1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 別の国の人と話すと性格が変..
2021-08-04 11:55



Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Do American people do those?
Uh, "Ipponjime"?
They do not do that.
Do you have any of those typical...
I don't know, whatever.
Like, if it's like a football team, they may have like these little like...
I don't know what you call them, but like...
Like, "Hoo! Dun dun dun!"
I don't know what you call those, but they may have them.
But, um...
I think that's it.
But not like a nationally known...
We don't have those.
I've got a message to my Instagram.
Your Instagram.
You know, we've talked about...
You opening up your...
Yeah, yeah.
So that's where I...
Even though you have not said...
Published it out anywhere?
Magically contacted you?
I can...
I can deal with that.
I can deal with that.
Hello, Mr. Yama-chan and Mr. Kevin.
I'm always looking forward to your questions.
Thank you.
My name is Nimuya.
Mr. Nimuya.
I'd like to ask you about the issue of nationality.
I work in contrast to New Zealand and England.
Both are male.
New Zealanders are very cheerful.
They're like, "Take it easy!"
I'm also doing things in a good way.
On the other hand, people from England are interested in politics and social issues.
They talk to me until they're satisfied with even the smallest things.
I think this is a nationality.
I'm doing my job according to each of them.
I'm doing the tension in Japanese on the day.
The colleagues around me think they're being pulled too much by the other person.
Do you change your personality when you talk to Japanese people?
When you were in France, did you get pulled into the French climate?
I'm a little worried because I'm too much in tune with them and I wonder where my true self is.
Just a side note.
I was talking about misunderstandings on the last broadcast, but my misunderstanding was terrible.
I asked a British person, "What does Beckham do these days?"
He said, "Co-owner."
Company owner.
He said that, but I was like, "Oh, he's a cow owner."
"He's a cow owner."
"He must have a huge ranch."
He was corrected by a mistake.
All right.
Do you change your personality when you talk to Japanese people?
Yeah, that happens.
I think what he or she is feeling is very natural.
The way that person talks changes their personality.
They're both you.
They're both you.
You know how when you meet your high school friends versus when you meet your college friends versus when you meet your elementary friends versus when you meet your boss, your personality changes.
You talk in a different tone and different manners.
You feel like you have a different personality, but that's all you.
Just like that.
You talk to someone with a different personality, you kind of adjust to that.
That's human skills.
That's humanness, I feel like.
It's very natural, I feel like.
There's nothing to worry about.
This is all you.
If that comes naturally, then that's you.
For you, it's not about nationality.
It's just people.
It's just human behavior within different groups of people.
I agree with you.
In his case, it's just British people and Australian people.
It's kind of very easy to say those differences.
But it's simply just different people.
Yeah, absolutely.
You probably feel like if there's two Japanese people, one's very rakkan peki, one's very strict with data,
you probably talk in a different tone, just like what you're doing right now.
There's nothing to do with nationality.
It's just a personality thing.
Coping with that person is what's happening right there.
I feel like, "Why am I talking so fast?"
I don't know.
I'm talking very fast right now.
That's true.
In addition, at the same time, it has its own tendency when you speak in English.
For me, it makes me a little bit more open-minded, more honest, more simple.
It can happen at the same time.
That's there too, I feel like. Absolutely, that's there too.
Do you think you change every time when you speak to different people?
Do you think you change?
For me, looking from the outside, you are not someone who changes every time.
Rather, you have always you, your own style.
Of course, you are just using different wording.
Of course, that's what you do.
Basically, you are having always you in your mind and not changes the whole you.
Is that based on looking at me talking to first-time clients?
And my managers, my friends in universities, is that comparing with all those things?
Yes, yes.
I don't know all of your friends or relations, so I don't know everything of course, but at least I can...
The ones that you've looked at, you didn't feel like it changed?
I feel like it changed.
From my shoes, I think it's changing.
Like the way I talk to my circle friends, it's a little different.
My personality do I feel like change when I talk to first-time business partners.
Your personality changes?
I mean, the way you speak and the words that you use are changed.
But like personality or the way you think about whatever the thing is, wouldn't be like that.
So the difference I'm feeling is like when I'm with my circle friends, I think I could be like...
Like I could be mean to my friends, right?
I could do a little mean to the Hayashi or something, right?
Versus like I don't do that. I never do that on the business scene.
That's the difference I'm talking about.
Do you think that would...
Does that answer your question?
I see. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But is that something you...
It's not something that you change, but you open it or not.
That's right.
Yeah, but that's the change, certainly.
So I guess the personality didn't change?
I think so. You have your own core.
Yeah, I would say that.
Okay. That's what I...
Like me, I change.
I change every time.
The whole thing.
The whole thing?
Yeah, that's what I think.
That's what you think, right?
You never know, right?
Maybe just like what happened right now, and now Sator could look at it and just like, oh, you're always you.
Sometimes I would be like very like easygoing man if you speak to some specific people.
Sometimes I would be very like...
Yeah, strict and trying to be as logical as possible sometimes.
And sometimes I would be like very romantic people, but sometimes I'm very dry.
From looking at it from the outside, I feel like you don't change.
Oh, really?
Yeah, even if you...
When you were doing...
When you were standing in front of everybody in your circle, you know, talking very logically, sometimes being angry and shit.
That versus like you hanging out with your friends or you talking to new clients, all that.
I don't think your personality changed, I don't think.
Then I don't change it.
Well, we never know from the inside actually.
It's just all about how you've been looked.
That's interesting.
How I from you, you yourself perceive it versus the outside perceives you.
It's interesting how the gap is built.
But you know, what I think is when I was on a screen, like in front of the camera recording
like YouTube, that kind of makes me one personality.
Oh, okay.
Like one Yamachan personality.
But then we're doing this part just recording, it's kind of different.
It's not personality then it's...
But anyway, something changes.
So you feel like you right now versus you on YouTube is a little different.
And also me on the different, another like friends will be different.
Me, yeah.
Depends on the whatever, it may be me with my parents, my girlfriend, if I have my kids
You know?
Dad mode.
Yeah, maybe.
I mean, right.
I feel like understandable, very understandable.
But like still that feels like for me the same person.
Maybe that's a gap between who's who's doing.
Yeah, interesting.
All right.
Thanks for listening guys.
Bye bye.

