1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 初任給で何買った?
2021-02-26 15:26


Hold on sista, my gift is coming!

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
We're back again.
Yes, um, you know, sorry that I'm gonna bother you, but before we start, can I say one thing?
Yeah, sure, what's up?
I mean, you get your skin a little...
My skin?
Darker, I mean...
Really? Did my skin get darker?
I mean...
Tanned? Tanned?
Has my skin got tanned?
Like, your face...
Are you serious?
And little neck...
I had...
No, no, no, I did not go outside at all.
I don't know how...
Oh, maybe it was because I went to Minatomirai when I...
When the sun was...
When it was sunny.
Shit, that's crazy.
I mean, you look like...
Do I...
Did I get tanned a little bit?
A little like summer guy.
Holy shit!
I had my cap on, so my face shouldn't be under the sunlight,
so it shouldn't have gotten tanned at all.
I don't know why it's happening like that.
But my arms, I did have short sleeves when I was, you know, in the Yamashita Koen.
I did have short sleeves, so that's definitely possible.
But did my face...
Do you think my face got a little bit darker?
Yeah, a little bit.
Holy shit, how did that happen?
It was only one day.
It was only...
Not a day.
It was like four hours.
Four hours of sunlight, and that's it, man.
That's crazy.
Look like...
Like, for me, it seems like summer has come to me.
Way too early for that.
That's fucking crazy.
That's crazy.
Do I have a face mask on?
Do you think there's a trace of face mask?
I did have my mask on the whole time.
Do I look like I'm only tan on the upper side of the face?
Or just do you see the shadow of my mask?
Actually, no.
That's weird.
Whole thing is dark.
How does that happen?
That's crazy.
It's really funny, your skin.
Yeah, it's weird.
It's really vulnerable, I guess, the sunlight.
It gets dark real quick.
All right.
So, I've got a message from Konatsu-san.
Thank you.
Thank you, Konatsu-san.
It's a cute name, by the way, Konatsu-san.
That is a cute name.
I wonder if that's her real name, Konatsu.
I don't know, but...
Does the name even exist?
Like, for real, does it exist?
Konatsu, have you ever seen a Konatsu-san in real life?
I know one sister.
I mean, one pair of sisters.
Did you say that?
One sister.
What do you mean?
I mean, sisters.
I know sisters.
What are you talking about?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Are you talking about like, singular and a plural person?
Yeah, sisters.
I know...
I mean, I know two girls.
Yeah, they're sisters.
Yes, yes.
I know...
I know...
As sisters?
I know...
Oh, that's like a question.
I know a sister.
I know...
I know a sisters.
I know a sisters.
Right, that's really weird.
I don't think...
I know...
I know one sister.
Okay, I know one sister.
Maybe, maybe.
They are Konatsu-chan and Koharu-chan.
Okay, okay.
Cute, cute.
Cute, cute.
Anyway, sorry.
Next question is about the payday reward.
It's a little late, but I watched the show.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you, yeah.
Thank you, thank you.
The song was so good that I played it over and over again.
Oh, no.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I know that all three of you have social experience in the show.
What was the reward for Kevin and Yama-chan's payday?
Like, not the very first.
What did you buy for your first payday?
Okay, got it.
By the way, I go to the department store on my way home on my payday.
I buy some side dishes and desserts that I don't usually buy.
I buy some expensive cakes.
That's my reward.
I gave my first payday to my parents and a massager.
That's nice.
I hope you can take it up with the theme of the podcast.
I will continue to support you.
Thank you, Konatsu-san.
Thank you.
What was my shonin-kyu?
I forgot.
I don't remember.
Do you remember anything specifically, something that you bought with your shonin-kyu?
Yeah, I went to a restaurant with my family, I mean, with my parents and my grandmother,
who is living with my parents.
I went to a restaurant and I paid for that.
In Chiba?
Yeah, Chiba.
In Chiba, okay.
I'm sure I have a heartwarming story like you guys.
I'm sure.
Of course I probably took my family to dinner, of course.
Of course, yeah.
Bought them some nice things, of course.
I'm sure I have a sweet story that's loving and caring and family loving.
Yeah, but I just don't remember which one.
I just have so many of like...
Honestly, I'm trying to remember.
For real, I'm trying to remember what I did with my shonin-kyu.
Shit, I don't remember.
No, wait, it wasn't my shonin-kyu, actually.
It was several after the shonin-kyu.
I mean, actually, I was living in Kyoto, which is really far from my parents' house.
No, it wasn't my shonin-kyu.
It wasn't that.
It wasn't that timing.
Maybe that was when I turned 20.
I think I was in the same grade from university or something like that.
Because you always forget, right?
You need some buffering time to get it on, get it right.
Still loading.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
For me, I'm still loading, too.
I'm sure I remember what it was.
What I do remember is I wanted to and still want to buy my sister a present for helping me out with shukatsu.
Yeah, she was like a tensaku for my ES, you know, for why you want to enter the company.
Right, she did a lot of the tensaku for me.
She's a real language person.
She's really good at grammar and Japanese and shit like that and English as well.
So she helped me out with a lot of that.
I wanted to buy her a keisodo bath mat.
You know what that is, right?
I'm using one for myself and I'm loving it and I want to buy that for my sister.
And five years has passed.
I still haven't outbought it.
I just didn't have the timing.
