Akagi Campground and Facilities to Open Simultaneously in Spring 2026.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".On the 4th, Gunma Prefecture announced a plan to open the campsite and surrounding facilities at the prefectural Akagi Park simultaneously in the spring of 2026. The campsite was originally scheduled to open in the spring of 2025, and the base facility in the fall, but this was postponed due to construction delays. At the end of last year, the major outdoor equipment manufacturer "Snow Peak" was selected as the designated manager. Due to rising prices and labor costs, the total project cost is expected to exceed the initial estimate of approximately 3.2 billion yen.

High School Student Arrested for Unlicensed Driving and Hit-and-Run.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".On the 4th, Kiryu Police Station arrested an 18-year-old high school student from Kiryu City on suspicion of driving without a license. At around 7pm on the 3rd, he was driving a light passenger vehicle without a license in a convenience store parking lot in Niisato-machi, crashing into another vehicle while backing up and causing minor injuries, then fleeing the scene. Two 17-year-old boys were also in the car at the time.

Ambulance Arrival Time in Gunma Shortened to an Average of 9 Minutes.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".According to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the arrival time of ambulances in Gunma Prefecture in fiscal 2023 was an average of 9 minutes, 0.2 minutes shorter than the previous year. Although this is shorter than the national average of 10 minutes, it is the second longest on record. The number of dispatches increased by 6,793 from the previous year to 108,191, a new record high.

Snowfall in Gunma: School Closures and Delayed Start Times.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".On the 4th, a low pressure system brought cold air into Gunma Prefecture, causing snow to fall in various areas. The heaviest snowfall was in Fujiwara, Minakami Town, where 207 centimeters fell. Schools were scrambling to respond, with elementary and junior high schools deciding to close or postpone school start times on the 5th. In Shibukawa City, Ikaho Elementary and Junior High School were closed, and school start times were delayed by one to two hours in 15 cities and towns, including Maebashi, Isesaki, and Ota. Farmers were also scrambling to deal with the snow, with the effects spreading as farmers rushed to start harvesting.

Utilizing Prefectural Housing for J3 Thespa Gunma Players.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Gunma Prefecture has begun an initiative to allow young players from J3 League club Thespa Gunma to live in prefectural housing, which is facing an increasing number of vacant rooms and an aging population. The contract period is five years, and if there is a request for an extension, it will be decided after discussion. The prefecture hopes that by having the players participate in local events and soccer events, it will not only eliminate vacant rooms but also contribute to revitalizing the region.

Art Live Event Featuring Young Artists Held in Isesaki.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".The Isesaki Art Live, a joint performance by young artists with ties to Gunma Prefecture, was held on the 2nd. They performed on stage incorporating music, flower arranging, Kenshibudo, and Isesaki Meisen. Local children also performed a fashion performance using Meisen.

Disaster Medical Team DMAT Conducts Joint Training.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".About 1,200 DMAT members and related organizations from the seven Kanto prefectures conducted joint training throughout the prefecture. Assuming a magnitude 7 earthquake, they confirmed the chain of command and strengthened medical response. At Maebashi Red Cross Hospital, they used the doctor helicopter base to conduct first aid training.

Cesium Levels Exceeding Standards Found in Wild Game Meat.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Prefectural inspections found radioactive cesium exceeding the standard level in a total of 13 samples of wild boar, Japanese deer, and Asiatic black bear. All shipments have been restricted and are no longer in circulation. This year, 68 samples have been investigated.

Tatebayashi Police Create Cyberattack Prevention Video in Drama Format.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Tatebayashi Police Station produced a dramatized video called "Cyber Invasion" to introduce cyber attack methods and countermeasures for companies and government agencies, and released it on YouTube on the 28th. The police officers themselves starred and edited the video, which is divided into three parts and explains based on real cases. They have also produced a video to introduce the methods of SNS-based romance scams.

