2022-12-11 16:09

English w Abdul

spotify apple_podcasts


Hello, how's it going?
Yeah, I'm just listening to my podcast myself.
Okay, you're good. You're good to go.
Sorry if I bothered you.
Yeah, I located in Tokyo, in the south part of Tokyo.
But, yeah, where I located, if you can say, or if you are on the Web3, Metaverse, you don't need to say where it is.
Oh, nice. Well, I'm from Saudi Arabia, but I live in Chicago.
Nowadays, I'm back to the Middle East.
And, yes, I do a lot of Web3 stuff. I do arts, fine arts.
Oh, fine arts.
Oh, the algorithm was changed. Thank you for Elon Musk.
And I met a lot of artists from not Web3 only, maybe in the physical art.
And, yeah, thank you for coming up to speak.
Yeah, man. Appreciate it. Thanks.
So, where you at? In Tokyo?
Nice, nice, nice. Good for you. Great country, great city.
So much love. I know a lot of artists from that area as well.
And some of my friends, her name is Voloki, she's also an artist who is moving to Tokyo next month.
Oh, really?
That's good. Maybe if you have time, maybe...
You guys taken all the good artists. What's going on?
Yeah. So, how long you are staying in Chicago?
I've been in Chicago for eight years now. I am in Saudi Arabia because I have an exhibition.
Yes. And today was the third day. It went well, actually. It was a really good exhibition. We had fun.
The exhibition was called the Photography Kingdom Award.
And I was nominated to be one of the best photographers here in Saudi Arabia.
Wow. Congratulations.
Thank you. Thank you.
Yeah. It was good news. It was not a long journey, but a good one.
So, you come back to US or you stay in several years?
They want me to stay because there's more projects happening. But honestly, myself, I feel like...
Honestly, myself, I feel like I want to stay because I'm getting to know my culture even more. You feel me?
But I don't know how that will go. I think it depends on the projects because the United States is just beautiful.
But my country is more pretty than the United States. So, I guess I'm choosing peace.
Yeah. Every artist has this kind of mentality differences.
I mean, I was in five years in Europe to study there and discover some art gallery and come back to Japan and still continue to work with them.
So, you are an artist as well?
Yeah. So, yeah.
What do you do?
I'm making some wooden sculptures.
I do that too.
Oh, really?
Yes, I do wooden sculptures. I'm making mine in two months and it will be exhibited in Ifrah, if you ever heard about it.
Oh, my goodness.
The exhibition will be called On Earth.
Oh, sounds nice.
Yes, it's from materials that came from Earth and the art piece have to look like something that grows from Earth or happens on Earth.
So, it's a very naturalistic exhibition.
Naturalistic sounds and it's for protect the energy, electricity.
Yeah. Is there any that's connected with NFT or some Web3 token?
No, no.
The wooden sculpture will be not connected to Web3.
Unfortunately, not all my work can be. However, I wish.
Maybe I'll take pictures of the project and I'll just sell the pictures because the art piece will be so pretty because I did renders.
I did renders of the project before I started and it looks amazing.
So, I think I can take that one step forward with photography to create a certain feeling, you know?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, the iPhone 12 Pro, you have it because later 3D scanning starts with that series, no?
Say that again?
It's 3D scanning with, for example, wooden sculpture.
It's iPhone 12.
It's iPhone 12 Pro.
Maybe that machine can be scanning, no?
Okay. Yeah, maybe. I don't need to scan it. I already have the 3D model on my computer.
How you transport to the wooden sculpture?
I am making it.
Making it with chisel, chainsaws or some machine?
Well, there's going to be handwork and there's going to be an auto, you know, auto work, but most of the work is going to be handmade.
You know, the piece that I chose to use is also manufactured in China, so I can easily buy, but I don't want to buy, I want to make, you know?
But do you need a studio?
I already have a studio. I rented one last month.
Wow. How great investment for this machine.
Oh my God.
It's not expensive because here in Saudi Arabia they support artists, so they provide you for the space, but you don't pay much and it's a huge space as well.
Oh, that's so nice.
