The News Agents

The News Agents

Global 603 Episodes

Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall – three of the UK’s top journalists – host a daily news podcast: The News Agents.

They’re not just here to tell you what's happening, but why. Expect astute analysis and explanation of the day's news – and a healthy dose of scepticism and the ability to laugh at it all when needed!

Episodes are available every weekday afternoon.

The News Agents is a Global Player Original podcast and a Persephonica production.
Is the SNP falling apart?

Is the SNP falling apart?

Mar 18, 2023 43:34

After nearly a decade of stability spearheaded by Nicola Sturgeon, why do the SNP look like they're imploding? The three candidates after her job are spending day after day taking lumps out of each other. Polling suggests that the only thing that they're hurting though is their common goal: Scottish independence.We speak to one of the candidates who's attack on the independence of the leadership process has been called 'Trumpian'. And we speak to a senior SNP MP about what this is doing to the political party that, just seven weeks ago, resembled an immovable object in the way of both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer. And for some weekend listening. We ask a Labour grandee and parliamentary history-maker what it was like to be the first female Black MP in the House of Commons.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Jeremy Hunt on junior doctors, Brexit and his Budget

Jeremy Hunt on junior doctors, Brexit and his Budget

Mar 16, 2023 27:04

The Chancellor Jeremy Hunt finished his early morning media round and then came for a coffee with the News Agents. We asked how many doctors would re-enter the workforce with his pension changes. How Brexit will effect our growth longer term. And where his childcare ideas came from....You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

The Budget: Will the rich get richer?

The Budget: Will the rich get richer?

Mar 16, 2023 36:37

Today's bombshell rabbit (to mix a metaphor) was the Chancellor's promise to abolish the lifetime allowance on pensions.If you're super-rich it's time to crack open the champagne. If you're working age and well-paid, it might keep you in your job longer - at least that's the aim- but this is against a backdrop where household disposable income is falling at its fastest rate since the 1950s. We talk childcare, taxation, potholes, and Brexit beer. Later, we revisit the question of BBC impartiality after leaked emails show an editor succumbing to pressure from Boris Johnson's Number 10 during the pandemic.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Suella's asylum plan - why dozens of Tory MPs aren't backing it.

Suella's asylum plan - why dozens of Tory MPs aren't backing it.

Mar 14, 2023 39:58

Last night more than forty Conservative MPs refused to back Suella's new plan for immigration. One- the former Lord Chancellor - called it 'ineffective authoritarianism'. Another - the former Immigration Minister - called it 'an absolute horror'. So today we tackle the policy head on. Is it legal? Is it humane? And will it lead fewer people taking small boats? We also look at police violence against women. The numbers are unbelievable - how, out of 1500 officers facing accusations of violence, have only 13 been dismissed. Is the force 'institutionally sexist'? You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

The BBC vs. Lineker: They think it’s all over ... it isn’t

The BBC vs. Lineker: They think it’s all over ... it isn’t

Mar 14, 2023 39:25

Gary Lineker will be back on air this weekend. And BBC Director General Tim Davie has apologised to viewers for the weekend's schedule disruptions. They'd like this row to go away now. Except it won't. Where does it leave the BBC Chair and his Tory donations and friendships? Where does it leave the social media activities of other high profile talent? And what does impartiality mean - if it's being dictated by the government? We speak to Armando Iannucci - who coined the phrase omnishambles a decade ago...And we look at the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and ask if over the weekend we got close to another financial crash.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

The BBC takes Gary Lineker off air

The BBC takes Gary Lineker off air

Mar 11, 2023 44:27

The BBC have told Gary Lineker he won't be presenting Match of the Day on Saturday night. Emily, Jon and Lewis bring you their immediate reaction.Protests against drag queen story readings for kids have been gaining momentum in the US and increasingly the UK. This week in London there was a clash between protestors, arguing about whether these kinds of activities - where drag queens read stories to children - should be allowed to take place. Lewis asks what happens at these readings, why people are concerned, and looks at why this might develop into the latest frontier in a culture war. And is Georgia running back to sugar daddy Russia?You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Will Macron block Rishi's small boats plan?

Will Macron block Rishi's small boats plan?

Mar 10, 2023 26:40

The coveted Crimes against the English Language award goes to Penny Mordaunt today for mangling almost a dozen football analogies into one short Commons speech. We are still trying to work out what a left wing striker is but for now what you need to know is that the Conservative frontbench is nervously awaiting a response to their small boats policy from President Macron tomorrow when Rishi Sunak goes to Paris. The News Agents hear their might be a firm Gallic 'non' coming. So what happens to the returns policy then? And is that why Conservatives want to carry on talking about Gary Lineker for as long as they feasibly can...You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Should Gary Lineker be free to speak his mind?

Should Gary Lineker be free to speak his mind?