Avalanche in Mt. Tanigawa, Two Men Killed.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".On the 1st, two men were killed after being caught in an avalanche on Mount Tanigawa in Minakami Town, Gunma Prefecture. Police were called to the scene and conducted a search, and the men were rescued about two hours later, but were confirmed dead at the hospital where they were taken. An avalanche warning had been issued due to rising temperatures.

Multinational Market Held at Isesaki City Hall.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".The "Multinational Marche" which brings together restaurants run by foreigners was held at Isesaki City Hall, with seven stores offering authentic cuisine. The food of five countries, including Peru and Pakistan, was on display, and the event was crowded with visitors.

Rengo Gunma Holds Rally in Takasaki.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Rengo Gunma held a spring offensive rally in Takasaki, where about 170 people called for wage increases and the correction of disparities. Chairman Sato emphasized, "We aim to exceed last year's standards and become the driving force for improving the working environment." Participants marched around JR Takasaki Station, calling for a wage increase.

Pedestrian-Vehicle Separated Signals Make Up 2.8% of Prefecture’s Traffic Lights.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".As the National Police Agency has relaxed the standards for the introduction of pedestrian-vehicle separation signals, it is expected that their installation will expand in the prefecture. Currently, only 2.8% of all traffic lights have been installed, and families of victims of traffic accidents have welcomed this move as "progress". Further spread of such systems is required to ensure the safety of children and students.

Prefecture Signs Medical Response Agreements with 817 Institutions.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".The prefecture has signed agreements with 817 medical institutions as a new infectious disease countermeasure. It is expected that 670 inpatient beds and 801 fever clinics will be secured in the event of a pandemic. In addition, an infectious disease medical support center has been established to improve the response capabilities of medical institutions and promote human resource development.

Birth Rate in the Prefecture Hits Record Low.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".The number of births in the prefecture in 2024 will be 10,276, a decrease of 4.5% from the previous year, setting a new record low. Meanwhile, the natural decline, which is the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths, will be the highest ever at 17,598. The number of births is at its lowest level nationwide, and the population decline is accelerating. The prefecture plans to strengthen support measures for the new fiscal year in order to create an environment where parents can raise children with peace of mind.

Fire Breaks Out on the Tone Riverbank in Isesaki.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".On the afternoon of the 23rd, a fire broke out on the banks of the Tone River in Isesaki City, burning approximately 8,000m2 of undergrowth. The fire was extinguished two hours and 20 minutes later, with no injuries and no spread to buildings. Large-scale riverbank fires have also occurred in the city in January and February, and the fire department is calling for caution.

Three Cambodian Nationals Arrested for Copper Wire Theft in Shibukawa.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".In connection with the theft of 22 meters of copper wire (worth about 181,500 yen) from a chicken farm in Shibukawa City last August, the Gunma and Tochigi Prefectural Police have re-arrested three Cambodian men. They are suspected of conspiring to commit the crime.

Prefecture Releases 2024 Happiness Report.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".The prefecture released its 2024 happiness report, and 71.1% of the prefecture's residents felt "happy" or "somewhat happy", exceeding 70% for the first time. This is a 4.3 point increase from the previous year, and is thought to be influenced by the recovery of socio-economic activity after the transition to COVID-19 Category 5.

Thespa Gunma Secures First Win of the Season.
Breaking News "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".Thespa Gunma defeated Tochigi C 2-0, earning their first win of the season. It was their first win since September last year, and their overall record is 1 win and 1 draw (4 points). Aoki scored the opening goal in the 24th minute of the first half, and Nishimura added another goal with a header in added time. In the second half, they struggled with the opponent's press, but Takahashi and Kondo played well to keep the score at zero.

CSF Detected at a Pig Farm in Maebashi.
Breaking news "Gunma Prefecture".By AI of "Isesaki FM".CSF (Class 1 Swine Fever) was confirmed at a pig farm in Maebashi City, and 8,700 pigs will be culled. An increase in piglet deaths was reported on the 20th, and infections were confirmed on the 21st. The prefecture is taking preventive measures, which are scheduled to be completed by the 8th of next month. The infected pigs are 3 weeks old, and may have been infected before they had developed antibodies from the vaccine.

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