What an excuse.
Yeah, just buying a little.
What an excuse.
It's not that really, really expensive one.
I mean, not like a car or a house or something.
Until the next recording of the podcast, I will buy my sister a keisodo bath mat.
I promise.
I will promise, guys.
I said it on the podcast.
I will do it.
I will walk the walk, okay?
Great, great.
Don't do that.
That would be a great gift.
It would be a great gift.
For your sister.
For sure.
Honestly, I don't remember.
I think I bought something for my father.
Oh, yeah.
For sure.
I think, I don't know if that was a shonin-ki or something, but like several months after
the shonin-ki maybe, but like I remember buying like some electronics.
Some sort of electronics.
I don't know.
Maybe like health related electronics.
Maybe a massage machine.
Yeah, maybe a massage machine.
If, dad, if you're listening to this, I'm sorry if I'm corporate.
I'm sorry if you're like, son, you've never bought me anything.
I mean, it's still possible, but I feel like I bought something for my father and I kind
of, I feel like I did.
I do feel like it.
This is honestly like, I honestly do feel like I bought something, but it's still possible
that I did not buy anything.
At least you have your heart.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You have a will.
Exactly, exactly.
You want to give something.
Yes, yes, yes.
But it will be really funny that your father will send you a message, short message that
is saying, sorry, son.
Because I never received anything from you.
Yeah, that will be fun.
That will be funny.
Yeah, that will be funny.
Oh, besides that, do you have any...
Yeah, like luxury or like what do you do like on a regular basis like when you get your
shonin-kyu, right?
I don't...
I mean, I mean, not especially for shonin-kyu, but salary.
Right, every month, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Your salary day.
I don't really get the hype of like, oh, today's the shonin-kyu day.
That never really happens to me.
I understand that a lot of people are like, oh, tomorrow's shonin-kyu day.
I'm going to buy this, this and that.
But like that never really happened for me.
I don't really get excited for that specific day.
I just feel like I'm working every day and like that's the collective...
That day is only the collective, the money that you've worked over the past one month.
But I don't, I just don't, I just don't understand why you get hyped over that specific day.
Like you're, it's, you're going to have to spend that, you need that money to like balance
out for the whole month.
Yeah, right.
Am I being too like realistic here?
What do you, what do you think?
I understand that.
Yeah, I understand that.
But you know, just the fact that you will receive that certain amount of money on that
day kind of excites you a little bit.
Do you do anything on that, on the day you get your shonin-kyu?
Actually, no, no, no, no, but not actually.
Especially because we're not really materialistic.
We don't buy a lot of things.
But maybe little expensive coffee beans or some kind of little things.
Right, right.
Just 100 yen more expensive than usual.
Because I did have a stable job, I did go drink with my friends more often than now,
So I guess, you know, spending time with my friends and drinking out was my luxury.
The average, during my, during when I was working that nine to five, when I drink out
with my colleagues, it's not rare to have like, like 6,000 yen, 7,000 yen, 8,000 yen
kind of nomikai.
You wouldn't wear.
It's just real, just normal nomihoudai nomikai.
And like the main Tokyo area, that's how much it would, that's how much it cost it for
Like if you, especially if you go to like Nijikai or something like that, that's when
it gets like, it's mine, like that shit crazy.
That doesn't happen anymore.
I don't, I don't enjoy nomikai like that anymore.
So that doesn't happen.
But, but that was the reason why I was able to do that, you know, the expensive nomikai
was probably because I had a stable job and had the payment, had payment coming in, salary
coming in every month.
So I guess that was the luxury that I was treating myself with.
That's nice.
That's nice.
Why are you saying "Yeah"?
Well, I mean, it's the, you can, you can get the same, I kind of figured out that you can
get the same fulfillment, enjoyment with like half the price, like, it doesn't really,
I'm not really satisfied with that anymore.
So yeah, I probably won't do it anymore.
Well, you know, in recent days we can do like real meeting nomikai.
You're right.
Hanging out in parties and things.
I do miss, I do miss the actual like face to face nomikai that I do actually miss.
I'm really excited to meet my college friends because we're going to be doing a, I'm planning
on doing a nomikai slash futsusaru.
I know you've already, I've already invited you.
You really love having that kind of party.
I do.
I don't, what I do love is meeting with the already comfortable friends.
Like the friends that I already have trust in.
What I don't like is the party that I don't really know that much people.
Going into the like the kind of like the, like the, the sea level, sea level friends.
I don't, I don't like to gather with that.
With sea level friends, one on one, I love them.
Or like one, like meeting up with like three people or four, like three will be the maximum
if it's like a sea level friend.
But like, okay, sorry, what do you mean sea level?
Yeah, I know it's not good to like level out your friends.
Yeah, but I kind of understand.
But you know what I mean, right?
Yeah, the course of the core will be like the A, and then like the B and then the C.
The, the strength, the, the thickness of the relationship.
So the, with your sea level friends, what do you do?
Like usually like no line messages.
No, no line messages just once.
Like once every like half a year.
Just saying.
Every half a year we'd go out to drink.
So I'd, yeah.
So I don't like to go in a group of like 10 for like the sea level.
But who is that A level friends?
No problem to you?
Like gathering 10 or?
Yeah, no problem.
Not no problem at all.
All right.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward for that.
But even yes, we're gonna have fun.
All right.

