1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 家系ラーメン美味しいよね
2020-06-21 13:24


家系ラーメンが美味しい。ゴル麺がおすすめ。 家系ラーメンは全て同じ味に感じてしますケビン。(このポッドキャストはほとんど英語で雑談してます!英会話に耳を慣らすのに活用してもらえたら嬉しいです!)
welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English room talk show yay
talk show yeah yeah talk show this could be on YouTube I was like yeah maybe talk
show I might change it back to podcast I don't know okay okay so I'm here with
Yamachan again yes I want to talk to you about ramen today of course yeah in
general ramen do you like ramen dude yeah of course I do okay tell me what
kind of ramen you like I like like Ike ramen mm-hmm for sure and also I like
you know that the most like you know I live in Kyoto yeah for a lot for about
two or three years yeah and I found a really really good ramen restaurant yeah
my house mm-hmm it's like um it's like like fish base fish fish and shell
right your guy your guy bass right yeah but it's not that like the Kemen thing
it's really clear it's really like like you tragic
no go on golden color like yeah like golden color it's really looks like you
know a very dashi stuff oh so so so it's not it's a it's a I don't know what is
the it's not a Ieke ramen it's not a show you ramen not a Shio what it's a
it's that it's a show you ramen it's show you around actually but basically
it's it's it's kind of like shell based ramen ah shell shell dokei shell yeah
yeah that the kind Kai Asari uh-huh how does Asari Asari I don't know let's
Google yeah Asari
clams what clams like clam chowder like my sorry chowder right right clams so
there flames ramen mm-hmm of course I like the ake ramen and kind of zero
ramen I like yeah I mean I really think ramen yeah I know but one of the have
you went to a do you know go to men you know go to men no I don't know there's I
think there's one in no gay no gay no gay Yokohama you like no yeah I love
looking at I think there's one and that in no gay Yokohama the men are yeah I
want you to go there I I like it so much well it's a it's a ake ramen and um can
do can we peanuts what you know you're not allergic to
writing right they've got this like like peanut based it's right it's a key
run but it has some sort of a peanut based it's labor yeah no it's a key
ramen we should be a kind of tantam in also no no no it's not tantam and not
time at all it's not spicy at all oh yeah it's it says the ake ramen but
like peanut based okay it's a mistake for me to say peanut based it's okay
okay it's yeah right okay it's completely ake ramen based but it's got
this little peanut flavor added to it like like you can you can slightly feel
it in the background okay and I love it so much but I don't know which menu it
is okay I went there several times the first time I went there I ate that ramen
which I don't know what the menu is I ate it and I felt that peanut kind of
flavor and it was fantastic it was like yeah I love this so much I drank all of
the the the soup oh that's yeah by the way I do this every time I yeah I do it
every time it's not it's not rare for me to drink all this it I understand I
understand but it's just so good but um I loved it and then uh so I was like wow
this is such a great ramen place and then like a few months later I'm like
okay I'm really close to the the goremen I want to go there again I go there and
I forgot which menu it is right so I just kind of guess I just I just ordered
something random and it wasn't the peanut one oh it wasn't the peanut one
but it was really good too okay it wasn't so yeah it was the one I wanted
usually yeah they they sell yeah I mean show you she oh and then skim it I think
those are and there's one more like like golden something golden something like
yeah I think those those four are like the main ramen um so right the first time
so second time in winter I didn't order the P I couldn't order that I didn't
order the peanut one I didn't guess right so I got something different I don't
forget which one it was but that was so good too oh really like it was so much
better than other ramen that I've eaten oh so that's so much better than the
other yeah yes yes that's what you said huh that's yeah that's what I think okay
okay and then and then the third time in the fourth time I went there again I I
didn't I couldn't get the right one I don't know why so by the fourth visit
like I should have ordered all of the menu but I couldn't get the right one I
don't know why like maybe it's gone yeah probably it was kind of you know kick on
can't they maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe but um even without the peanut wine the
menu is so good I I you should go there okay thank you really really good go to
man go to man it's gonna chain ramen shop yeah I think so I think it's like
it's not like everywhere everywhere yeah but like I think it's chain chain
please yeah so what is the you know most different thing from the other
economic well you see that's a really good question like that's that's that
question is really interesting to me you said yeah so much better than the other
I understand yeah yeah like yeah that you know that question is really
