ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA

ISESAKIFM(FM76.9) Breaking News in GUNMA

IsesakiFM-Anchor AI 537 Episodes

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Missing out on the top four.

Missing out on the top four.

May 22, 2024 01:03 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Spring Kanto High School Baseball Tournament, Kendai Takasaki misses out on the best four.On the 21st, the 76th Spring Kanto Regional High School Baseball Tournament,Kendai Takasaki, which was aiming for a consecutive victory, faced off against Joso Gakuin of Ibaraki Prefecture, and lost 5-6, missing out on a place in the best four.Starter Ishigaki was caught by the opposing batting line, giving up 6 runs by the 5th inning.Sato, who took over from the 6th inning, held them to 1 hit and no runs.In the 5th inning, the offense scored 3 runs with a sacrifice fly and a 2-run RBI hit,and in the 6th inning, they closed the gap to 1 run with a RBI hit, but they couldn't catch up after getting the last hit.

Added 24 local governments nationwide.

Added 24 local governments nationwide.

May 22, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Isesaki City and Midori City added to "SDGs Future City".On the 21st, the Cabinet Office selected 24 more municipalities nationwide, including Isesaki City and Midori City, as "SDGs Future City" to promote urban development.Isesaki City's initiative is the first in the prefecture to be certified as a model project that can receive up to 20 million yen in financial support from the national government.With over 15,000 foreign residents, it has proposed to aim for multicultural coexistence.Midori City, on the other hand, has declared five zeros, including zero food loss and zero plastic waste, and has set a goal of achieving them through public-private cooperation.

An extraordinary session of the Isesaki City Council was held, and Miyata was elected as chairman and Sato as vice-chairman.

An extraordinary session of the Isesaki City Council was held, and Miyata was elected as chairman and Sato as vice-chairman.

May 21, 2024 01:01 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.An extraordinary session of the Isesaki City Council was held, and Miyata was elected as chairman and Sato as vice-chairman.The Isesaki City Council held an extraordinary session on the 20th, and elected Miyata Yoshinori (59) as chairman and Sato Tomonori (52) as vice-chairman by designated recommendation.The two belong to the largest faction, the Isesaki Club, and it is customary for the chairman and vice-chairman of the council to rotate every year.

55% of public high school graduates go on to university, a new record high.

55% of public high school graduates go on to university, a new record high.

May 21, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to AI from "Isesaki FM".55% of public high school graduates go on to university, a new record high.Of the 11,412 students who graduated from public high schools in Gunma Prefecture, the percentage who went on to university or junior college increased by 0.4 points from the previous year to 55%, rising for the fifth consecutive year and setting a new record high.The percentage of those who found employment increased by 0.6 points from the previous year to 19.5%, exceeding the previous year for the first time in five years.By industry, manufacturing had the highest number of graduates at 1,250 people, or 56.3%, followed by construction and wholesale and retail.

It has been revealed that the perpetrators of robberies in mountainous areas in Gunma and other areas switched car numbers and escaped.

It has been revealed that the perpetrators of robberies in mountainous areas in Gunma and other areas switched car numbers and escaped.

May 21, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to AI from "Isesaki FM".It has been revealed that the perpetrators of robberies in mountainous areas in Gunma and other areas switched car numbers and escaped.Last month, there was a series of robberies in which men broke into homes in the mountains in Gunma and other areas, tied up the residents, and stole their money.Police have arrested two Vietnamese nationals, including suspect Hoang Phu Hoa, 25, for attempting to withdraw cash using the cash card of a victim in Tochigi Prefecture.On the 20th, police conducted a search for the car used by the two men.Previous investigations had shown a car very similar to this one on security cameras in the area, but subsequent investigations have revealed that the license plates varied depending on the location and were changed daily.

A zoo in Gunma. A female zookeeper is bitten and seriously injured by a tapir.

A zoo in Gunma. A female zookeeper is bitten and seriously injured by a tapir.

May 21, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.A zoo in Gunma. A female zookeeper is bitten and seriously injured by a tapir.According to Gunma Safari Park, at around 12:30 pm on the 20th, a 21-year-old female zookeeper was brushing a tapir's body by herself when she was suddenly bitten by the tapir.The zookeeper was bitten in two places on her right arm, suffering serious injuries including a broken bone.The tapir that bit her was a female, approximately 180 cm long and weighing approximately 400 kg.According to the Safari Park, it is believed that the zookeeper mistakenly bit the zookeeper, thinking that a child had approached her and interrupted her brushing.

Elected village chief for the first time.

Elected village chief for the first time.

