The News Agents

The News Agents

Global 603 Episodes

Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall – three of the UK’s top journalists – host a daily news podcast: The News Agents.

They’re not just here to tell you what's happening, but why. Expect astute analysis and explanation of the day's news – and a healthy dose of scepticism and the ability to laugh at it all when needed!

Episodes are available every weekday afternoon.

The News Agents is a Global Player Original podcast and a Persephonica production.
SNP - it's getting worse

SNP - it's getting worse

Apr 19, 2023 38:49

Another high profile arrest in the SNP. This time, Party Treasurer Colin Beattie - who was called in for questioning in the inquiry into party finances - specifically the concerns over £600,000 raised by supporters to fund a second independence referendum. It's been a rocky few weeks since Sturgeon announced her resignation in February. The arrest of her husband and Chief Executive of the SNP, the blue evidence tent in their garden, the removal of a camper van from the in-laws in Dunfermline, leaked conversations that surfaced two years ago and now the second arrest. What is this doing to the party, to independence and to Scottish voters? And we ask what power Russia has in Africa and how it's channeled through the many tentacles of the Wagner group. These Russian mercenaries are thought to be behind the violence in Sudan, and wield huge power all over the continent - fighting that is paid for in gold and diamonds. How close are they to Putin?You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Is horse racing becoming the new bullfighting?

Is horse racing becoming the new bullfighting?

Apr 18, 2023 45:52

Animal Rights Protestors are being blamed for the death of a racehorse at the Grand National this weekend after they forced a delay which - trainers say - agitated the animals. Animal Rising - the protestors - say: Don't blame us - horses are dying on racecourses; with or without the delays. But they're delighted we're now having a conversation about animal cruelty, sport and what happens to thoroughbred horses if racing stops. We speak to Ed Chamberlin who saw it all unfold with his own eyes - as the head of ITV's horse racing presenting team.And to Claudia Penna-Rojas from Animal Rising. We also discuss Rishi Sunak's finances - he's under investigation by the parliamentary standards commissioner. And we ask if we should all be better at maths - with maths lover and teacher Bobby Seagull.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Abortion in America: Illegal by stealth?

Abortion in America: Illegal by stealth?

Apr 15, 2023 28:08

If you thought the overturning of Roe v Wade- the constitutional right to an abortion in the United States was the end of it in 2022, then 2023 has other ideas. Or rather the radical, anti-abortion groups in the United States have other ideas. Just this week, Florida’s Governor (and presidential hopeful) Republican Ron DeSantis introduced a six week abortion ban in the third biggest state in the country. And in Texas, a Trump-appointed judge ruled that a drug used in over 50% of abortions in America, should never have been legal in the first place. Chaos reigns and once again, the Supreme Court will decide.On a special deep dive of The News Agents we explore both of these cases and ask whether, as part of a culmination of a five decade political strategy and movement, abortion in America will be abolished, by stealth.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Liz Truss, the deep state and China

Liz Truss, the deep state and China

Apr 14, 2023 37:52

China's President Xi Jinping has told his troops they should be ready for real combat. So now we are wondering if Taiwan will be the next Ukraine. It comes after a week of China sabre-rattling in the Taiwan straits - surrounding the island on all sides with a blockade. France's President Macron is just back from Beijing where he's set the cat amongst the pigeon's with some ill-judged comments about Taiwan. In fact, the Elysee Palace thought them so ill-judged they ordered their removal from the interview he gave. We discuss the damage done, and we hear from Liz Truss in Washington who goes off on one.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

"I’m Joe Biden and I’m Irish"

"I’m Joe Biden and I’m Irish"

Apr 13, 2023 41:49

We've been told off-record that Joe Biden might be Irish. Obviously, unattributable. So keep it under your hat. He's the latest in a long line of US Presidents who feels the pull of the Emerald Isle very strongly and traces his ancestry back there by 180 years. But he begins the day in Belfast - reflecting on the Good Friday peace accord 25 years ago. But can he get power-sharing back on track? Or is he too scared to even mention it? And we look at the delights and dangers of a world exclusive interview. Who has the power when Elon Musk is in the seat?You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Are Labour's attack ads 'gutter politics'?

Are Labour's attack ads 'gutter politics'?

Apr 12, 2023 33:46

Labour’s Easter weekend attack ads about the Conservatives and Rishi Sunak specifically have been called 'politics of the gutter' by, awkwardly, Labour’s former Home Secretary David Blunkett. Lewis is joined by Steve Reed, the party’s Shadow Justice Secretary, who was behind the campaign. He, as you’ll hear is entirely unapologetic. Is this the start of a new period of a more vicious politics? And NHS surgeons may be about to face their own #MeToo moment, with female surgeons coming forward to say that sexual assault and misogyny within surgery is commonplace. Lewis talks to Rachel Sylvester, who has written for The Times on the subject and Roshana Mehdian-Staffel, an orthopaedic surgeon who has spoken out about her experiences.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Why are the police searching Nicola Sturgeon's house?

Why are the police searching Nicola Sturgeon's house?

