1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 使いたいドラえもんの道具
2020-08-22 11:44


・アボカドプレゼント企画・使いたいドラえもんも道具・アメリカにドラえもんある?・どうな特殊能力が欲しい?・空を飛びたい・どこでもドア・最も「美味しい」と感じる食べ物を生産してくれる機械・[Tiktok, YouTube, Instagram, Twitterでも活動してます!→ https://linktr.ee/kevinsenroom ]
This is the jingle, man. Okay. Yeah. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. I don't know if you feel like welcome to Kevin's English Room podcast. Yes. You got a great opening. Right. Because I'm happy. You're happy. Right. Remember we've talked about happiness? Yes. And I'm feeling like happy. How happy I am.
Right now. And I'm having a cup of coffee. Oh, right. You love coffee. Right. I love coffee. It's an espresso. Italian. Do you know that? That's a... No. That's the famous coffee maker in Italy. Is that espresso you say? No, it's not.
It's actually a cup of coffee. Right. I'm pretty sure that they're using espresso machine to make the coffee. Right. So look at this. It's got a crema. Right.
Do they... So is it espresso with water? Hot water? Like an Americano? I think so. Good? Yeah. Good? Happy you liked it. Thank you. So we're gonna be answering another one of Mason's questions. Yes. Thank you always. Right. We have to send avocados. Yeah, let's do that.
Mason, how many avocados will you be happy with? Like one box of avocados maybe? How many avocados are in a box maybe? What do you think? I don't know at all. I've never seen a box of avocados. Does avocado hold up? Like the shell life? Maybe in... One month maybe? Is it refrigerated? Right. Oh, that's a problem. Right.
I don't know if Mason has a big enough refrigerator to hold up a month of avocado. Is it really refrigerated? Right. When you... Isn't it like room temperature? No? Like, you know, usually avocados are sold in really young, like you know, hard... Right, right, right. So it takes time to be the best time. Right, right.
So if you want to do that, you put in usual temperature room. But you want to keep that, you should put it in the fridge. Like, avocados has a seed in the very middle of itself, right? Right. If you plant that, does it grow into a new one, you think? Oh, right. Well, yeah, I think so. You think so? I do think so. Like, with the right amount of water, right amount of sunlight. Right. And the soil. Right.
Because it's a seed, obviously. Right. It must be... It could be powerful. Right. Let's do that. Yeah. You want to do that? Yeah. Like a documentary kind of thing? Oh, yeah. That was a no by the way. Okay.
Alright. So, the question from Mason, thank you. What would you want to have? What kind of Doraemon tool would you like to have?
I see. I see. I don't know much about Doraemon. Oh. But I have seen some. I know like the Takekokuta, Doko demo Doraemon. But like, so does it exist in the United States? I think it does. But not that popular though. Okay. Right. But basically, you can do anything is the question, right? Yeah. Right.
The Doraemon gives you the tool to do anything you want. Right. Right. How do you call Doraemon in English? Is that Doraemon? I don't know. I think maybe Doraemon. Doraemon? Like I see Doraemon be written in English. Oh, is that in English? It says Doraemon. Oh, okay. I don't know if the pronunciation is correct or not. But yeah. Doraemon maybe. Maybe. I don't know.
Okay. So. Doko demo Doraemon. Very basic kind of. Oh, yeah. Very basic. Popular answer, I guess. Right. But that's really convenient. That is convenient. Right. I really want to cut my time transporting me.
That's really useful. That is useful. Right. I don't know. Anything's useful, you know, with Doraemon. I think the best one. Can I say?
Um. That's a good question. Right. Um. Hmm. To. Hmm.
All right. So if you don't know about. Don't know much about Doraemon. What would you do? What do you what would you want to have? If you can use magic. Like Harry Potter. Right. Like any. Any. Any special power. Right. I can have right. Right. Like being invisible. Like, like really strong power.
I want to fly. Fly. I want to talk to that. Oh, I would like to fly. That's a basic one too.
