1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 彼氏に「ミニスカート履いてほ..
2021-10-28 10:37



ウォーカム2ケヴァンスイングスフルーパーカー アウンアイ
セルフからメッセージフロン 上
ですフロン ハナさんへのさん s カー
ケビンさん山ちゃんこんにちはこんにちはこんにちは 先日ポッドキャストで質問に答えていただきありがとうございましたとても嬉しかったです
調子に乗って2度目の質問なのですが ケビンさん山ちゃんはもし彼女からこういう服装をしてほしいと普段の自分と違う
自分の好みじゃないテイストの服装をリクエストされたらそういう服装をしますか また彼女の服が自分の好みの服装じゃない場合こういうのを着てほしいという風に伝えますか
というのもはいオーケーだをずにアンドと言うか ok ok 彼氏から何度かミニスカートを履いてほしいと言われてスカートは苦手だと伝えて
履かずにいたら誕生日にミニスカートをプレゼントされて 出てきてほしいと言われて困っている友達がいて
ああオースンシーああああああ 言われて困っている友達がいて仲間内で自分なら頑張って彼の好みの服装をするという人ともう別れも考慮してきたくないと断るという人とで意見が分かれ
ました うん
実は私も足を露出するだけのスカートが苦手で昔から好んで履くのはロングスカートや好きにばかりなのに 昔付き合っていた人にしょっちゅう膝丈のスカートを履いてと言われ
いやいや履いていたことがありその時の経験から私は無理して合わせるよりも 校舎の別れも考慮して断るのほうがいいのかなと思います
言ったのを聞いて急にいつの時代の人間なんだと一気に覚めて別れました ok ok 話すんねんきゅーはなさんを出すんあらずインシュースティング1 アーム
i would say yes if my girlfriend was like hey maybe you try these on this table i think would fit you i am very much open trying that it wasn't like so weird right like not if it was something that you find and like the runway show of like gucci you know those like runway shows on gucci where they're like they it's like is that even clothed like yeah like some yeah some weird stuff like okay i didn't say weird
okay i didn't say weird sorry gucci it's fashion i know but for me i don't have the brains to like understand okay so like
but like yeah but i'm basically i'm open for that okay anything like within the standards right within like the the the normal range yeah like you know what i'm talking about something you can find at
uniqlo zana h and m anything anyone that rage i'm open for it but like
do will i uh recommend it to to the other partner yes i will recommend it like hey maybe you might suit this i'm gonna try this on
yeah because i'm oh i would say yes because i'm kind of like less interested in fashion yeah
at the same time don't have the knowledge but i want to be more like fashionable yeah i want to look better so i'm open for the opinion
and i'm i want to provide her with yeah my opinion so i would we would be open to exchanging that you know
preferencing but like for hannah signs yeah i think it's a little bit there's a different factor because it's like
it's the it's the sexuality yeah it's a sexual thing that's a little different you know it's not something
i guess it fits you it's not things like that yeah it's just ladies should wear this yeah it's just
it's a it's a you just it's you're just portraying her it's as a sexual object right it's not
it's a leg yeah you're trying to show the leg there that's just a little yeah um it's not a
clothes it's not about a clothes yeah it's this whole whole thing right right yeah
skirt hide the do this night it's a whole lifestyle exactly everything exactly yeah so if that's
if if hara-san's uncomfortable with that i i don't think yeah if that's a i don't think you should do that
yeah yeah true i agree with you yeah yeah because if if somebody was like hey you should wear
more clothes that would like accentuate your muscles and like having like like tank tops so that
your arms would like show or like you were like crop tops so that my my muscles which i would say no
that's a little uncomfortable like i'm not gonna show my skin and just like because you're the male you
you're the guy so you should go to the gym and yeah up and show your muscle that's that's what was
the word um has uh sex uh i forgot okay yeah yeah that's putting gender in i i forgot what it's called okay
yeah do you have any yeah typical word for that yeah i had a typical word for that but i can't i i'm
not remembering that okay i'm not gonna i can't say it but yeah yeah true so true yeah how about you man
well i agree with you
yeah i would try if she recommends something to me not not only for the clothes but yeah
everything like food foods places furniture beans i mean coffee everything yeah i would i would
see it and try it yeah unless it's too like extreme or yeah i think how about hairstyle
i feel like hairstyle i think for food okay like even if it's a no-no yeah just be like oh that was a no-no
you can have one bite and yeah yeah yeah what a go right hairstyle it's gonna stick with you
okay for a while okay i would hairstyle yeah i would try yeah yeah
about you yeah that's a really difficult question like if it's like
yeah because you've got your own style well yeah like about hairstyle you got your own style huh
no what like your style really what yeah really like me i don't actually care about hair like i don't have
my hair style true you don't have this one hairstyle like preference yeah yeah like i can be like
really shortcut right or like really long like right i don't actually care so true i can
try true yeah you have more freedom to yeah yeah right hmm i don't know
oh you should i think like sports goddy like really fits you and i really love you with
sports goddy style but what's a sports goddy it's like it's like bald kind of semi bald yeah
semi-bald yeah okay it's the longer top uh-huh but side like shade side skin shade okay
like bozu yeah you know that's so that's i don't know i don't know okay i think i would say no
when it comes to hair but like if it if the hairstyle is acceptable on my side okay i would
say yes okay if it's not i would say no okay so that's really really like in the middle of like
it's not completely up to her okay it's not i still have to be comfortable with it yeah it's open
though it's open for recommendation but i don't want to go too far yeah yeah okay i was offered a job
where like a professional hairstylist would like do my hair and see how much i would change
right i can't tell you which magazine or when it's gonna be it's still closed yeah but like
i might i probably will yeah like i from my end i said yes to it so like i'm gonna be in a magazine
just be like the professional stylist is gonna like set my hair yeah and like do all these things
yeah i'm gonna i'm so excited for that okay okay of course yeah because you know how you recommended to
me like you should you should get like a professional stylist to like look at you and be like yeah
you would suit this right this is my chance yeah this is your chance i know i'm really excited for that
i think if it were to happen it's gonna happen within within a month or so i think
so within a month i could be like my style could completely change
depending on the outcome of the kikaku okay okay so there you go okay yeah
looking forward to see your new hairstyle oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah i can look so handsome after that
oh god i am just waiting yeah but hey yeah don't over expect because there's this hair so yeah
i mean this is just just just hands well come on man yeah don't i mean i mean come on man
i want to be excited yeah of course that's nice being the only part of my face that i can change
drastically you know without without applying surgery yeah that's that's yeah of course yeah yeah
thank you for ruining that my excitement thanks for sitting guys

