1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 幽霊・お化けは信じる?
2021-02-13 09:47


Welcome to Kevin's English English
That was bad, that was sad
You know we've been doing this for like a year or so
What was that right? Communication huh?
That was bad
We'll do better next time
Alright, what do we got for us?
Alright, this is from Mei-san
Thank you Mei-san
We're going down that list that she sent us right?
Yes, yes actually
Do you believe in ghosts and aliens? What would you do if you met them on the street?
I believe in aliens
I feel like
Yeah, but I don't believe in ghosts
You? How about you?
I personally, because it's scary, I don't want to believe
I don't want to say that they exist
But I know they are
What are you talking about?
Why are you rooting out right now?
What are you doing?
I know they exist
Like, are you...
If you logically think about how big the universe is
Like logically they have to exist is what you're saying?
No I haven't said that
You're saying that right?
You're doing that weird thing that I can't follow
I'm not following you there
Like I want to be with you, like I want to join your little ramp here
But like I'm not following you man
Like how am I supposed to...
No, I'm not making fun of you, I'm just telling the truth
You're just telling the truth?
You've seen them?
How? Where? When? What?
What do you see?
No I can't say that
You can't say that right?
I shouldn't say that
It's prohibited
It's really awkward
I'm really... I feel awkward
Really really awkward
What are you talking about?
No but...
Yeah like, think about Wujuujin
Like logically, like
When you think about the possibility
You know we can't say that there is...
We can't deny it
Because the universe is infinity
Yeah you're right
How about yurei?
You know there are so many people that told me that they met
Are you right?
You believe them?
I don't believe them
Why you don't believe?
Because it's illogical
Unlogical, illogical, I don't know but
Not logical
What do you mean?
Well I don't...
Well I mean, well then is Wujuujin logical?
No but like
I feel like yurei is more like
Made up kinda
Like yurei... like
But there are some people telling you that
I met with yurei
But like is that like really?
I don't believe them
Is my take here
Right I don't wanna...
I don't wanna meet them in reality
Because it will be scary to me
But I know they're existing
Like you know how there's like...
Not all yurei is bad
Like they say right
There's some good yurei
They're protecting you and stuff like that
And I feel like that's
That's kinda like
Well then do god exist?
Kinda like that question
It's a religion kinda
You start getting some religious kinda things
Like that's
It's a little like a...
Spiritual thing
Yeah like a little...
Right, spiritual is the word I think
Not really scientific right?
Like not...
I don't know
I don't know this might...
This might catch fire
I don't know
Yeah yeah right but...
I can understand what you're saying
Like yurei is...
Maybe flying?
I don't know but...
Someone is flying up there
Like it's not scientifically
Like logically
Maybe like...
Maybe the pop culture has...
You know shifted the yurei into such a product
Of like a horrorism
Like horror products right?
Pop culture has turned it into a...
You know an ideal kinda thing for...
Yeah like it's...
What do you call that?
It's um...
Yeah it's...
It's marketed
You know what I'm talking about?
Maybe the yurei...
The term yurei is...
Has such a strong image
On the marketed yurei
So like maybe I don't believe that
But like maybe like if you look back at the origin
Like yurei could be something that's more...
I guess...
I guess logical
In a little bit more logical way
That I would believe
Like if...
Just like how I believe
In aliens
The same...
I would maybe take the same logical path
Into believing that there's a yurei
Maybe like you know if...
Pop culture didn't really...
Contaminate the image of...
You know...
Quote on quote yurei
You know what I'm saying?
But you hate yurei so much don't you?
I don't wanna say I hate yurei
You're scared of yurei
Yeah cause I like them
You like them right?
I like them and I want them to be protected
You don't wanna make enemies with them
Yeah yeah yeah
So I'm saying that I believe...
You know so that we can keep good memories
Right they don't want you like hunting after them
Stuff like that
It's kinda scary right?
Like I...
I mean like I've...
Have you ever seen a horror movie in your life?
I know you hate them
And I hate them too
I would never watch a horror movie
Have you seen them?
Never like I...
When I was a junior high school student
I was in a football club
You know
Like a soccer club?
A soccer club?
I mean...
I had to do it I'm sorry I had to say it
I had to ask
Oh come on
That's not the point
Ok ok go ahead go ahead
Soccer club or football club whatever
And you know the team member made fun of me
And they know
They knew that I don't like horror movie
So they let me
They brought me to the theater
They forced me
Yeah and forced me to watch the...
There was a biohazard
Sounds kinda scary
And I...
I was forced
I was forced to see that movie
And that's the only one movie that I...
The horror movie I saw
Did you actually watch them?
Or were you just like there closing your eyes?
Like sometimes I watched
How was it? How was it?
No I...
Such a bad memory
It was just people
Killed somebody
Like there's like some monsters
Like guns and
Not that fine stuff
Yeah I get it I get it
And I...
Before I entered to the theater room
I bought a little popcorn
Like this
And I was eating that
But after finishing the movie
And you know the light turns on
And my popcorn was around me
So your body was shaking or something
Yeah yeah yeah
That's my memory
A lot of people, a lot of my friends hate horror movies
And like
So like
I feel like
Who really enjoys that movie?
But like
Horror is such a big genre in movie industry
So like
I'm guessing so many people like them
You know?
Just that there's none in our friends
Do you have a friend who likes horror?
Yeah I do
You do?
Do I know that person?
Maybe not
Oh maybe Naruchan maybe?
Really Naruchan?
I think I remember seeing Naruchan
I went to Naruchan's house and we're all like
Our band members
With our band members
We went to Naruchan's house
And didn't we saw, see a horror movie?
Were you not there?
I think you were there
Yeah it was in Naruchan's house
You don't remember then?
Maybe you just deleted it from memory
Maybe it was too scary
Thanks for listening again guys
Bye bye