May 20, 2024 01:03 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Takahashi Koichirou wins his first election as mayor of Showa Village.The election for Showa Village mayor, which was held due to the expiration of the current term, was held on the 19th, and independent candidate and former village council chairman Takahashi Koichirou won his first election with 1,489 votes.He accumulated votes in his local Itoi base, defeating former village council member Hayashi Yuji and former village council chairman Fujii Tomio.This is the first election in eight years, as there was no vote last time. The voter turnout was the lowest on record.

 Three people will be selected.

Three people will be selected.

May 20, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By the AI of "Isesaki FM".Three athletes from Gunma Prefecture have been selected to represent Japan in fencing at the Paris Olympics.On the 19th, the Japan Fencing Association announced the 18 athletes who will represent Japan at the Paris Olympics.Three athletes from Gunma Prefecture have been selected: Minobe Kazuyasu, who won a gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics,Shikine Takahiro, and Nagano Yudai.This is the fifth consecutive Olympics since the 2008 Beijing Olympics that Gunma has represented Japan.

The rainy season will start later.

The rainy season will start later.

May 20, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.The rainy season is expected to start later than normal in the Kanto region.Weathernews announced its forecast for the start and end of this year's rainy season by the 19th.The rainy season in the Kanto region, including Gunma Prefecture, is expected to start in mid-June, later than normal.The end of the rainy season is also expected to be normal in mid-July, and the duration is expected to be more than four days shorter than normal.The total amount of rainfall during the rainy season will be normal, but the peak of the rain is expected to be between late June and early July,so people are being urged to be on guard against rising rivers, flooding of homes, and landslides.

The highest number in 10 years.

The highest number in 10 years.

May 20, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".The number of casualties from industrial accidents is the highest in the past 10 years.The number of casualties from industrial accidents that occurred in Gunma Prefecture in 2023 was 2,596.This is the fourth consecutive year of increase, and the highest number in the past 10 years.According to the summary, the manufacturing industry had the most casualties with 774, followed by commerce with 390.By type of accident, 621 people were from falls, 438 people from recoil from movements/unreasonable movements, etc.Occupational accidents have been on the rise this year,with 417 casualties and 4 deaths from January to March.

A new species of fossil.

A new species of fossil.

May 17, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to the AI of "Isesaki FM".Fossil found at natural history museum identified as new genus and species.On the 16th, the Gunma Prefectural Museum of Natural History in Tomioka City announced that dolphin head fossils discovered in Annaka City and Tochigi Prefecturewere a new genus and species of the Siberian river dolphin family.Based on the age of the strata, the Annaka fossil is the oldest Siberian river dolphin fossil in the world, dating back approximately 11 million years.As it is more than 1 million years older than the oldest fossil found to date, found in California, USA,the Gunma Prefectural Museum of Natural History pointed out that it may have originated in Asia.The research results were described as "important in considering origins and evolution."

Foreigner arrested in robbery case.

Foreigner arrested in robbery case.

May 17, 2024 01:06 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".A foreigner arrested in Takasaki City after robbery in Annaka City.In a series of robberies targeting homes in the mountains in Annaka City and the prefecture's outskirts,two Vietnamese men, including suspect Hoang Phu Hoa, 25, were arrested by the 16th on suspicion of attempted theft and other offences for attempting to withdraw cash using the stolen cash cards.They were taken into custody at a lodging facility in Takasaki City.An investigation team was set up at Annaka Police Station on the 10th, and will share information with the Fukushima Prefectural Police to clarify the situation.

Charged with commissioned murder.

Charged with commissioned murder.

May 17, 2024 01:05 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Isesaki City man who killed his mother indicted for contract murder.On the 16th, the Maebashi District Public Prosecutors Office indicted Hagiwara Junji, 48, an unemployed man from Isesaki City, who had been indicted on suspicion of murder for strangling his mother to death, at the Maebashi District Court, changing the charge to contract murder.On April 25th, with the consent of his mother, Tamae, 79 at the time, at their home, he strangled her with both hands, causing her death from multiple organ failure on the 26th.

The man who stole the cash was arrested.

The man who stole the cash was arrested.

May 17, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Man arrested for punching a man in Isesaki City and stealing his cash.On the 16th, Isesaki Police Station arrested a 19-year-old scaffolder from Maebashi City on suspicion of robbery resulting in injury after punching the man in the face, injuring him, and stealing his cash.At around 11:05 pm on the 15th, the man opened the door of a light passenger vehicle parked in Tamamura-cho,and punched the 24-year-old male office worker from Isesaki City in the face,threatening him by saying, "Give me your wallet. How much can you pay?"He is suspected of stealing approximately 10,000 yen in cash and inflicting minor injuries on the man,and has admitted to the charges when questioned.