interesting you know like yeah yeah like I honestly like I don't know like have I
I don't know I've told you guys this in the podcast but like I can't I can't
tell the difference between all the BK ramen like they taste the same to me
that's the same right right right the the satisfaction level I get exactly the
same but the goldman ramen I could I could tell the difference like the
satisfaction level was like was on another level it was yeah like the like
the moment you the thing goes in your mouth like you feel it you know you feel
that thing you feel it yeah feel they be noodles huh no no not the news but like
the like the special like the special like like the like the yeah I know I
feel noodles and some kind of no no no it's nothing like that like that it's
the the special magic you know you feel that special magic when you eat go to
man it's just so good
go to man I should go though yeah yeah you know you should taste it for me tell
me what the difference is yeah like from an ingredients level I have no idea what
it is though so okay have you ever been to zero ramen yes yes I've been there
twice for twice I've been twice yeah you know the first few bites are really good
but you know like the towards the middle and and passed on that I just I I'm just
I feel sick I'm pushing myself to put all the noodles in the stomach that's all
I'm doing like I'm not it's not eating yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just I'm I'm
trying to empty out the plate that's all I'm going yeah yeah yeah it's not a good
experience yeah no no no if it was like half the size it would have been great
but um yeah that's just too much to me you like it yeah but you know it's the
same thing for me yeah yeah yeah it's kind of too much for me it's delicious
it's true that it's delicious but you know at the end I always feel like I
would never come back again here do you have you went to the young the like the
most famous ramen shop in Yokohama like the one where like you know you
I don't know what the name is about the name is I don't know but like it's
always making a line huge line you it's the exit where vibrate is there
vibrate and you know what we shake that is like the so test to exit yeah the
like you know what a home station is is renewal now okay okay okay I'm not sure
vibrate you know vibrate yeah and like round one no no okay um
ikinari steak Yokohama no no um leaf tree the English English English class
leaf tree it's an English-speaking class yeah yeah why do you know that my
sister was a teacher oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah thank you right that's
creepy that's very creepy I don't think you actually talked to her I don't think
you've ever met her never met her you just saw a picture of her right yeah
yeah right and you're saying you like her yeah that's just really creepy man
okay I don't I don't think I don't think you should you release that yeah yeah
yeah of course my sister could be listening okay she has a husband you
know yeah I know but she has a child wrong thing and I like it's not that
thing to say I like someone right she will be kind of happy we proud okay all
right this is a bit awkward but anyway sorry yeah talking about the ramen shop
that's um so I guess I guess yeah Yoshimura yeah no I think that's it I
know that famous ramen it's a little bit far it's a bit far from the your
conversation Yoshimura yeah but I know that name okay okay on the uh the Gansu
yeah right the Gansu yeah yeah yeah I was wondering if you like that like I
hear that like that's similar to like the Jiro ramen or something yeah I kind
of except more easier to consume I've been there once but I forgot the taste
okay so I was wondering if you if you enjoyed it no I've never been there but
I bought the instant version of Yoshimura ramen at the supermarket and I have once
eaten but I you know it was kind of it was good but I think that it's not as
the same yeah as the instant noodle thing is always right it's a little bit
less delicious right it's always disappointing right when you think you're
gonna eat the original one right I understand yeah well I know you like the
tantanmen things I love the tantanmen spicy yeah yeah yeah I do I do you went
to the Moko Taman yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I did
a Kake-chan went with one other friend yeah I went there I mean guys not me
because you fucking hate spicy food I don't like you can't stand I can't I
can't go but your level of I don't wanna but you you can't resist like you have
zero resistance right right I can't resist I can't help like eating that
yeah do you sweat when you see spicy food well I don't know actually because
it's before I start sweating mm-hmm I have to stop eating so you it's just
hot it hurts me you once told me you puked curry yeah because it was too
spicy yeah right did you sweat when you were eating it I I don't think so well
honestly I don't remember your brain deleted yeah your brain was like this
memory should not be in his brain all right so that wraps up this episode yeah
see you again guys bye bye bye thank you

