

Logical Elegance 532 Episodes

I am Elecia White alongside Christopher White. We’re here to chat about the interests, careers, and lives of engineers, artists, educators and makers. Our diverse guest list includes names you may have heard and engineers working quietly in the trenches. Either way, they are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and inspiring.

We’d love to share our enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).

364: All the Abstractions

364: All the Abstractions

Mar 5, 2021 1:09:16

Jacob Beningo spoke with us about embedded systems, conference talks, writing articles and books, and best practices in development. Jacob is a consultant and instructor, see his website for more details (beningo.com). Jacob is one of the organizers of the Embedded Online Conference, May 18,19, and 20. Session times is generally noted in Eastern Time (Americas). A coupon code for a discount on registration is in the show. Jacob will be giving a talk called Best Practices for RTOS Application Design. He likes the full visibility of tracing, using the Segger J-Trace with SystemView or Precipio. Jacob has written three books: MicroPython Projects: A do-it-yourself guide for embedded developers to build a range of applications using Python Reusable Firmware Development: A Practical Approach to APIs, HALs and Drivers API Standard for MCUs He’s also written many articles for Embedded.com as well as his own blog. He recommends the IEEE Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK). The SWEBOK is a free download from IEEE, which covers the best practices that engineers should be following when they develop software along with processes and strategies. Jacob also recommends Renesas’ Synergy Software Quality Handbook that describes the processes that they used to develop and validate their software.

363: Squishy Nature

363: Squishy Nature

Feb 26, 2021 1:02:26

Alana Sherman of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI, @MBARI_News) spoke with us about engineering for deep sea environments and jelly creatures. Alana’s MBARI page notes that she worked on DeepPIV and the Benthic Rover. She is also a part of the BioInspiration Lab. Larvaceans: image search, short video, or (my favorite!) the long video. It is probably too late to purchase tshirts but… in case it isn’t, here is the link.

362: Permutations of Underscores

362: Permutations of Underscores

Feb 19, 2021 1:18:10

Chris and Elecia chat about their projects, Python, choosing boards, social media, tshirts, and self care. T Shirts are on sale until the end of February! To decode the titles check out the giant list of all embedded episodes. Our social media empire is growing. Please follow us on any of these sites: Twitter @embeddedfm Instagram @embeddedpodcast Facebook @embeddedfm LinkedIn @Embeddedfm YouTube Embedded Podcast  Patreon Embedded Mailchimp Newsletter (weekly) Embedded.fm 2021 Embedded Online Conference is May 18-19 & 20, 2021 Raspberry Pi Pico Meaning of underscores in Python and Python CTypes

255: Jellyfish Are Pretty Badass (Repeat)

255: Jellyfish Are Pretty Badass (Repeat)

Feb 12, 2021 1:03:30

Ariel Waldman (@arielwaldman) spoke with us about how science, art, and all of the other disciplines can build a better world. Ariel does many amazing things, it is hard to list them all. Homepage: arielwaldman.com YouTube: arielwaldman Science Hack Day: sciencehackday.org and Twitter @ScienceHackDay Space Hack directory of ways to get involved: spacehack.org Patreon page: arielwaldman Book: What's It Like in Space?: Stories from Astronauts Who've Been There NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts council, look at niacfellows.org to apply. Ariel fell in love with NASA while watching the When We Left Earth miniseries.

361: Have a Dog for the Day

361: Have a Dog for the Day

Feb 5, 2021 41:17

Christelle Rohaut (@chrisrohaut) spoke with us about circular economies and how innovation can build better cities. Christelle is co-founder and CEO of Codi. She is on the Forbes 30 under 30 list.  Second Harvest Food Bank

360: Cats Love It!

360: Cats Love It!

Jan 29, 2021 1:03:44

Ben Hest of Digikey (@digikey) answered questions about finding parts, warehouses, packaging orders, and sweeping components off the floor. The Digikey website: digikey.com. It is ok to click around, looking for a ton of information (as well as parts).  Want to see someone search for parts? Limor at Adafruit does this every week in The Great Search videos! Ben’s favorite new parts are the Raspberry Pi Pico and the Parallax Propeller 2. Embedded T-shirts are available! You could also have your own waffle paper maker: Geami Wrap. Digikey is hiring for IT and Software Engineering positions! Check out their open jobs here.

