How do we make the friend of the foreigner in Japan?
English is ok?
English, ok.
So, that's a good question.
I think many people are a little concerned about corona right now, obviously.
So, I think my recommendation is to use applications.
So, through applications, you are able to meet someone online without contact.
It's safe, and you can talk to many kinds of people.
Personally, I use an application called HelloTalk.
Yeah, HelloTalk.
Oh, really?
What is that?
So, HelloTalk is a language exchange application.
So, you can meet people from around the world that speak English, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Chinese, Korean, all sorts of languages.
You can practice, you can learn, and it's free.
Is it popular in Japan and your country?
Yes, so it's popular around the world.
Like I said, there are users in different countries.
So, you can learn from different people in all kinds of languages.
So, before I came to Japan, actually I had the opportunity to use this app and meet some friends.
Three friends before coming to Japan.
It was very helpful because I could practice basic Japanese with them.
And of course, I was able to help them with their English.
And I could receive some tips and little bits of information about Japan before coming from my friends.
And that was very helpful for me.
It was very fun, and I could get more used to living in Japan faster because of it.
So, how many times do you use this application?
Well, actually, I use it every day.
Every day?
I have a little bit of a few conversations.
I talk now and then with my friends.
We catch up.
I practice a little bit of my Japanese.
And of course, they practice a little bit of their English and their Spanish as well.
So, we often chat through message.
But of course, you are also able to make calls.
And obviously, you can practice your pronunciation.
You can practice your speaking abilities with them as well.
So, this application uses only message, or can I talk to the people?
Yes, you can message.
You can text.
You can send voice messages, short voice messages for about a minute.
Or you can actually make phone calls.
And just over the Internet, you can make a phone call and talk with them live, so to say.
So, it's very nice.
It's a very good application to try and develop your speaking abilities as well.
So, did you make Japanese friends with this application?
So, before coming, I made a few friends.
Before coming to Japan, I was able to make a few friends through the application.
And now that I'm here in Japan, I still make friends now and then through the application.
But the funny thing is, I've actually managed to meet a few friends.
I'm very lucky and it's very fun to meet people through HelloTalk.
Not only messaging, but in person.
Of course, using the precautions because of coronavirus, we keep social distance and we wear masks.
But of course, we meet in person.
We go have some coffee, maybe walk a little bit.
And of course, we practice speaking, me in Japanese and my friend in English.
And so, we can enjoy also in-person meeting through the application.
So, one more question.
So, we are worried about pronunciation for Japanese people.
Pronunciation in Japanese English.
So, what do you think about Japanese English?
Pronunciation is good?
I think that's a great question.
Well, let me just say yes.
I think many people have very good pronunciation.
But they're just not very confident about it.
And that's fine.
But also, I think that English pronunciation is a problem that every foreigner has when they're learning.
I know for a fact that my friends in Mexico and me, myself, when I was learning English, I had some problems with pronunciation.
But my biggest advice is just speak.
Just talk a lot.
Of course, practice.
But don't worry too much about the perfect pronunciation.
Because it's more important to develop the skills to communicate and to explain yourself with a clear voice and different vocabulary to be able to convey a message than to have a perfect pronunciation.
Of course, it's good.
But there are many types of accents and pronunciations around the English-speaking countries.
So, don't worry about it.
So, don't worry about it.
It's different when you speak with a native Australian or a native American or a native English from England speaking person.
So, they all have different pronunciations.
So, do your best.
And you can do it.
Don't worry.
Don't stress too much about it.
Just practice.
Talk and talk and talk.
And make some mistakes.
And then learn.
And then talk more and more.
It's the perfect best way to practice your English.
So, it doesn't matter the pronunciation.
It's important the vocabulary.
Yes, of course.
Vocabulary is very important.
The pronunciation.
The more you speak, the more you will develop muscle memory in your mouth.
And you can speak better, faster and clearly.
So, learn vocabulary.
And then use the vocabulary.
Speak with your friends.
Speak with your teachers.
Speak with your...
Anyone you meet on HelloTalk.
And speak, speak, speak.
And practice, practice.
And you can do it.
For sure.
So, some Japanese people worry about so much pronunciation.
Good or not.
So, can't speak English with a foreigner.
But it doesn't matter.
Yeah, of course.
Of course, you have to practice.
But my advice is...
I lived in America for 4 years.
And before that, I was confident about my English skills.
However, when I moved there and I met all sorts of people from all different kinds of places,
I was not able to understand their English immediately.
And I realized I just have to listen to them.
I just have to practice listening and conversation.
And after some days, I was able to understand what they said about 95%.
And I'm sure they were also able to understand me.
Because we listen, we practice, we speak.
And that's how you eventually are able to speak another language.
So, don't worry too much.
Practice a lot.
It's my advice.
Thank you very much.
Of course.
That's a good conversation today.
Thank you.
I was wondering about your pronunciation.
But it's not a problem.
No, it's not.
You don't have to worry about it.
You don't have to worry about it.
That's right.
Then let's talk about various things without worrying about it.
Yes, that's right.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Please have a good Golden Week.
Thank you very much.
See you later.
See you later.
Everyone, bye-bye.