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2023-06-13 05:02

Long Dream full story


[Episode 1] Boring Everyday [Episode 2] Nostalgic youth [Episode 3] Battle of Sekigahara [Episode 4] Humiliation of Kanossa [Episode 5] Battle of Red Cliff [Episode 6] Little Match Girl [Episode 7] Son Goku [Episode 8] The French Revolution [Episode 9] As usual [Episode 10] Memories [Episode 11] Death

Elderly Couple's Dream
Episode 1 Boring Every Day. Elderly Couple.
The husband's name is Masayo and the wife's name is Akiko.
It hurts Akiko cut her middle finger while making her curry. Masayo put a band-aid on it.
Masayo falls asleep after eating curry. He is asked by the genie who appeared in his dream,
do you want to spend the seven days of your dream? When asked, Masayo involuntarily answers yes.
Episode 2 Nostalgic Youth. When he wakes up, he finds himself back in his youth.
That's right, today I'm going to the sea with my bad friend, it was a promise.
Masayo almost drowns in the sea. The figure of one person swimming at full speed.
The person took Masayo to the beach and helped him. It was Akiko who helped him.
Episode 3 Battle of Sekigahara. When Masayo woke up, he was in Sekigahara, Japan. Masayo was a
general, and today was the day of the decisive battle. The battle began and the situation got
tougher. Masayo is cornered and desperate, a masked warlord appears and saves Masayo.
Secret Identities Revealed
When the warlord took off the mask, it was Akiko. Episode 4 Humiliation of Kanasa.
When Masayo woke up, it was Kanasa in Italy. Masayo to undo his own excommunication.
When he came to the Pope, he was forced to fast for three days and wait barefoot in the snow.
Finally the excommunication was lifted, and the Pope showed her face from the window.
It was Akiko. Episode 5 Battle of Red Cliff. When Masayo woke up, it was the Red Cliff of China.
Masayo is helpless against Cao Cao's fire plan. It was a light in front of the wind. It was written
in a letter from a strategist named Confucius, he implements a ruse against the fire attack and wins
spectacularly. In order to bow, Masayo visit Confucius. Confucius was Akiko. Episode 6 Little
Match Girl. When Masayo woke up, he was in Denmark. Poor young Akiko sells matches,
but she almost froze to death. A match she had in her hand. She rubbed them one by one and tried
to warm them with the fire. In her dream, she met her parents, who passed away. They had a great
time together. But when the dream ends, it returns to reality, she froze to death. Episode 7 Son
Goku. When Masayo awoke, he was above the clouds. That's right Shaka and which one is far I made a
bet on whether I could go or not, and flew into space and fell asleep. It looks like it's about
to reach the end of the universe. There are five pillars standing. As a sign that he has come this
far, Masayo urinates on the pillar in the middle and climbs up. He looked up. What a band-aid on
the top. Akiko's middle finger. Episode 8 The French Revolution. When Masayo woke up, it was
the Palace of Versailles in France. Commoner's dissatisfaction reaches its peak had reached
Masayo escapes from the palace, but is caught on the way and put to the guillotine. There was already
at the guillotine his wife, Marie Antoinette. It was Akiko, goodbye Akiko. Episode 9 As Usual.
Reality Check
When Masayo woke up it was his home. Yes, what about Akiko? Going to the kitchen.
Akiko was there as usual. Masayo said, Oh, I'm glad. Were you okay for seven days? When asked,
Akiko said, What are you talking about? There's no way that yesterday's today will change.
Episode 10 Memories. Certainly there was a pot of leftover curry from yesterday in front of him.
He hugged Akiko for the first time in decades without thinking that it was all right.
Memories of Akiko ran through Masayo's mind like a revolving lantern.
Something like a white veil came down on Masayo. Episode 11 Death. After covering Masayo's face
with a white cloth, the doctor said, It's time to die. But he looked so happy at the end of his
life, like he was dreaming a long dream. A photo of Akiko, who died 10 years ago, was smiling on the

