2021-02-08 13:01


山ちゃん the サイコパス
welcome to Kevin's English Room podcast
I like how you went there.
thanks yeah it felt good yep okay what do we got um you know we've talked about
the personal favorite actress yeah we did I like Miranda Carly too.
Ah, Miranda Carly.
like as in like as in what like visuals or like or personality of course the visuals
she's beautiful but the personality right right I agree I agree yeah she's
really cheerful yes she is she is happy like bright lively I saw an interview
with not an interview maybe like a talk show kind of with Bruno Mars and
Miranda Kerr I know that yeah yeah I can see through her like she's a good person
yeah yeah yeah I like that cheerful and positive ah
ladies vibes right yeah yeah so this is from May-san again okay thank you so much
always ah "chotto kawatteiru to omowaresou na
shumi ya kodawari ni tsuite" ah that's a great question "kore ga naito nerarenai"
"tomodachi kara hen te iwarete kedo yacchau"
Yama-chan this is your episode. Why? Take it away man. I'm sure you've got a
fuckload of things people say that's weird like like finishing my step
right every time at my left leg yes yes yes yes can you okay can you okay I
know what it is but like for those who don't know what those are it's not a difficult
story but right that's quite simple but I have to finish like when you what is
that stairways down the stairs yeah the down the stairs or up the stairs I have
to finish like I have to step on with my left leg at the final stair stair yeah
that's what I uh that's your kodawari right yeah like it's my destiny so
destiny kodawari is not enough it's like that's destiny right yeah but I don't
think that's a strange one that's a strange one you know that's a that's
definitely strange yeah like I don't know how you don't think that's a
strange one yeah have you ever seen somebody else do that no but it will
then that guy answers the question done right but actually I really never
thought mm-hmm that's that's weird weird wow okay like okay you never actually
compared with anybody like you you keep saying that to me so I finally realized
that it might be a strange thing but you did you also think that people also had
some little kodawari just as much as you do in your life yeah well maybe I do
maybe it's just that I haven't realized it though maybe I didn't have the
opportunity to compare it with another person right maybe so I haven't I haven't
had anybody tell me well I'm sure they have I'd probably forgot them right now
I'm trying to remember them the spot here
wiping your glass is that normal isn't that normal well I right I do it
frequently yeah I every time I before I go on the camera I always wipe my
glasses I want to keep them shiny yeah that's a kodawari and and I'll get John
and Yama-chan makes fun of me when I do that like kind of laughs and then you
while you're wiping your glasses off motherfucker
yeah right right so is there anything else I always sit down when I piss yeah
when I have the option like you know how some of the public toilets don't yeah
they they're made for standing up right when I'm at my house I always sit down
and take this yeah but I heard that there's like increasing number of men
moving bad yeah because I don't want to I don't want to splash my my urine all
over my toilet that's I don't want to do that yeah but right what do you what do
you think about that like I yeah it's like I'm not you're right mm-hmm if you
sit down then no problem yeah yeah yeah so it's a problem yeah right I mean
I don't know like it seems kind of weird it's kind of like awkward maybe a little
bit kind of for a moment to sit down to take a piss like little bit I don't know
why but like feel little if you get used to it you're probably never gonna go
back to standing when you're taking a piss because it is so much easier like
but I have never like had a hard time when I do that standing it splashes all
over does it not no oh okay do you well I yeah I do I do I think I do do you
not know like can you see that I don't I can't see it though I don't okay think I
can I don't remember because the last time I I took a piss while standing is
such a long time ago but but it's like so much safer to sit down I might take
the rest really yeah I take the risk right yeah but I have never like
experience that ice likes you know scratched yeah but if you talk if you're
saying about that little tiny viral so little particles of piss yeah then piss
particles he's got a peepee yeah yeah I can see them so okay you don't you don't
feel like you need to sit down at all yeah no no I mean I I don't understand
that's safer uh-huh and I know I'm having a risk that I yes splashing my
peepee you are yeah to the floor you're right huh all right it's like if you
think about it logically this makes so much sense yeah it looks weird I know it
looks weird on first sight like you doing sitting down yeah like once you're
getting used to a life of like sitting down it's so much better really yeah
what I'm talking about let's listen topics okay the what do you know that
can the shoot coming all right all right what is the head of sugar something
else you got one no I mean I have no what what have you told you I don't
remember but they're stepping with my leg right nothing else no I feel like I
have several of them yeah I touch my eyebrows when I'm thinking oh yeah yeah
like you do like this yeah yeah I touch my eyebrows yeah yeah yeah I got I do
yeah that's a typical I've seen yeah for a human being or just mine right I
always do that ever since I was like a college or maybe before I don't know but
yeah I always do that and I know that and it's not looks like the stupid one
it doesn't look weird right yeah yeah hmm at what point do you this isn't really
not actually related that much but like at what point do you mix your rice and
curry when you're almost that when you're almost done with your I'm gonna
change question a little bit if you if you have a if you do if you cook a rice
rice and then you've got some you put it in like a little top bar like a little
plastic case right and then you refrigerate it okay because you want to
eat it later right yeah and then you buy you you you boil the little pouched
curry okay I know you boil that and then you open it up do you do it you do you
go directly on and the plastic thingy the plastic or do you do you do use your
actual plate the plate of course okay you're a good man you're not a good man
but like you're trying to stay today yeah I got stick up is not big oh okay
it doesn't fit in like if it fits in if it fits in do you are you gonna do you
go directly like if I don't have no time at all and have to rush to eat then uh-huh
maybe I do that you want to you you want to have like the actual separated
rice and the curry kind of right you like that situation huh yeah got it got
it well that makes sense and I yeah I was wondering if you were on my side
yeah just wondering that but you put directly yeah I put it directly in some
moment of signing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly right but uh every morning
old meals you do old meals okay so the way I cook them is put all music to my
heart the plastic case mm-hmm and put my water in and put it into that microwave
what that's how it should be good really yeah so the little oatmeal is dried
oatmeal oh we put it into that that whatever that you know the plastic case
always whatever and put water in there you know and put these into that
microwave microwave and so that does it absorb the water yeah shit I thought it
was like like a like a normal cereal where you just put it in a plate and
they put milk on top and eat it no I thought that was my image of eating an
oatmeal oh really yeah that's cereal it's a different thing yeah it's more
like like okome or okayu a little bit what's that Japanese oatmeal yeah so for
oatmeal I eat directly from that plastic case uh-huh well okay yeah I've never
never had an oatmeal is that good yeah is it sweet no but I put a little
origoto ah so it's a little bit sweet but the that itself is not sweet no it's
just so just the oh just like the taste of bread if you say that okay check that
out later then hmm yeah I heard it's healthy for your body right contains so
much so many fibers and a little bit proteins and vitamins and minerals is a
little bit expensive
a little bit maybe okay I'll check that out in the supermarket then yeah but but
you know compared to buying like sugar bread better I think so okay I'll see
we'll see yeah all right thanks for listening guys bye bye

