1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 昔見てた日本のドラマは?
2022-03-28 09:27



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We've got only several times left that we can do this
I don't know if I'll ever be able to
Knock it out of the park
Might not
I might
Just be very unstable for the rest of the
That's a nice, good idea
You need to put everything
All the messages into it
That kind of sound
Oh, let me just explain about the drama
Yeah, you told me about that
Your favorite cello scene?
Cello scene
It's Kuitan
It's called Kuitan
Yeah, originally from the manga
And turned into
Real life
And it's also in a movie
Oh, okay
Yeah, there's like just two movies
Yeah, it's a huge hit
One drama, one movie
Yeah, okay
Yeah, to me
Well, I'm sure it's a huge hit, right?
It became a drama and then a movie, right?
It must be huge
You didn't know that?
I didn't know that
Oh, then maybe not that mega hit
Have you ever seen like the guy wearing white
You know, suit
And with, you know, golden chopsticks
And doing like this
Yeah, I think I've seen it somewhere
That it?
That is
That's Kuitan
That's shortened from "Kuishinbo Tantei"
That's shortened version
Right, right, right
How's that related to cello?
He plays the cello
It's actually not that related
But he's a detective, obviously
He's Kuishinbo Tantei
So, detective and
There are
Crime happens and he comes
He comes
He comes
He comes
He comes
And he
As he Kuishinbo
He eats everything
Like, you know, there's sometimes
Buddy and, you know, some bananas
Like, you know, buddy
And he eats that banana
That's disgusting
No, it's not that disgusting
He eats, you know, you know the dining table over there
And there's sushi
He eats sushi
That was left by the dead guy
That's disgusting
He eats everything
That's absolutely ridiculous
Who would do that?
Yeah, that's Kuishinbo Tantei
Let me guess, after he eats the victim's leftovers
He gets hints
And it leads him solving the crime
That's right
Like, sometimes it's not that direct, you know
How would that help?
Well, because
Give me one example of how eating
Eating the victims, yeah
Like, he eats one's sushi
And he instantly knows that
Oh, this is from that sushi bar
Oh, this is from that sushi restaurant
And also from that master
Not that master, you know
There, you know, some Itamae's
It's from Suzuki-san's
And he instantly knows that
And then go to that sushi restaurant
And try the sushi
You know, then now the taste is not the same
From the one Suzuki-san made
So, it's changed
And from there, he can guess all the things
And also he instantly knows that
Oh, this sushi
Sushis are made like 3 hours ago
Not 2 hours ago
Those tricks, you know
And then he will see that
You know, what's going on and who was the killer
It's more exciting than I thought
Yeah, it's really exciting
And it's really, it's kind of comedy crime suspense
So, it's true
That's a little ridiculous
You know, of course
Right, it's got the comedy vibe
And suddenly he starts, you know
Wearing his golden chopsticks and, you know, shake like this
And "Itadakimasu" and eat those
It's a little, you know
It's comedy
It's comedy
But yeah
What I learned from that drama is
He also says always like "Itadakimasu" before he eats things
And he loves food
So, he respects all the foods, you know
So, that's really good drama for the kids
To learn those, you know, foods and, you know
Food education
Yeah, that's nice
Highly recommend from me
A great hit
Still on air?
No, no, yeah
Manga version is there though, right?
I guess so
But I recommend you the drama version
I love the cast
Oh, got it
They are really good actors and actresses
Who's the main guy?
Main guy is Higashiyama-san
The Shounen Tai Higashiyama-san from the Chinese
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
He was really cool
And Morita Goh is the kind of main cast
He was really good
At acting
At acting, he is really good
I love him
Oh, okay
Was it like a good fit for him?
Yeah, and also acting itself is really like
I guess high quality
Makes me like, you know, he made me cry
Made me laugh
Made me, yeah, it was really good
I never knew you were so into like a certain drama
Yeah, I was so in that drama
Because you don't even have TV in your house
Oh, not right now
That was when I was, you know, like elementary or junior high
It's really
It was that long time ago
Yeah, yeah, yeah, long time ago
It's old dramas
So at the moment I was, you know, obviously tried to do this every time
Every time I eat
Yeah, I did that
That's cute
And I was like, "Itadakimasu"
Those things and tried to eat
"Kore wa"
And those, you know, kind of guess
That's cute
Yeah, that's cute
So what about you?
You've got any favorite dramas or recently or
I guess
In terms of Japanese dramas
So far, I would say
"Hanzawa Naoki"
Oh, yeah
I like that
I know that
I read that book
Oh, you read the book?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
"Hanzawa Naoki" was good
At the time when I was watching it, I loved "Water Boys"
Oh, yes
It's a little long time ago
I saw in the US
"Water Boys"
Yeah, I know that
I like that movie too
We did that
We all did that
It was a thing, right?
I was watching "Gokusen" too
Yeah, yeah
"Ikémen Paradise"
I don't know that
What's that?
"Horikita Maki"
It's an old school
Yeah, kind of
Oh, yeah
"Horikita Maki" pretends to be a guy
The rikujoubu kind of
Those are the dramas that I was into
But I saw a rerun of "Gokusen" the other day
And it was so like
It was just so, what, cliche
Like it was so cheesy
And I was like, why did I like this when I was like several years ago?
I didn't know why I was into this
Like it was just so cliche
I don't know why
Now we all know what is going to be happening
Yeah, yeah, true
Okay, okay
Thanks for listening guys
Thank you

