1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 今年やり残したことは?
2021-12-24 11:12



Welcome to Kevin's English Room podcast. Hello
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Sometimes for fun. Yeah, I know it's funny. Yeah for me. It's fun. Yeah for me too
Do you know?
What again in cold jar jar. Yeah, and and have you seen the video? I
mean Kondo called
The three is called Minami kun series. No
You sounded like me. Really? Yeah. Okay. I'll check that out. Yeah
Yeah, I sound like yeah, yeah, it's really like me not me
Okay, so today we got a message but voice message today, all right our favorite I'm gonna
You're gonna play this turn up your volume and you ready? Oh, yeah, let's go
Thank you, oh, thank you, thank you, huh? That's the design always uh
Giving us comments on you. I'm sure you're right
Thank you
Anything any are you not costa cotto? Hmm this year, huh? I mean
Or do you are you planning on doing something we still have like a like three weeks left right two or three weeks left
Yeah this year. I don't know when this is gonna be published
It's January maybe I don't know but
Hmm I
Don't have any dark typical
Like even thing. Yeah, like I go somewhere like or like I I try it
Something new. Mm-hmm, but you know, I always plan
mmm and
Mm-hmm at the you know beginning of the year. Oh, I could also know often I mean
No, no like precise one. Yeah, you know like this number to this this number to
Okay, no to this one like by this month by this month and things like that. Mm-hmm, and there are so many things that I
Haven't been you know done. Oh, though the goals you set last year. I mean this year
This year goals for this year. Yeah. Yeah
Okay. Okay. You haven't accomplished many of them. No, I'd like how many percent have you have you accomplished you think? Oh
Thirty percent, okay
That's the you got a long perhaps you do better. Yeah. So I just have to
Need to you know, push yourself. Yeah finish all those and
Huh within this year how much how many more can you finish you think?
40 or something. Yeah
40 or 50 50 if you work hard, okay
So are they like time-consuming are they like is it more of a soft goals like learn this that or is it more like
Like I want to bring it up to this amount of yeah those like goals
Like numeric goals. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so I need to you know
Just try try
You know seriously, huh?
Uh-huh, but yeah, so those are my yari no koshitakata. Mm-hmm this year
What about you me I would hmm
What did everything I need to
We had a
My family did a the zoom meeting and that was good
Yeah, I communicate with my my family. I
I'm in Tokyo. Yeah living in Tokyo having a great time
Yeah works works doing great
Hmm perfect everything well if there is I I wanted to start my own business Oh
Like ever since I let go of the I gave away that they be shocked and the
The the social media job is the only job I've been doing well plus other
Nothing like major major
Major yeah, I wanted to start one of them those but and been able to get my hands on it. Mm-hmm
So I guess that yeah still building up on the idea itself
So I haven't I don't know what it is, but okay, but you you're thinking about that. Yeah
Yeah, yeah all the time. Yeah, then that's you already started. Yeah
Thank you. Yeah. Yeah
hmm, I
Yes, I guess I'm all good. That's a perfect life. Yeah, great life. That's some good
I met my friends the other day. Oh, yeah, that's nice
That's the one thing I I you miss doing. Yeah, meeting up with friends. Yeah, right like together together
Like around yeah, right
Going like on a trip. Mm-hmm. I haven't been on a trip like for like
Maybe three years. Yeah
Coconut and cook guys well, but I always stay in this room
Yeah, yeah
Hmm yeah, but my only not costa coto's are
those you know my
Goals that I said at the beginning of this year. Mm-hmm. No, that's
That's the main thing
Do you want me to help you man?
Yeah, you get your goals. Yeah, right because I don't have any more goals
publish I
Can I can work on some goals?
Let me finish 10% for you. Yeah, you can bring up to 50 you do 10
Thank you
Is there anything that you you're comfortable sharing or is it all like private I
Mean, I mean there are so many
Like for example
Like oh there one for the subtle no they through on December
I can do this. So that's really detailed. Yeah, very like
Komakai. I
Yeah, I thought it was like a more bigger goal. Like yeah, I said a bigger bigger goal. Uh-huh
Like one motto. Uh-huh. And after that I plan
Really? Oh god. Got it. Got it. So that that December to-do list of like do the who's-after knows it that was written
Yeah on January. Yeah. Oh my god Wow, and there are some things that it's already impossible to me
Like like there are Spotify early noise. It's called it is a playlist. Okay of songs
Uh-huh that they pick, you know those
New come on. Okay, okay musicians
And that's my goal in December. Oh to be on that list. Yeah
But it's kind of already impossible. You need to build up for yeah
you know like a
Certain amount of incomes through music. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It's that's not a sudden thing. Yeah, it's impossible
Yeah, those things, you know, uh-huh
Yeah, right there's so many right oh so many
Isn't it exciting to like
To plan out those things like on January when you're writing
Your goals. Yeah, isn't it exciting? Yeah, I like planning and finishing. Yeah. Yeah, it's fun to me, right
how how frequently do you look back at the
Those the most the goal and like
Like every
Month like when when the month starts I see those goals and okay this month I need to
And instead of like make a plan for the month. Mm-hmm
Which I fail yeah
All right
So it's exciting to do I feel like yeah, yeah cleaning out I imagine myself planning out for the year
I just felt kind of excited. Yeah
Looking for the future and imagine yourself a year from now. Yeah
All right. Thanks for listening guys. Thank you

