1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. Kevin’s English Room Podcast..
2020-06-13 11:38

Kevin’s English Room Podcast始めました!

Tiktokで活動中のKevin’s English Room のケビンと山ちゃんが英語で雑談するチャンネル。ほとんど英語なので、スピードラーニング的な感じで、ナチュラルな英会話に耳を慣らすのに役立てればと思って始めました!
Okay so the first episode of Kevin's English podcast. We're gonna do this really freestyle.
We're gonna be, I haven't really thought of what we're gonna be talking about. Okay. But um I just
I wanted to provide value to people who wants to learn English through conversations. Like the
actual conversations right? So it's gonna be really um you know like like laid back really
relaxed kind of channel. Yeah. And I hope people bring a lot of value out of this. So um what
is on your mind? Okay let's do an introduction. Okay let's do let's do like a like an introduction
of ourselves. Okay. Okay my name is Kevin. I am the main guy for the Kevin's English room. I'm
the one with the glasses. I do a lot of characters. And you are? It's um Yamachan. It's Yamachan.
Yeah. Wherever you want. Um I'm the person who sit like left side of their YouTube. Right.
Uh yeah like films. And I'm learning English now. So like to me someone who's learning English
like I think I think you can speak pretty well. Like like you can. That is a gentleman.
I think I think you have like this. I think you're on another level. I think you're. Really? Yeah to
me you're like a higher higher level of English speaker than other people. Like you can easily
have a conversation with American people. You can easily like you know put out your thoughts
to the world without really needing to struggle. Like google everything. You know. Yeah but I'm
struggling in my head. What tell me about your background. Like your English background. Like
how did you learn the kind of thing the the English language that you have right now? Well like
well first of all I have to thank my you know Japanese like English studying system. Like
like in the kyo-e system. That's the main thing. And also I went to
Utah State. Utah? Yeah Salt Lake when I was 12 years old. Really? I did homestay
for one month. I've been with you for like how many years? Like what ever since first year of
college right? That that means um one two three four five six seven eight almost eight years.
I've known you for eight years and that is the first that I didn't know that you were
in Salt Lake City. Oh really? No I didn't know. I'm pretty sure that I've told you before. Well I
I did a homestay. I must have not listened you know. Really?
I went to Salt Lake and I did homestay. Yeah. Some vacation. Yeah. Like one month.
And you know so I think that's. But it's just a month right? Like a month really isn't much of a
right enough time to actually learn your English. Right. You know. So I'm assuming that wasn't
really much of a help. That didn't really impact your English level right? Well it does because.
Just a month right? Yeah but you know
right just a month. Okay what else? Yeah well what else means like um
like I went to London. The United Kingdom. Right. When I was uh
uh was 19 years old. Yes.
When I was first year of college to see the football game actually. I was champions league final.
You're a real soccer guy. Yeah soccer guy. Football guy. Yeah yeah.
I was about 10 days stay at London.
Did that help you learn your English? I don't think so. But that was the kind of opportunity for me to
use. So so far you've told me that education system right in Japan. And also I have the
you know great friend. The great friend who was born in Georgia. And you know.
All right teach me. Let's go. Teach me how to speak English. Keep going. Keep going. So that's the key I think.
So you told me the Japanese education system. And a month of of of home staying in United States.
And having an English speaking friend. The only that's the only thing that got you to this level
of English. I'm blown away man. I don't think. I have one more thing which is you know.
Did I speak about that? Like about flex? Yeah. Is that right? Flex? Flex.
Flex. You know you've heard cds. Amazon flex. No no. I think I've heard of Amazon flex. No that's not.
Way of delivering Amazon products to your customer right? No that's not. You get freelancers to register.
No no no. It's flex. Flex. Or hippo if you want. Yeah yeah yeah hippo. Yeah you told me about the hippo thing.
That's the main thing I think. Because I've been listening without any like effort.
I've been listening like like 10 different languages.
How does that help you? Like what? Like logically? Well it's really hard for me to explain this
the theory in English for me or even in Japanese. But the basic theory is you know the way
like a baby get his or her lungs the same way. Like listen to their languages and
capture the um you know the sounds the way wave kind of and
that's it. So like okay so so the people who's listening that don't know what hippo is.
I've tried it. Well I didn't try it. I was in in the atmosphere of where hippo was
in action. I was I went to his house and hippo was like in action. Right. So what was happening was
there was this set of like seven to like ten speakers that was randomly placed around the room.
Right. And they were all each speaker had a different language that was coming out of it. Right.
One could be Japanese, one could be English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, whatever language you can think of.
And it was all playing at the same time with all different languages. So it was like
it was like a out of control kind of place. You hear all these different sounds of languages right.
That's the kind of world. Yeah that's the way hippo teaches right. Right. Like
it doesn't teach me. I learned. You just get used to the environment. You just you let your ears
like be comfortable in a lot of language situations. Right. Which then leads you to
more easily understand the English language or a new language. So I think you have so you're
saying that you have the same potential of you learning English. You have that same potential
of obtaining another language easily. Right. Just as just as easily as you were able to get your English.
Look at that. Did you hear that guys? Fucking French. Right that's French right. I went to
France when I was high school student. So okay so how long was that? What? How long how long how long
did you were you in in in in France? Like one year. One year. Ten months. Ten months.
Can you speak French better than English? I think now my English is better than than French. So why
is that? Like you you were in U.S. for one month and you were in France for a year right. That
and you're still better at English than French. Yeah but at that time when I came back from
France. Yeah. Of course my French was better than English. Yeah. But after that I've been speaking
with you. That in English. That got you in reverse situation? Yeah. Damn. Really? Yeah you're great.
So I mean. I have to thank you. Well you're welcome but like you know like we weren't
really talking heavily weren't we? Like it wasn't like we were hanging out every day talking in
English. We were like occasionally once or twice a week right. That that got you that got you to
this position? Just talking to me once or twice a week? Yeah. Guys you guys should really do hippo.
This is amazing. Right. But you have to start from a young age right from like when your brain's
really young. There are really like old grandfather people member. Who started at an old age. 80
of age. Started from 80 and it worked out. He start speaking like Korean. Wow.
I don't know. That's pretty amazing. Right. Just letting you know people listeners like this is not
a commercial. Like we're not getting paid for introducing hippo. It was like a real true
true story for Kaka-san. Amazing. My name is Yamasan. Sorry. I made a mistake. It's Yamasan.
Well and so this wraps up our first episode. Right. Every episode is like I'm thinking like
10 minutes. 10 minutes. 10 minutes is like the best length I'm thinking. I think I've
spoke too much right? No you didn't. No no no no. Like podcast. No you're no no no no. It's our
podcast. Okay. We we talk about whatever we want to talk about. You tell me if you don't understand
any English or if there's any expressions that you want to say that didn't come to your mind.
Right right. And I'll teach you and people will probably get value out of it. Yeah thanks. I'm
still on the way of learning English so I have you know I'm gonna make so many mistakes. But I don't
actually care. It's about the communication right? Not the grammatical correctness.
Well so there it is. Thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye.

