1. Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders
  2. #41: Nat Emodi, Co-Founder &..
2023-03-16 51:05

#41: Nat Emodi, Co-Founder & CEO @ Highlight | Building a tool that lets creators easily launch NFT collections and design token-gated experiences on their websites


# 1: Episode's free NFT mint (just add your e-mail address there so I can reach you with info about NFT's utility :)):


# 2: EpicWeb3 conference ticket giveaway:


# 3: Web3 Talks Smoothie page (upvotes much appreciated!):



Info about the EpicWeb3 conference

3 small announcements

Nat's lessons from working at Square & DoorDash and why he started working on Highlight

Why Square in 2015 was doing a lot of explorations and what Nat learned from Jack Dorsey

What was the Highlight MVP and why targeting non-crypto natives was a mistake

How they acquired their first users and how Product Hunt was surprisingly effective

Why token-gating was a hard problem for established creators and how they decided to solve it

Why is Nat not bothered about competing with Zora & Manifold

Favorite Nat's NFT use cases

Most interesting token-gating examples & bookclub 2.0

What kind of help can bigger creators expect from the Highlight team

What kind of partners are they looking for

Most important metrics they follow

What assumptions they had were proven wrong and why educating people about digital ownership is so important

Why new wallets might help to teach people about NFT ownership

What would Nat build if he wasn't building Highlight

Why would he make people focus more on use cases than tech

Where people can learn more about Highlight

Nat's guests' ideas

