1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 彼女に「ディズニーで耳..
2021-10-29 10:52



Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
Hello everybody hello everyone so this is the message from Hana-san again mm-hmm
It actually actually happened that
Answered clearly for the question actually okay um there's two questions. Okay? Yeah, the first one was
Can you cut a call if you saw she did because I said I said I said look at the two
The second one was kind of a good no cook at you in the economy no focus on a body
Who you know keep a sheet of time aska right so the first question we were both like yes, right?
Mean if it wasn't extremely like weird and also if she thinks for me
Uh-huh like if if I mean this
Huge difference between it's it's her own sexual
Put those clothes on me right or
If she thinks for me, and she thinks that it's it's for me looking better
Yeah, I guess that I see the huge difference. I see if she thinks for me. Yeah, I'm open and I would definitely try
But if her own sexual
preference I
would say
Only in the certain typical moment I would say yes, maybe
Because we're in the relationship yeah, yeah, yeah only for like occasionally
Yeah, the occasional yeah, I mean of that right I would say yes
but uh like
Daily life no mm-hmm. Yeah, okay. I understand that I agree
So the second the question okay, kanjo no fukuso ga jibun no konomi no fukuso janai by koinoki hoshi to tsutaemasuka
Yeah, I would oh
I would what very but very carefully though what?
You know what you gotta do yeah, how do you say it just be like I don't like it
Well that is no never gonna go towards right you're gonna get in the fight will be like the war yeah, I know
You just gotta do it really carefully. No, how do you say okay? Okay? Let's say you're the go
Okay, you're not wearing something like
like we would I would like go to like a
Like a like a girl clothing store. Okay, okay, okay, Chen Ambers, whatever so I think it's suit this
Me yeah, I think you should do this. What do you think and no that's not my style really? Oh, okay? Okay? Yeah, sure
We are go to the next section like a different like a different like it because there's several style
Yeah, of course of course right okay. I think it's to this one. How about that?
Yeah, it's not that do you mean you don't like my clothes no I like your clothes
There is no no to that question, I don't think
Just think it hurts to to reject one's personal preference on
By the way, what is your favorite style that's a really hard question, okay
because I think it depends on the person might be if the
huinki and they
Depends on the huinki right like that kakui style Kali style like casual style
But I guess in general I kind of like prefer like the the clean
A little bit on the a casual business office style like your business office style
Yeah, I don't want like the like that like the business business II know I I kind of like the um the clean cuts
Okay, I've club like maybe okay. Okay a little bit like a little bit silky ish not so keep on like a little bit like
Yeah, exactly there you go today, okay, okay?
Okay, I like those simple maybe should yeah
My jacket it doesn't have to be that like a jacket but like yeah on the more like Kirei
Yeah, but all style is yeah accepted
Yeah, true
Okay, so that was the
Question from Hannah son. Mm-hmm. Yeah
And I don't think you've answered your apartment. Yeah
because um
Kind of good you know, kind of because I know about yeah, yeah, I would I would do the girlfriend for you
Okay, well, I mean you just handle me
Okay, well before that do you would you say something or would you not I
Well, well, yeah, maybe not but okay
Maybe not
Maybe not because I don't have
my typical
Favorite style. Oh, okay. So but maybe like this sweater will fits you maybe well thing you're doing
That same strategy as me but not the different style just
Just one one that you like right? Yeah looks cute
I don't know how that's different man
Yeah, maybe some like maybe the Christmas when I when I gift
Something on the Christmas Day. I of course choose
the sweater that I like
Mm-hmm that I think
Will be fits her. Mm-hmm
That that's what I do
Not like oh you look you look too girly today. You should wear like a casual pants and
Think like sweat things today. Yeah
No, I'm not saying like this. Mm-hmm
Yeah, you just
Casually gift her. Yeah with the clothes that you like and also she might like it
The middle point
Yeah, you know, okay, so I guess I won't
Like if it's a present I would go like first in because I wanted to be well
Okay by her
So that's a present so I want to present something she will be happy. Oh, yeah, and I like
Mm-hmm. Yeah
But what if it doesn't match?
What do you mean? Oh
So if she doesn't like what you like, okay
You'd respect her. Okay. Well, yeah. Yeah, well like if that I mean I
Won't be her boyfriend, I guess yeah, see that's it. That's a thing. Yeah, that would hurt happen first
Yeah, if you if like you'd get to know her look you like go on
Dinners before several times right before you actually like decide to go out with her. Like it's someone who's like
That yeah, like two different. Yeah
We won't be in that relationship. So yeah, actually doesn't that happen to me?
And do you in reality, right? Yeah. Yeah
True. I think it's true. Yeah
But you know
Occasionally occasionally, yeah, I in specific time and
Moment. Mm-hmm. Well, I would maybe say something. Mm-hmm
like like when you go to the Disneyland, yeah with girlfriend, you know like with
Friends maybe mm-hmm. Like what about some people ask you wear some
Mickey no Mimi. Oh
This typical t-shirt. Okay, this typical wear like, you know those
It's maybe kind of the same thing yeah, I don't know
Never done it
Okay, so the real answer would be I only go with the people who I can say no to for that
Okay. Okay. But that's the real it is. That's the real answer. But like
Will I have enough
Courage to reject a
The Mimi, yeah, so you first you don't wear Mimi I don't okay. Yeah, really what you don't do you well I
Mean, I don't want to wear that
Okay, if they won't if she want me to wear that to enjoy that Disneyland. Yeah, then well, yeah
I would that's cute man. Let's try where that we well, I mean I can I would fit anything basically
So I would be so I didn't I didn't know where we're going to go into this
World, I'll be so cute. So in any way, so I'm open to anything
Thanks for listening guys
Bye bye.