359: You Can Never Have Too Many Socks

359: You Can Never Have Too Many Socks

Jan 22, 2021 1:05:03

Thea Flowers (Stargirl, @theavalkyrie) creates open source and open hardware craft synthesizers that use Circuit Python for customization. She also writes about the internals of the SAMD21. Thea’s synthesizer modules are found at Winterbloom, including Castor & Pollux and the Big Honking Button. It is all open source hardware so you can find code and schematics on Thea’s github site: github.com/theacodes  Thea’s site is thea.codes. You can find her blog there with deeply technical and detailed posts such as The most thoroughly commented linker script (probably), The Design of the Roland Juno oscillators, and Understanding the SAMD21 Clocks.  For more information about the Eurorack, listen to Embedded 356: Deceive and Manipulate You with Leonardo Laguna Ruiz of Vult.

358: Woodturning Influencer

358: Woodturning Influencer

Jan 15, 2021 1:08:33

Emily Velasco (@MLE_Online) spoke with us about artistic projects, retro-future aesthetics, and scientific communication.  She shows and describes the projects on YouTube: Emily’s Electric Oddities including the Optical Sound Decoder, Port-A-Vid, Hairy Cacti, and the Lissajukebox. Many of Emily’s professional writings can be found on Wevolver, usually redirected to sites where they are published.

357: How Do You Think Waffles Work?

357: How Do You Think Waffles Work?

Jan 9, 2021 1:09:44

Chris and Elecia talk about making albums, making progress, DIY shot reporting, getting credit, and project management. Check out the Embedded transcripts (now with older shows appearing weekly!).  The Embedded Patreon provides the funds for guest mics, transcripts (new and old), and new shirt designs. Thank you very much to the supporters. Thank you to our listeners for raising over $5000 for DigitalNest! Books and articles mentioned: Tessellations for Everyone Risk Up Front: Managing Projects in a Complex World Software Project Survival Guide  Object-oriented design patterns in the kernel Open source gunshot sensor   Thank you to 2020 sponsors including Qt and Triplebyte as well as InterWorking Labs for their early patreon-business-level support.

253: We’ll Pay Them in Fun (Repeat)

253: We’ll Pay Them in Fun (Repeat)

Jan 1, 2021 1:07:41

We spoke with Kathleen Tuite (@kaflurbaleen) about augmented reality, computer vision, games with a purpose, and meetups. Kathleen’s personal site (filled with many interesting projects we didn’t talk about) is SuperFireTruck.com. Her graduate work was in using photogrammetry to build models. Kathleen works for GrokStyle, a company that lets you find furniture you like based on what you see. GrokStyle is used in the Augmented Reality try-it-at-home IKEA Place app. Theory of Fun for Game Design by Raph Koster Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Language translating/learning app and online game is Duolingo TensorFlow in Javascript HCOMP 2018: Human Computer Conference with Keynote by Zooniverse’s Lucy Fortson (no video for that yet but we hope)

356: Deceive and Manipulate You

356: Deceive and Manipulate You

Dec 18, 2020 1:04:26

Leonardo Laguna Ruiz of Vult spoke with us about modelling electronics, modular synthesizers, and modulating sound. We talked in detail about applied digital signal processing. Leonardo’s website is www.vult-dsp.com. Check out the Freak Filter, the user manual alone is a course in signal processing. You can buy finished or DIY versions on vult-dsp.com/store.  The physical hardware is a Eurorack module (wiki) but the Vult modules are also available for the VCV Rack, a Eurorack simulator that you can use to build your own modular synthesizer.  Leonardo has a YouTube channel where he goes in depth on signal processing: youtube.com/c/LeonardoLagunaRuiz. He’s also written about modeling vintage analog sound on the Wolfram blog. For more information about the Vult programming language (or an example for how to build your own, check out the github repository: http://modlfo.github.io/vult/overview/ This episode was sponsored by Qt, a cross platform application framework for desktop, mobile and embedded devices. That means you get a full set of libraries for nearly everything you can think of, plus a world-class GUI that will give you a native look wherever your code runs. Try Qt for free at www.qt.io/download (qt.io/embeddedfm ! And check out Qt for MCUs!)