Because I, I, I love the view from. I love to go on YouTube and be like, look at drone, drone videographies of Tokyo, Tokyo night. Does that exist? It does exist. Like, like this drone video footage of it filming Odaiba. Oh, really? Or like Roppongi or the Tokyo night view that exists. Right. I love looking at helicopter views of the night of New York, stuff like that.
So if I could see that with my own very eyes, that would be fulfilling. I didn't know about that. Yeah, I like. Yeah. Okay. I love you. Okay. I do. So you should live up live in the highest.
Place of the. No. The uh, tower mansion. So you're talking about me wanting to live in the third floor of a tower, right? Right. No, I live in. That doesn't happen. Much more higher. Because it's too much. Too high of a rent. Okay. You're talking about rent. Yeah. I'm being realistic right now.
Well, I do like the Yake, but I don't. It just has to be occasional. Like not like I don't have to live in a floor that's that's the view. I just every once in a while I want to go to a high place. So Takegata would be. Yes. Yes. Okay. Yes. Takegata. Right. But you know, Doko demo do is a great tour. That's a great choice, I think. Right.
I would like I don't know if this exists, but like a machine that would produce.
The food that.
The the tastiest food I want ever.
Feel like like strange taste. No, like you know how she right like you feel the Oishi when you do something right. I want to know what the highest level the highest Oishi I can experience. I want to try it.
Well, maybe you should go to some famous restaurant and have that right. I have to have lots of experience and time and money, right? But if this machine could get me just by one one button, I would love to taste what it is. You know how if you eat something really tasty you say hope they go to do right and I kind of understand how you understand how it feels right like it feels a little tingly.
In the side of your mouth. Okay. You know how that feeling. Yeah. No, I do. I feel the tingling is when I eat something very tasty. Okay.
I want to I want to feel even more of that.
If there's a food that exists, you know that. Yeah.
What was the most Oishi food in your life?
I went to Hungry Tigers. Hungry Tigers. Yeah.
Yeah, for a chat to be there. He was like, oh, there's a great place.
Yeah, hamburger place. It's hungry tigers. Let's go there, man. I was like, Oh, yeah, sure. Why not? All right.
And sauce. Okay. Great. Okay.
Best food ever in my life. Really? Yeah. So like if there's anything better, I would love to taste it.
Well, yeah. But that will be completely depending on the you know, food.
Like like the way it's cooked.
Mm hmm. Right. You know, so I'm saying the best one for me.
Okay. Like right in the best temperature and the best way of cooking and right.
Although the ingredients like the best feeling of Oishi I could ever have.
Okay. But you know for me, like Oishiness of the like Hokkaido no Kaki.
It's a little bit different from Oishiness of like French cuisine of somewhere in restaurant.
But like you still have the same barometer of like fulfillment. Yeah.
You can compare the fulfillment level.
I don't think I can. No, you can't. It's different for me. Like. Right.
It's the same for you. Yeah, I can compare. Like me drinking water after being dehydrated for three hours.
Yeah, that's Oishi, right? Okay. And if I eat pizza after missing out on breakfast and lunch.
And eating Papa John's pizza, extra cheese, extra pepperoni. Okay. Right. With normal crust.
Okay. Thank you. It's five dollars on the Friday. So that's Oishi too.
Okay. And you're saying it's a different kind of Oishi. Right. For me, I can compare. You can compare.
The fulfillment level. The Manzoku-do. Okay. And if I can compare things, there's a higher level of Oishi, right?
What is the maximum level of Oishi I can get to? Okay. That's my question. Okay. That is what I want to discover.
Okay. The maximum. Is there a limit to the amount of Oishi I can get? Okay. In a single bite. Okay. In a single bite.
Yes, yes, yes, yes. That's what I'm saying. Okay. Well, I don't think Doraemon has that machine, but.
He's got everything. Right. But that's not that machine. Okay. Alright. That's it.
Thanks for the episode guys, thanks for listening, bye bye!

