1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビンおすすめの英語取得方3選
2020-07-18 11:59


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Hey guys welcome back to another episode of Kevin's English and podcast
So Yawa-chan, so first I wanted I remember I sent you those messages about the screenshots of the people who DMed us on Instagram about the french fries
Oh yes I do
And the hamburgers right yeah thank you so much guys for giving us the information
Right right thank you so much
We will definitely check that out
Actually I'm finished with the one that's mentioned about Brooklyn Pollard
Brooklyn Pollard yes
I have went there before
You went there before
In Shinjuku
That was right that was great one of the great french fries I've ever eaten
That was great the thinness and the you know freshness taste that was great
That was great
Thank you
Thank you thank you
Thank you so much guys for information appreciate that so much
And so in today's episode I want to talk about how to learn English
How you can
That's the most
That is the right the most asked question
Right right
To me
And I want to give a full detailed answer in this project
Are you sure
The secret
The secret there is your
So so first of all first and foremost guys just letting you know I never
I never was in a situation to learn English
Like I
Right right
The moment I was born I was in an English-speaking community
So I didn't I didn't have I didn't have to buy a textbook and I didn't have to
To enter an English learning course
Or put myself in a position where I have to learn English or things things of that nature
I I didn't have to do that it came to me naturally
So just want to say that first just want to clarify that
You never tried to be a huge books like that
Right right I've never done that so with that in mind I'll give you my own perspective
On the best way of you know learning the language
Because I'm like now everyone knows that you can speak Japanese really fluently
Which is so great
So so how to learn new language is you know the topic
So this is probably the first answer I know I want to provide is probably the most I guess
Fastest but very unpractical very very costly might not might not be realistic
Is to just go to America
Go to a place where
Go to United States right don't have anyone any Japanese speakers around you
Just right
Just go to the environment
Just go to the environment and it's probably take you like three years
For you to you know get used to that situation
Because there you you have to like you're you put yourself in a place where English is the only thing you can use to survive in that environment
So you're gonna have to find a way to communicate somehow
Like you're like worrying about if you're gonna make a mistake or not is not gonna be a big problem
When you're in that once you're in that situation like you
You gotta like it's your life man
You're gonna have to buy food you're gonna have to like you know
Get certain documents that you need in order for you to live in that place right
So that's my number one way
Like if you really really want to squeeze your potentials
Well it doesn't have to be the United States right
Right so the alternative could be like somewhere
Like a US military base
Working at a military base
That's more like convenient and easy easier for Japanese people
So I used to work at Starbucks
And one of the managers was
He worked at Starbucks in the military base
Oh they have Starbucks in the military base
Yes yes yes
And he said that it was all English
Well yeah
Because the customers are all English they order as if they were in the United States
So yeah he said he couldn't speak any English so he said he had a very difficult
Oh really
Yeah he said it was very difficult for him to work in that environment
That's what he said
But he must be like learning new languages like a new language
Yeah he said he probably did but he doesn't have any interest
He's not really interested in learning new languages
Oh really
But right even you know like my manager the person who doesn't have the ambition to learn new languages
It got him to you know obtain the language that he needs to communicate
So that could be an option right
And then another option what I always say and the DMs when I get questions like this is
To listen to consume English channels consume English programs television programs
That are meant for children in the United States
Oh for children
Right so the languages are so much easier
I'm sorry about the water guys I'm doing chores right now
What what are you doing?
What do you mean?
Oh chores
Okay chores
So so English language what was I saying?
The consume the American television
Right right right
For the children
So the language itself is very easy they don't use that much of a complex sentence they all use simple words
And the story line is really simple
Oh yeah
A character does something and the other person gets mad finds a solution and is happy right
So even if you don't understand the full language if you don't understand what's going on like from corner to corner
You still get the gist of like what may be going on maybe you know okay maybe this person's upset maybe he's happy right you understand that
It's it's visually portrayed too
Right the facial expressions the the way of saying the words right tells you something right you can you can get something from that
So that's easy much easier to to understand what's going on understand the context right
Much easier than like like prison break or
Right right
Twilight or
Right it's more complex
Right it's more right right right
It's more difficult
Exactly so I recommend doing that with English subtitles
Not Japanese subtitles but English subtitles
And if you
What is that?
Because you you you you you understand what they're saying
Okay right you understand
The the the letter
Right so it's um I think listening listening to it in English is much more important than having subtitles
But I think it's still important to have the words up there because if you want the context if you want to know what it's actually saying
It's there so that's a positive that's the upside right so I think I guess that's still good to have
And if you if you if you really can't if you're at the level where you can't understand the English at all
And you don't know what's going on even if it's an English program meant for children
Try having Japanese subtitles on there right understand the storyline first and then come back and do it with English subtitles
Now you know what the storyline is you already have the background knowledge right
And you're looking at the story and right there you go you know what you can guess what the person's saying
So that's still important and also I have a third one I have never I never published this
Oh guys that is the new thing
Oh except one person on DM I've DM one person this
Okay besides that no um it's a shadowing you know what shadowing is?
English shadowing
Is that popular?
Is that popular?
Right right that's exactly what you do right right right
So actually like seriously is that popular?
I know shadowing but but but
Is that popular?
I'm not sure if it's popular in Japan or not what is shadowing?
So shadowing is you get a piece of clip that's spoken in English right say for example like
Okay maybe a clip from a movie from Pirates of the Caribbean
A movie you just saw right
Um and you you take your favorite favorite clip you put earphones on right and you you play
And then you say the exact same thing as what Johnny Depp is saying
Okay welcome aboard
Yeah right right you say welcome aboard
Like uh
Just like that except you're saying the exact same thing
Okay not you don't have to translate it
You don't have to translate just say the same English
Just so what I think is effective in that situation is your mouth
Your mouth physically becomes more used to speaking that language
Like your your throat your brain your your body is more used to to putting out
The same language which then allows you in a real life situation
Easier for you to get those words out
That's very important right
Oh yeah
Yeah so that's my third
I see
Right that's the top three recommendations of learning a new language
Yeah thank you so much
Like about I have one question about shadowing
Okay go ahead
Like when you don't know what they are speaking about
Can can I do the shadowing like even
Even I cannot say the exact words
So okay um
When you're shadowing
I don't think that understanding the context
Understanding what they're saying is it's not that important
It's about you speaking that language in the way they're actually being said
So your mouth being used to the actual native natural language
That's so much more important than you understanding what they're saying
So it's okay if you don't have a word that you don't understand
Just say it as they're saying it in the video
So like accent the flow
Yes yes
That's more important
Right accent and the flow
Flow is very important and when you're you know having a conversation
So that I think that's very important
And um you can catch the words that you don't understand later
Like you're there's gonna be words that are gonna be repeatedly said
And you start noticing right okay
I've said this word several times I don't know
Let's check it out and then you
That's when you start learning the actual language
Because you already have a background knowledge of you not knowing that word beforehand right
So yeah I'm talking very fast right now aren't I
That's good for shadowing guys
Yeah shadow my words
So right that's any yeah that's my three recommendations
Oh that's great
That was really useful and really really impressive to me
Thank you
No problem
Thank you for sharing that
Yes if you have any questions please ask us on Instagram
We'll catch up as much as possible
And I'll see you in the next episode guys