Mar 8, 2023 37:28

Gary Lineker has responded to the furore surrounding his tweet on the government's asylum policy with the promise to 'keep speaking for those with no voice'. It's being reported on the BBC News website - whist - we understand - the BBC is currently trying to give Lineker 'a frank talking to' for breaking impartiality rules. How do the BBC rules on impartiality work? We speak here from a little experience... And can Suella Braverman defend her language - and her policy more generally - to the country?You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Is Suella prepared to break international law?

Is Suella prepared to break international law?

Mar 7, 2023 29:02

The Tories have produced - at last count - over forty different failed policies to stop channel crossings. Today, Suella Braverman came up with the latest.It will prevent anyone arriving here by small boat from claiming asylum or doing so in the future. And it promises to detain them for 28 days after which they will be returned. Without quite explaining where... or how. We ask if this desperate measure will break the Geneva Convention - the UN Convention of Human Rights - and talk to former Labour Home Secretary Jack Straw.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

The Johnson Family Honours List

The Johnson Family Honours List

Mar 6, 2023 33:20

Is Boris Johnson’s dad going to receive a knighthood? Is anyone else in the Johnson family? We speak to Rachel Johnson who opens up about family relationships and how it works if your brother is Prime Minister.We also ask why Keir Starmer seems to be unwilling or unable to answer a simple question: when did he first appoint Sue Gray? Does this all go back to Cabinet Secretary Simon Case?You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Isabel Oakeshott: Why I did it

Isabel Oakeshott: Why I did it

Mar 4, 2023 36:53

We talk to the woman who has started a war with Matt Hancock- journalist Isabel Oakeshott. He was her source and she turned on him by taking 100,000 of her Whatsapp messages to The Telegraph. The revelations have gripped Westminster- she tells us there’s more to come. We talk to her about her motivations. And we talk all things Sue Gray, that once famous woman of Westminster who investigated Boris Johnson and Partygate, off to become…Keir Starmer’s Chief of Staff.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Will we ever escape Boris Johnson?

Will we ever escape Boris Johnson?

Mar 3, 2023 35:42

Boris Johnson is back. But then again, he never really went away. In a speech today at a soft power forum, he takes a swing at Rishi Sunak and his Windsor Framework after two days of lying low. We discuss the continual Johnson-shaped fly in the Sunak ointment.And Jon and Lewis go through the latest Hancock WhatsApp developments in the Lockdown Files story, and talk to Mehdi Hasan, MSNBC anchor and author of Win Every Argument: The Art of Debating, Persuading and Public Speaking to talk about misinformation in the US media.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Inside Matt Hancock's WhatsApps

Inside Matt Hancock's WhatsApps

Mar 2, 2023 41:15

The Telegraph have released a slew of Matt Hancock's Whatsapp messages from when he was Health Secretary, at the height of the Covid 19 pandemic.Lewis and Jon discuss the politics of the investigation, and the ethics, or lack thereof, of the journalist behind the release of the messages. And is Matt Hancock, quite simply, a plonker?You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Has Rishi sunk Boris?

Has Rishi sunk Boris?

Mar 1, 2023 37:20

We said yesterday that Rishi Sunak had taken a massive gamble announcing a new deal for Northern Ireland without having necessarily laid the political groundwork beforehand. Well, 24 hours later, and it feels like he might have pulled off a blinder. The far-right of his Tory party are...quiet, and the DUP seem cautiously optimistic. Perhaps most importantly, Boris Johnson, a key potential spanner in Sunak's works, hasn't poked his head above the parapet. Could this be the start of a Conservative government rising from the ashes of internecine warfare? And could that well prove problematic for one Keir Starmer?And in the podcast, we talk to someone who knows a thing or two about significant Irish agreements: former Taoiseach from 1997-2008, Bertie Ahern, who orchestrated the Good Friday Agreement with Tony Blair's Labour government back in 1998, some 25 years ago.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Sunak's gamble

Sunak's gamble

Feb 28, 2023 28:52

For Northern Ireland Protocol, now read Windsor Framework. A beaming Rishi Sunak and European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, have signed what MIGHT come to be seen as an historic agreement to solve the conundrum of the status of Northern Ireland post-Brexit. Might, because we don't know how the loyalist, unionist DUP will react, nor the Eurosceptic wing of the Conservative Party, the ERG, potentially led by mischief-maker-in-chief, Boris Johnson. What Sunak has negotiated is a victory for pragmatic policy-making. But the raw politics still looks precarious.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Bernie Sanders on Biden, Corbyn, and billionaires

Bernie Sanders on Biden, Corbyn, and billionaires

Feb 25, 2023 31:23

U.S. Senator, Chair of the Budget Committee and TikTok sensation Bernie Sanders joins Lewis and Jon in the studio. He spoke about Joe Biden’s presidency, whether Jeremy Corbyn should stand as an independent candidate, and his new book It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Let Them Eat Turnips

Let Them Eat Turnips

Feb 24, 2023 31:43

The environment and food secretary has suggested that - faced with a tomato shortage - people should just eat turnips instead. It’s all a bit Marie Antoinette but just a bit more depressing. Today we look at the long-term problem behind our current empty shelves with Observer food critic Jay Rayner. And on the eve of the anniversary of Russia's second invasion of Ukraine, London's streets are blue and yellow - but is Putin successfully negotiating the West's economic sanctions? We ask corruption hunter-in-chief Bill Browder.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Shamima Begum: should we forgive the IS bride?

