はい、Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. はじめまして。
はじめまして。So, what's your name?
My name is Jeremy.
So, where are you from?
I am from Mexico.
Oh, Mexico.
OK. So, you stay here. How many years will you stay here?
Correct. Right now, I'm staying one year.
Oh, one year.
Are you student or worker?
Yes. Right now, I'm a student. I'm learning Japanese.
OK. So, you are chef?
Correct. I studied in the city of Chicago in the United States for three years.
And then, I worked in Italian restaurants and French restaurants for two years.
Wow. It's nice. So, today, you make the food?
Yes. Correct. I have three beautiful dishes to present to you.
First, we have Ichigo Salada, strawberry salad.
And then, we have avocado toast.
And finally, we have Maguro Kurodo.
Wow. It's nice. So, what is this food?
So, this dish right here, this is your beautiful fresh strawberry salad.
We have in this salad a mix of greens, a mix of vegetables, spinach, kale, for example.
We also have strawberries, of course, red radish.
We have onions, nuts, and gouda cheese.
Wow. It's nice. What is this?
Yes. Finally, to top it up, we have this beautiful freshly made olive oil dressing.
It has, as I said, olive oil, lime juice, black pepper, and baking salt.
Oh, you make this dressing?
Yes. Correct. So, I want to do things fresh when the customer comes and they order the salad.
I'll make everything fresh, so it's the perfect flavor for them.
Wow. You are professional. So nice.
Thank you very much.
Okay. Okay. What is the next dish? What is this?
So, this dish we have here, it's a beautiful avocado toast.
The egg has been cooked sunny side up, so you have the bright orange looking at you like the sun.
We have a little bit of red sprouts on top. They're very healthy, very fresh.
We have beautiful heirloom tomatoes here. You see the beautiful colors.
Colorful food, good food, healthy food.
And on the bottom, we have a little bit of guacamole.
This is avocado mashed together with lemon juice, red onion, and tomato.
On top of the avocado, we have a little bit of really important freshly ground black pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.
This is going to bring the most flavor to the egg.
Which country's food is this?
Well, the guacamole is from my home country, Mexico.
Yes. Correct. But this toast is very international.
It doesn't belong to one country. It's a healthy, modern food.
So, can I eat this one?
Yeah, of course. Please. Go ahead.
What do you think?
Very delicious. Very good.
Thank you.
Okay. So, what is your last dish?
Great. So, for last dish, we have a beautiful maguro.
So, kurudo is a word in Spanish and Italian, and it means raw.
Like sashimi.
Kurudo, we want to preserve the flavor of the fish, in this case, maguro.
We put a little bit of salt, black pepper, paprika, and a little bit of lime just to bring out its flavor.
But when you try it, you will taste all of the maguro in combination with the avocado on the bottom.
You have a nice combination of green, the color of the maguro, a little bit of pink.
And then, of course, on top, you have beautiful sliced onions, very thin, and radish, also very thin, with a little bit of broccoli sprouts.
Can I eat it?
Please. While it's cold, eat it.
Go ahead.
Can I use this spoon?
Yeah, of course, you can.
So it won't be like sashimi, but it will be a little similar.
Yeah, a little bit similar.
Yes, of course.
So all together, it's a fresh flavor of the maguro and the avocado.
It's a combination.
Thank you.
Thank you.
OK, so where can we eat this food?
Yes, thank you very much for coming, please.
Ikoto Purato, come have lunch.
Thank you today.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you so much.
Thank you. See you.
Please come back again.
OK, goodbye.
Bye bye.