amazon Music,
we talked about the Spotify ad on the Amazon exclusive.
Which is kind of really like, contradicting and controversial and very problematic.
So let's give a little bit of love to Amazon Music here on the normal version of the podcast.
A quick reminder to you guys listening, we are doing an exclusive episode
that you can only listen to on Amazon Music.
I'm sure you guys are listening to this on maybe Apple Music or Spotify or the Google Podcast.
But you can also listen to it on Amazon Music.
And on that platform exclusively, we're doing this Kevin's English Room Podcast Plus.
Right now we're doing a one word challenge or NG word challenge.
One word challenge is like, you know how we talk about so many things in this podcast
and we use a lot of English words and I'm sure some of you guys don't know a certain phrase that I said
or a word that Yuri Amachan said.
And on the plus, we explain to you what it means after you guys give us a DM on any request.
And for the NG word challenge, I choose a word, for example, like "clue".
And Yamachan doesn't know what it is.
And I'm going to try to make Yamachan say the word "clue" without doing it naturally.
Like for example, "Hey Yamachan, do you know what our old friend Frank is doing?"
And if you say, "Oh, I have no clue", then I win because I made you say "clue".
So that's kind of the simple game that we do.
Which I love to play.
Which I cannot win for a very long time.
I'm always thinking about new strategies, but this doesn't work.
I guess I'm so easy. My facial expressions are so easily readable.
Like when you're doing that game, if you feel that I am getting closer to that word, you're always like, "Okay."
My eyes bulge out, like, "You're getting closer to me."
And then? And then what?
I couldn't say it.
So it's pretty readable, I guess.
This must be like that word, maybe?
That's fun.
So if you guys would go ahead and listen to the Amazon music version of our podcast, that would be so great for us.
So there you go.
The Plus Content is the only content that people can learn English.
Right. It's actually from a very educational stance.
We're taking it right, right. I understand.
So if you really want to study or want to learn English, then please just send us the Parkers Plus message to us so that we can answer to those questions.
Right, right. Exactly.
What do you want to talk about today?
Got an idea?
Yes, yes, yes.
So this is from I Am Kyeong-chan.
I'm Kyeong-chan-san?
It's been a while since I've...
It's been a while since I've sent a DM.
Okay, thank you.
Hello, I am Kyeong-chan.
Recently, my son, who is in sixth grade, suddenly started talking in a raspy voice.
I think this is the arrival of the reformed period.
I think his voice has also become much lower than before.
Also, he has a very straight-forward response to the questions.
As a parent, I am happy and sad at the same time.
I am in such a complicated situation.
I myself have three sisters and grew up in an environment where there are only women around me.
So I often get confused by the changes in my son's growth.
So I have a question for you two.
What happened to your body and mind during your adolescence?
And did you change your relationship with your parents in the past?
I will continue to do my best to enjoy the broadcast of the podcast, so please take care of your body and do your best.
I support you.
Thank you.
Do you remember your adolescence?
I do.
Let's talk about this reformed period.
Do you know what a "henseki" is?
Yeah, you're a voice changer.
It was when I was junior high.
I guess it was like...
From the end of second year until like high school, first year, was the time of the reformed period.
And yeah.
How was it?
Like, was it embarrassing?
It wasn't at all.
Did you notice?
I noticed.
My junior high school was...
You know, there are like "taikusai" and "bunkusai" and those things at junior high.
But "gassho konkuru" was the biggest event in the school.
Everybody, you know, trained hard.
Every class, you know, do some "gogoren asarendos" and make drama.
You know, those "danshi" kind of, you know, those histories and everything.
And that was, you know, the biggest content, biggest event in junior high.
So we have to, you know, sing.
You know, boys have to sing and have to be like better at singing.
Or like you cannot be like popular guy, you know.
So I remember I couldn't, when I was "henseki" in the middle of "henseki", I couldn't, you know, sing well.
Because I was, my voice was kind of, you know, always kind of cracked.
So that's what I remember.
And yeah.
Like when I was in junior high first year, looking up to "san-nensei",
they all like changed their voices and, you know, sounds really adult to me.
And always I was always, you know, feeling that, oh, cool.
Oh, really?
Sounds adult, sounds man, you know.
That's what I remember.
So is it that at the beginning of the "gassho konkuru", beginning of the practice, like at the very like start,
so it changed over time?
And that your ability to sing whatever position you had, you were incapable of doing so?
Yeah, like when I was junior high first year, I could sing like high notes, like alto, soprano.
Second year, I changed into like alto tenor in between.
And yeah, those things.
And third year, I couldn't sing high notes.
Just always cracking.
So it always cracks.
Yeah, kind of not settled always.
Okay, okay.
Yeah, unstable.
But you were kind of like enjoying it, right?
Because, oh, I finally get to be that manly voice.
Yeah, yeah.
I really wanted to have those deep, like manly voice.
But yeah.
For me, I don't remember any of it.
I don't remember me recognizing that my voice was changing.
Have your voice changed?
Yeah, probably.
Doesn't everybody do so?
No, there are some, you know.
Really? Some people don't change?
Yeah, some guys don't change.
Like they always speak like high.
I don't think my voice sounds like the kind of voice that didn't change.
Don't you think so?
True, true.
It's low enough, right?
So I guess I probably changed.
But you don't remember anything?
I don't remember any of it.
Like I don't remember my parents mentioning that my voice is changing.
Nor do I remember any of my classmates mentioning them.
Or like, yes, I don't remember any of it.
I don't know what happened.
I remember my dad, my father told me that before changing my voice,
it was like the beginning of my Hensei-ki.
He told me that, "Oh, you should record your voice."
And like film it and sing it and film it.
Because you would never be able to sing that like that again.
I see.
So you should record and film that and send it to NHK No Doji Mountain.
I remember that he told me.
Yeah, we didn't know that.
You remember telling me?
All right.
Well, I'm sure your parents noticed.
Yeah, I'll try.
I'll see if my dad remembers any of it.
Well, my dad is listening to this podcast.
Oh, true.
Maybe he'll DM us someday.
Maybe he'll send us a request someday.
Wink, wink.
Yeah, he can send us messages.
Because he has an Instagram account.
Oh, yeah.
I follow him on Instagram.
Oh, really?
Then he can send us messages.
I don't think he's ever posted a photo yet.
I don't remember.
It's only just seeing you.
I don't know.
Because I never post anything for my personal Instagram account as well.
But yeah.
Yeah, he does have an account.
Wink, dad.
Wink, wink.
All right.
Thanks for listening, guys.
Thank you.