Educational practice school.

Educational practice school.

May 17, 2024 01:04 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".Thanks to AI from "Isesaki FM".Tamamura Joyo Elementary School becomes Gunma Prefecture's inclusive education practice school.To promote "inclusive education" where students learn together regardless of whether they have a disability or not,Gunma Prefecture and the Board of Education announced that they will build a unique educational model at Tamamura Joyo Elementary School as a practice research school,and aim to roll it out by 2027.The school was designated as such because it is actively promoting coexistence initiatives, such as having children in wheelchairs learn together as much as possible.To reduce the burden on the school, the Prefectural Board of Education will provide support by assigning "curriculum managers" who will be responsible for planning lessons andvolunteer "inclusive supporters" who will support lessons.

28 people who ate food from a food truck have complained of food poisoning.

28 people who ate food from a food truck have complained of food poisoning.

May 16, 2024 01:01 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.28 people who ate food from a food truck have complained of food poisoning.On the 15th, the prefecture announced that 28 men and women aged from under 10 to their 70s living in six cities and towns, including Isesaki, who had eaten food from the food truck "Gold Kebab," which operated in an amusement park in Shibukawa City, had complained of symptoms such as vomiting, fever, and diarrhea, and that norovirus had been detected in some of the customers.The prefecture determined that the food poisoning was caused by the restaurant, and suspended its business for three days from the 15th.

A total of 13 companies went bankrupt in Gunma Prefecture in April. The total amount of debt is 2.7 times higher.

A total of 13 companies went bankrupt in Gunma Prefecture in April. The total amount of debt is 2.7 times higher.

May 16, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".A total of 13 companies went bankrupt in Gunma Prefecture in April. The total amount of debt is 2.7 times higher.According to Teikoku Databank, the number of companies in the prefecture that went bankrupt last month with debts of over 10 million yen was 13, an increase of one from the previous month, and the seventh consecutive month with more than 10 cases.The total amount of debt was 2.865 billion yen, an increase of 1.87 billion yen from the previous month, a 2.7-fold increase.By industry, the manufacturing industry had the most bankruptcies with 6, followed by retail with 4 and the service industry with 2.

Many instances of stink bugs and moths, pests that damage fruits and vegetables, have been spotted this month.

Many instances of stink bugs and moths, pests that damage fruits and vegetables, have been spotted this month.

May 16, 2024 01:01 いせさきFM

Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By "Isesaki FM" AI.Many instances of stink bugs and moths, pests that damage fruits and vegetables, have been spotted this month.The Gunma Agricultural Technology Center has set up capture devices at seven locations in the prefecture to investigate the outbreak.According to the center, 60 German-winged green stink bugs, about three times the average, were spotted at a survey site in Takasaki City, where the highest number of bugs was found. In addition, 34 moths, whose larvae feed on leafy vegetables, were spotted at a survey site in Showa Village.The center says that the outbreak of both stink bugs and moths is earlier than average, and that more have been spotted.

Two Vietnamese men arrested in the "Gunma Mountain Robbery Case".

Two Vietnamese men arrested in the "Gunma Mountain Robbery Case".

May 16, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Two Vietnamese men arrested in the "Gunma Mountain Robbery Case".Suspect Hoang Phu Hoa, 25, and suspect Xy, 23, of Vietnamese nationality, were arrested on suspicion of attempted theft and other offences for their involvement in a series of robberies that have occurred around the Kanto region.According to the police, suspect Hoang is suspected of attempting to withdraw cash from an ATM using the cash card of a victim of a robbery that occurred in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture on the 30th of last month.The two were reportedly acting together when they were arrested. Police believe that the two may also be involved in a series of robberies that have occurred in detached houses in the mountains around the Kanto region, and are investigating the connection.

Reward for "Yukari-chan Case" is now 4 million yen.

Reward for "Yukari-chan Case" is now 4 million yen.

May 16, 2024 01:00 いせさきFM

Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Reward for "Yukari-chan Case" is now 4 million yen.In the case of Yokoyama Yukari, then aged 4, who went missing from a pachinko parlor in Ota City on July 7, 1996,the Crime Prevention Association has decided to raise the reward for information that provides a useful clue from the maximum of 3 million yen to 4 million yen.The increase will take effect on July 1st, and the association will use the funds that it has been saving since 2006, when it increased the amount to 3 million yen, to keep the case from being forgotten.



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@narumi のつぶやき

@narumi のつぶやき

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