355: Favorite Ways to Make Noises

355: Favorite Ways to Make Noises

Dec 11, 2020 1:08:38

Helen Leigh (@helenleigh) joined us to talk about music, electronics, books, and starting a new job at CrowdSupply (@crowd_supply). Helen was previously on Embedded #261: Blowing Their Fragile Little Minds where we talked about subversive geography, her book The Crafty Kid's Guide to DIY Electronics, and the mini.mu musical gloves. Helen has a book coming out in 2021 about DIY Music Tech including a soft version of the Michel Waisvisz' CrackleBox (Kraakdos). Check out some of the projects in HackSpace magazine issue 36 and 37 (the book will be serialised in HackSpace). Or look on YouTube for some examples of Helen’s purring tentacle and her circuit sculpture harp. Helen mentioned Bunnie Huang’s Precursor, an open mobile phone, on CrowdSupply (campaign ending shortly). The Giant German Congress mentioned is the CCC Congress Festival Helen’s preferred thread (the one you can actually get) is Madiera’s conductive threads. Hit the contact link for purchasing. (Helen notes you can use it for both sides in a sewing machine!)  

354: Better Snowmen in Finland

354: Better Snowmen in Finland

Dec 4, 2020 1:00:38

Becky Worledge of the Qt Company (@qtproject) spoke with us about application frameworks, organizing large code bases, and automotive regulations. The best place to get started with Qt is the getting started page: doc.qt.io/qt-5/gettingstarted.html  Or skip that and head straight for the code: github.com/qt Maybe backtrack to see what is available: qt.io/product/features Hmm, was there talk of Qt and Python? PySide was it? qt.io/qt-for-python But wait, Qt for MCU? What platforms are supported? QtForMCUs/qtul-supported-platforms.html Finally, don’t get eaten by a Grue, sense when they are coming: doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtsensors-grue-example.html Qt6 is coming out Dec 2020. So maybe replace all the qt-5 in the links with qt-6 to see if it is ready yet! Oh, and Qt is hiring: qt.io/careers The quote at the end is not from Abraham Lincoln. (Quote Investigator). Still a good thought.

353: Red for the Ones That Might Blow Up

353: Red for the Ones That Might Blow Up

Nov 26, 2020 1:15:34

Seth Hillbrand (@SethHillbrand), lead developer for KiCAD (@kicad_pcb), spoke with us about open source development, EDA tools, pronunciation, and inclusion. Check out KiCAD! Seth’s company provides support for KiCAD (kipro-pcb.com, @kiproeda).  

352: Baby's First Hydrofluoric Acid

352: Baby's First Hydrofluoric Acid

Nov 20, 2020 1:00:59

John McMaster (@johndmcmaster) told us about the process of opening up chips to see how the processors are structured and what the firmware says.  See John’s website for information on getting started (as well as digging much deeper). John has given some interesting Hardwear.io talks including Capturing Mask ROMs and Taming Hydrofluoric Acid to Extract Firmware. His talks and many others are available on the Hardwear.io archive. Or sign up for the Hardwear.io Online Hardware Security Training, Berlin Jan 2021. As mentioned in the show: John wrote a blog post about his top lab accidents and explosions. Paper: Reverse engineering Flash EEPROM memories using Scanning Electron Microscopy by Franck Courbon, Sergei Skorobogatov, and Christopher Woods Rompar and bitract are the two programs mentioned as helpful for getting from an image to binary code.

351: Dextral or Sinistral

351: Dextral or Sinistral

Nov 13, 2020 56:54

Chris and Elecia discuss transcripts, lightsabers, seashells, python, numpy, matlab and how to get into embedded systems development. Embedded show transcripts are available at embedded.fm/transcripts  Elecia’s origami github repository includes a python script for generating origami shell folding patterns. The paper described was Analysis of Shell Coiling: General Problems by David M. Raup from the Journal of Paleontology , Sep., 1966, Vol. 40, No. 5. Chris used this model to print his lightsaber: Star Wars Lightsaber (Normal version) from YouMagine The episode was sponsored by Triplebyte. If you are looking to prove your skills, develop your knowledge, or find a job you love, check out Triplebyte.

350: The State of the Empire Is Good

350: The State of the Empire Is Good

Nov 6, 2020 59:32

Ben Hencke (@ledmage, @im889) updated us on blinking lights and running a small hardware business. You can find the current PixelBlaze in the Electomage store on Tindie (tindie.com/stores/electromage/) or signup for a shiny new version on CrowdSupply. Ben’s personal site (bhencke.com) has lots of projects including a page devoted to the awesome Pixelblaze projects (including the BioTronEsis alien light sea creatures which someone who hosts this show hopes will be in her Christmas stocking). When Ben is making Pixelblaze, the brand is ElectroMage (electromage.com/) so you can see more about Pixelblaze there including the forum. We didn’t talk about TapGlo, the arcade ping pong table that Ben is also working on. Favorite solder paste: LOCTITE GC 10 paste (henkel-adhesives) About his favorite acronym, Ben says, “XMLHttpRequest is my favorite because it perfectly illustrates how we're (developers) bad at naming things and like to come up with arbitrary rules for things. The story about how XML is all caps and Html is camel case is just too perfect, and it's popular use rarely has anything to do with XML” Finally, There are 40 different flavors of Kit Kat. There are 12 flavors of candy corn, they all taste the same.