Shamima Begum: should we forgive the IS bride?

Feb 23, 2023 39:43

Most fifteen year olds do stupid things. Rarely do they join a terrorist organisation in Syria. But today. Shamima Begum - the ISIS bride - lost her appeal - and with it her chance to regain UK citizenship. Do we feel safer as a country? Or soulless? And as Kate Forbes - committed Christian and SNP Finance Minister makes her case to lead Scotland, we ask another committed Christian, MP Tim Farron - once Lib Dem leader, now podcast host - if politics and religion can ever mix in Britain.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Putin, the Protocol and the Press

Putin, the Protocol and the Press

Feb 22, 2023 38:31

There is too much news today. Frankly. Putin tried to convince a domestic audience that NATO started the war in Ukraine, Rishi Sunak tried to face down Tory doubters telling him to drop his Northern Ireland deal, and the press and media are mulling over how to respond to accusations of intrusion by Nicola Bulley's grieving family. We hear from Northern Ireland Shadow Secretary Peter Kyle, Putin's former speechwriter Abbas Gallyanov, and former Head of News at ITN and formerly of broadcasting regulator Ofcom's Stewart Purvis.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

What is Boris Johnson up to?

What is Boris Johnson up to?

Feb 21, 2023 33:46

Boris Johnson has been slapped down by a senior Conservative for his interventions on Rishi Sunak's latest Brexit deal over Northern Ireland. Is the former PM stirring up trouble to pave the way for a comeback? In the first interview since he left office, Johnson's former Director of Comms Guto Harri speaks exclusively to The News Agents and has a message for his old boss. And Lewis comes back from Rotherham, where he was over the weekend reporting on a far-right protest gathered outside a hotel housing asylum seekers. He tells us what he heard and saw.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.




@narumi のつぶやき

@narumi のつぶやき

声低おじさんの独り言 お便り募集中



台湾人のYunYun、学学、水水と日本人の朋(TOMO)で、脚本無しの台日お喋りラジオをPodcastやSpotifyにて配信中! 【毎週月曜と木曜の朝7時に更新中!】 【每週一和週四早上6點更新中!】 【日本語】 ・自然な中国語(台湾華語)と日本語の会話を聞いて発音や単語、文法が勉強できる! ・主に日本と台湾の文化の違いや歴史について話してます。 ・リスニングや聞き流しの言語学習にピッタリ! ・教科書に載ってない自然な言葉を勉強したい方向けです! ・特に中級者や上級者の方におすすめです。 【中文】 ・日本人和台灣人沒有腳本沒有大綱的日常對話台日Radio! ・用日文和中文(台灣華語)聊聊日本和台灣的文化差異和有趣的小歷史 ・透過日常閒聊學習語言、單字、文法、練習聽力(和吐槽) ・學習課本沒有教的自然語! ・特別推薦給中級、上級的學習者! 【English】 ・No draft, no script, just a casual chat with Japanese and Taiwanese ・The culture difference and some fun history talk ・Let's learn those slangs just like natives! ・Language exchange between Japanese and Taiwanese. === LINK === 🎬 YouTube (字幕有り) 爽語NEWSのYoutube言語交換Ch. 💰月額支援FANBOX ❤️インスタ/IG 爽語NEWS ❤️Twitter 爽語NEWS 朋(TOMO) 📮お問い合わせ(合作・聯繫) ⭐️みんなも聞きたいテーマがあったらコメント欄に書いてね! チャンネル登録、高評価を押してくれると嬉しいです! 有想聽的主題歡迎留言給我們,也請給我們5顆星星! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn



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英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

Tiktok/YouTube で活動中のKevin’s English Room のケビンと山ちゃん(英語勉強中)が英語で雑談するチャンネル。ほとんど英語なので、スピードラーニング的な感じで、ナチュラルな英会話に耳を慣らすのに役立てればと思って始めました! 【番組お便りの送り先】 →Kevin's English RoomのインスタのDMへ ※メッセージの1行目に「Podcast宛」もしくは「Podcast Plus宛」とお書きください! ※Podcast Plus宛とは:通常の「Kevin's English Room Podcast」のスピンオフ番組で「Kevin's English Room Podcast PLUS」という番組をAmazon Musicのみで配信しています。PLUS版ではより英語に関する質問を答えています。PLUS版で読んでほしいDMには1行目に「Podcast Plus宛」とお書きください。 Tiktok:@kevinthepepperoni ・ YouTube: Kevin's English Room/掛山ケビ志郎 ・ Instagram:@kevinsenroom ・ Twitter:@kevinsenroom