Yeah, for example, my sculpture, when I'm scanning my sculpture and send it to you and wooden sculpting with machine, is it possible?
Oh, man, that's great.
How tall is your sculpture?
50 centimeters.
50, 70 like knee size, from floor to knee, yeah.
Okay, and how wide?
Wide is 15 or maybe 20 centimeters by 20 centimeters.
Oh, yeah, that's easy. That's easy.
Oh, yeah, that's very easy, actually. My sculpture is 3 meters high.
Yeah, and 45 centimeters wide and it's circulated, so this is the diameter.
Yeah, my sculpture will be huge. It has multifunction. It works as an art piece, but it's also a column. It works as an architectural function. It can support buildings to stand.
And it can get taller based on request and it can get shorter based on request.
Wow. Wow, we're going to change. How fast? Oh, my God.
Yeah, but your sculpture is easy, man. It's small. It can get done. You don't need to send this over here to be done. You can make it in there.
You just need a really good wooden man because it can be craved. It can be carved, no?
You think you can carve wood? Have you tried?
Say it again? What do you mean?
Have you tried carving wood?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I worked over 20 years for carving wood, yeah.
Amazing, 30 years.
So you have some link on your bio about this exhibition, yeah?
My website?
Yes, I bought it.
Yeah, and what are you doing now? I mean, that's morning, no? In the south of Arabia.
Yes, it is 4.21.
Wow, wake up early.
I am waiting for my train. I'm waiting for my train.
A train?
Yes, I'm traveling to my city because the exhibition was in another city.
Yes, I went for the exhibition, and I'm done now. So I'm waiting for the train, two hours, and I'll be on the train from now.
Oh, that's great, that's great.
Anyway, I tried to publish some private magazine, free magazine.
So if you can possible to join my project, I mean, like, it's already continued to one year.
Everyone has seven artists.
But if you have more protected or copyright, want to protect it yourself, you don't need to join my project.
But it's just an idea.
What's your magazine is about?
It's all artists from the world, and sometimes photographer, sometimes NFT artist, sometimes painter.
Oh, thanks.
How many editions you've done?
Editions now is 16.
Nice, look at you. Are you doing this yourself, or do you have people working for you to do it?
It's myself. That's sometimes not published.
So some months can be something like really relaxed, easy, organic way.
Otherwise we forget about your name and no contact forever.
So I think that's a way to remember.
Oh, true.
I like what you're doing.
I dig it.
So most of the artists from all over the world.
So I'm thinking 16 editions, multiply that by seven.
So we've got around 80 or 90 artists.
Yeah, exactly.
Look at you, supporting the world.
Oh, you understand immediately.
That's so amazing, my idea.
That's so great.
Thanks so much.
So train will come too soon.
So maybe I go back to carving wood, and I contact you by DM.
Yeah, would love to.
I'm happy to hear that you're doing this support.
However, if I'm right, how do you think I could help you?
Like what can I provide for you?
Yeah, I think just enough.
I think just enough one shaping image, which I like it.
I mean, that's the screenshot from your Instagram or Twitter.
Then I use for the image for my magazine.
And that's it.
The magazine will be in what language?
Not published by text, just English.
But image, just in the image magazine.
Okay, sounds really good.
Yeah, I'd love to.
Oh, thank you so much.
Today, come to speak.
That's so good.
And good luck to your artist life, and great success for your exhibition, I hope.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate that.
One thing I have to say that people from your side of the world, from Tokyo,
always impresses me with how polite and generous they are.
You guys are just amazing.
To be honest, you always make me curious to come to Tokyo.
You always have me wonder what it's like in there.
And I can't wait to the day I create art in Japan.
That's on the future.
Thank you so much.
I really do feel like I do want to start a project in there.
I really hope so.
One day.
Thank you very much for the space.
Are you still staying or are you going anywhere?
No, I go out.
All right, man.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.