242: The Cilantro of Robots (Repeat)

242: The Cilantro of Robots (Repeat)

Oct 30, 2020 57:04

Christine Sunu (@christinesunu) spoke with us about the feelings we get from robots. For more information about emotive design, check out Christine’s website: christinesunu.com. From there you can find hackpretty.com, some of her talks (including the TED talk with the Fur Worm), and links to her projects (such as Starfish Cat and a Cartoon Guide to the Internet of Things). You can find more of her writing and videos on BuzzFeed and The Verge. You can also hire her product development company Flash Bang. Embedded 142: New and Improved Appendages is where Sarah Petkus offers to let her robot lick us. Keepon Robot (or on Wikipedia) Books we talked about: Accelerando by Charles Stross Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less by Sherry Turkle (MIT site) Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age by Sherry Turkle (MIT site) Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness by Peter Godfrey-Smith (Note: Elecia also wrote a whole octopus annotated bibliography in a recent post)

349: Open Down to the Transistor

349: Open Down to the Transistor

Oct 23, 2020 1:14:00

Drew Fustini (@pdp7) spoke with us about building Linux, RISC-V cores, and many other things. Links, so many links! Drew is a board member of the BeagleBoard.org Foundation and of the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA.org). He is an open source hardware designer at OSHPark (he recommends their blog!). He writes a monthly column for Hackspace Magazine, for example The Rise of the FPGA in Issue 26 and  Intro to RISC-V.  Yocto is a tool to help build a Linux distribution specific to your board and application! Bootlin offers free training material for Yocto and OpenEmbedded (as well as many other things such as Embedded Linux and Linux kernel development). Or there is a video: Buildroot vs Yocto: Differences for Your Daily Job - Luca Ceresoli at Embedded Linux Conference. Or look at Embedded Apprentice Linux Engineer (e-ale.org). Or maybe another video: “Yocto Project Dev Day Virtual 2020 #3: Yocto Project Kernel Lab, Hands-On, Part 1” by Trevor Woerner. RISC-V is an open source processor core. Well, cores. But you can try them out in hardware even if you don’t want to play with an FPGA. The SiSpeed Longan Nano has a GigaDevices microcontroller dev board (with an OLED on board!, more info). Did you know you can run Linux on RISC-V? The cheapest method is emulation and Renode is brilliant for that. Here is Drew using it on the train (twitter). Sipeed boards with Kendryte K210 start at only $13 and can even run Linux (tutorial). There are also affordable open hardware FPGA with free software toolchain support like the ICE40 based Icebreaker and Fomu. For a bit more money, the bigger ECP5 can run Linux. Or look at Greg Davill’s wonderful Orange Crab. For a lot more money but on silicon, the Icicle with Microchip PolarFire SoC is aimed at corporate use. Or you can produce your own physical chips. For free (for a limited time). See the talk from Tim Ansell - Skywater PDK: Fully open source manufacturable PDK for a 130nm process Drew attends a lot of conferences, here are highlights from the past: OHS 2020 wrist badge  OHS 2018 epaper badge  ELC-2018 EALE Buildroot - Thomas Petazzoni  ELC-2018 EALE Bitbake YP - Behan Webster Linux on RISC-V with open hardware and open FPGA tools Sldies for Embedded Linux Conference Video from FOSS North Linaro Connect BoF: gpio and pinctrl in Linux kernel (Slides) RISC-V: How an open ISA benefits hardware security (Slides) (Hardwear.io video)   Here are some future conferences he’s planning to attend: Embedded Linux Conference Europe ($50) October 26-29, 2020 (Virtual) Yocto Project Virtual Summit ($40) October 29-30, 2020 (Virtual) Open Hardware Summit March 13, 2020

348: Flop Onto the Bouncy Castle

348: Flop Onto the Bouncy Castle

Oct 16, 2020 59:10

Whitney Huang of Zipline (@zipline) spoke with us about drone delivery of medical products: technology, operations, and applications. For more information about Zipline, check out flyzipline.com. Also, Zipline is hiring for positions in San Francisco, CA, USA, North America and Ghana, Africa. Tacocopter was a thing in 2011. (Ok, not a very serious thing but still.)



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