1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 自分の部屋で酸欠になる
2021-09-12 10:03


You're gonna die because you in your room.

welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English Room Podcast
good morning good morning
sunny bright another day right today's a really sunny day you know yesterday and
like the day before was all like raining but like yes 0% rain yes and it's blue
skies and summer's back yes summer's back I'm so happy it's actually a little
hot though but what yeah yeah still but I prefer these weather like this mm-hmm
are you a summer guy I more than a winter time yeah I think like summer
better yeah yeah I can see that yeah yeah I wanted to ask you okay there's
this huge machine in your room that I've never seen probably like a cut in some
sort of like electronics yeah what is that it's like it's like up to my knees
I feel I think a little higher than my knees yeah it's like a tube huge - yeah
it's a pentagon style yes Pentagon tube yeah it's got wheels on the base and
yes to me it looks like a humidifier humidifier yeah what what is it it's a
air cleaner air cleaner I've been searching for the air cleaner for like
years I have a coffee show allergic yeah so I need some air cleaner oh okay but I
need the you know the best one you know and I finally found the one and I and I
bought this is that uh-huh it's actually a little I mean way too big way too big
oh yeah anyway yeah that's pretty big yeah what's a what's so good about it
like what I feel that is good the filters good yeah so he can he can clean
all these cocoon like PM need a go things yeah and like almost everything
yeah as a as a several kinds of filter actually I like it's hip-hop something
or like specifics you know those filters and that feel that is the best quality
filter wow so the cleaning power is quite high mm-hmm and also design yeah
designs pretty like neat it's important it's pretty like unique and unique like
it's got a clean design huh it's like very simple yeah and yeah it looks cool
hmm is that coming from a national brand no it's from Electrolux oh yeah famous
yeah for famous for the vacuum cleaner yeah yeah yeah and also it's got a like
wavy you know circle head okay that yeah I see that yeah so that he can make some
you know circulation air circulate ah okay so that you like clean air will be
like circulated in the room okay and that's the good thing mm-hmm
how's uh how do you feel I don't feel anything okay nothing nothing no
different than any other days I feel like um well I don't know the truth but to
me it works oh god oh god it's it's you know I've been staying like working in
my room you know so someday I spent whole day sitting here in my room right
so when the day is over I feel sometimes I feel like like I is not clean
it's like it's not smelly but um it's it's kind of you know not cleaning yeah
but after using that guy yeah I guess it feel better it feels better yeah well to
me yeah well I mean if you're feeling better then that's all it matters right
true if the room is actually clear yeah if you're feeling well then that's that's
that's why you want to fix yeah your room is born right mm-hmm like don't you get
like D high D ox this is oxygen like like get low yeah actually yes yeah
like I'm gets yeah yeah so I recall this the fan like it's a content yeah so I
need to use this country and or open the window sometimes uh-huh otherwise you
know I even die spent all oxygen yeah you're gonna die in here man yeah yeah
because it's completely like you know closed yeah really so I need to do it
hmm hello when you're sleeping what do you do do you just turn off the the fan
and so like yeah I turn off the fan and close the window so when you wake up do
you feel a little sunken or something no no hmm yeah but if I mean with my friend
friends in this room like three or four and sometimes we sing we play something
uh-huh and it's kind of hard to breathe in here
and it's getting kind of low and I feel that yeah yeah let's just open the
window and that's a downside of yeah the oxygen yeah just runs out it's bad yeah
we need to open the window sometimes mm-hmm yeah anything else you bought recently
yeah other land down over there oh my god that's a fancy lantern yeah what is
that here it's connected to an electricity it's a yeah it's a is
electricity driven yeah but it can also without being connected I guess yeah oh
my god I got amazing yeah look at this it's not right yeah it doesn't work but
so it needs electricity yeah basically yeah basically yeah what do you think
you turn that on at night at night just chill yeah it's kind of like a chill
living I like read some books oh yeah yeah yeah right you're pretty like yeah
it's actually like too bright if he put all his energy well it's sunny day so it
doesn't yeah but if it's dark in here yeah you're really bright mm-hmm wow
fancy huh well thank you but it's it's I guess it's way cheaper than you thinking
let me guess yeah well without that information he said that it's way cheaper
I would have guessed like it probably in like the nanosei and hasse yeah maybe
even each my ends on what do you yeah what what what's the price I wouldn't
say that because
so I went a lot higher than yeah okay oh shit it's actually like really like
cheap okay yeah you're not gonna tell me I kinda want to know now you're assuming
that is like cost like over each mine that's okay thank you
of course you wouldn't leave it like that but you know okay if I if I if I
get I'm gonna guess a price and if it's within within a 500 yen zone like plus
minus hydrogen mm-hmm could you tell me I'm correct okay okay sure how many how
many tries do I get um two tries two tries yeah okay okay
me saying yeah so it's from one 1500 to 2500 yeah yeah okay got it that's all I
need it out yeah sure but it looks great now it looks really expensive the
authentic one yeah it looks like it comes from a very like like like a
shoddy brand yeah and like the highest model and stuff like that yeah the the
blackness of the the base yeah really like like madness yeah it's really nice
yeah yeah oh good goodbye yeah goodbye good good purchase yeah all right let's
have that okay thanks for listening guys thank you bye bye