Apr 7, 2023 37:04

There are two questions that accompany any political scandal. What did you know and when did you know it? After questioning Nicola Sturgeon's husband Peter Murrell for eleven hours yesterday, police are back at their Glasgow house, and there's still a blue evidence tent in the garden. It comes just a week after the leadership election of new SNP First Minister Humza Yousaf, seen as the Sturgeon succession candidate. So what should we make of the timing of all this? And what are the political implications if it was pre arranged?We ask the leader of the SNP in Westminster, Stephen Flynn. And we talk e-scooters after 90% of Parisians vote to ban them from Paris.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

The People v Donald Trump - Part 2: Trump in the Dock

The People v Donald Trump - Part 2: Trump in the Dock

Apr 5, 2023 38:49

When we left you Trump was on the cusp of entering the Manhattan criminal court as an arrested man. That didn't go well.A door was flung shut in his face. And the indignities began. In this special all-nighter episode of The News Agents we take you through the charges against him, the reaction, the defence and the speech to his supporters in Mar-a-Lago. We speak to a key member of Trump's campaign team who was with him in the wings moments before he went on stage.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

The People v Donald Trump - Part 1

The People v Donald Trump - Part 1

Apr 4, 2023 26:22

Donald Trump will today become the first US president to appear in court on criminal charges. He arrived in NYC late yesterday and will shortly be heading to Lower Manhattan District Court to have his fingerprints taken and hear the 34 charges of improper business dealings being levelled against him. Will the criminal charges stack up? Will Trump keep his cool? And will his supporters take to the streets in protest? In Part One we take you through the process step-by-step. In Part 2 - tomorrow morning - the Trump fightback.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Child grooming, 'political correctness' and dog whistle politics

Child grooming, 'political correctness' and dog whistle politics

Apr 4, 2023 28:44

Rishi Sunak has pledged to end the 'political correctness' that stops police arresting child sex abusers from ethnic minority backgrounds. The scandals of Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford show how badly things can go wrong for victims when the perpetrators are seen to be beyond the law. But Labour's West Yorkshire mayor has called it 'dog whistle politics' - and some are wondering why the Conservatives are borrowing the far right language of Tommy Robinson. Is it possible to have a nuanced debate? And the Italian newspapers are writing today about our 'Fifteen Hour Dover Brexit queues'. Is everyone pointing to Brexit except the British government?You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Is Donald Trump going to jail?

Is Donald Trump going to jail?

Apr 1, 2023 44:56

For the first time in American history a former president has been indicted (charged) with a criminal offence. Donald Trump will appear in a New York court on Tuesday afternoon. Do the charges stack up? Will they help Trump or hinder Trump? And how is this unprecedented moment going to impact the Presidential Race of 2024.?Spoiler alert - you can actually campaign from behind bars...You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Britain's Rotten Meat Scandal

Britain's Rotten Meat Scandal

Mar 31, 2023 37:51

Ten years on from the horse meat crisis, a new scandal has engulfed almost the entire food retail sector. Huge quantities of foreign pork - sometimes tens of thousands of tonnes a week - has been passed off, fraudulently as British. One meat processor - who can't be named for legal reasons - has been accused by former employees of 'washing' hams that are visibly rotten, or mixing bad meat with fresh produce. They even allege paperwork - which would pick up infections like bacteria or E.coli - was being falsified. We talk to the Farmers Weekly journalist who broke the story Abi Kay. And we dip into the 'vagina-scented' ski slopes of Utah to visit the trial of the century - Gwyneth Paltrow v Terry Sanderson.At the time of publication, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) had not provided us with a comment after we approached them.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.[Two hours after the episode was published, the FSA provided us with this statement:“We are continuing our criminal investigation into how a meat supplier allegedly provided products labelled as British when they were in fact sourced from other countries. This is a live investigation which means we are looking into all new lines of inquiry with the relevant local authorities, including investigating potential food hygiene breaches. This is alongside the work we are doing to investigate food fraud. Based on the investigation to date, there is no indication that food is unsafe or there is an increased risk to consumers. Criminal investigations take time and need to be done with due process and fairness. The FSA will work tirelessly on behalf of consumers to ensure that this criminal investigation is done to the highest possible standards. I do want to emphasise at a time when cost pressures and other challenges mean the risks of food fraud might be increasing, it is vital everyone involved in the food chain works to ensure that food is safe and what it says it is.” Emily Miles, Chief Executive of the Food Standards Agency]

The Government's Ship Idea

The Government's Ship Idea

Mar 30, 2023 35:18

THOUSANDS OF MIGRANTS TO BE HOUSED ON LUXURY CRUISE SHIP screamed the headline in the Daily Express. That was in February of 2016. And it never happened. The idea has been mooted in various ways about ten times in the last decades - including by Rishi Sunak when he was chancellor in 2020. Each time the idea is dropped for being unworkable, unaffordable or illegal. So why do we keep falling for it? Also - should the descendants of slave owners be making reparations to the people or the places they have hurt? We talk to Laura Trevelyan who's family has decided to make amends for their own past.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Will Corbyn get his revenge?

Will Corbyn get his revenge?

Mar 29, 2023 37:00

Jeremy Corbyn will not be allowed to stand for Labour at the next election. That’s despite the fact he’s been an MP in Islington North since 1983 and led Labour at two general elections- nothing like it has ever happened before. Jon and Lewis explain why Labour’s ruling body has made the move and why Labour’s left might not be as weak as you might think.And the News Agents are joined by a secret agent, or at least someone, who was. Sir Richard Dearlove was the head of MI6 during the Iraq War. Twenty years on we talk to him about how he and his fellow intelligence officers got it so catastrophically wrong on Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction (or lack thereof), whether or not he regrets the invasion and how life is different for young spooks, today.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Led by Bibi, Led by Humza & Led By Donkeys

Led by Bibi, Led by Humza & Led By Donkeys

Mar 28, 2023 44:49

More mass protests in the streets- this time in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and the rest of Israel.Millions of Israelis believe their democracy to be in jeopardy. The airport is blocked, universities out of action, a general strike has been called. Even the diplomats won’t go to work. With academic and expert Ayala Panievsky, we explain why so many - both within the Israeli state and in the population at large - believe Benjamin Netanyahu’s attempt to transform the country’s judicial system to be a gross violation of democracy. We explore whether this could finally be the end for Bibi and what it could mean for the wider Middle East.And we usher in a new SNP leader after a divisive race, and talk to the investigative journalist behind the new Led By Donkeys sting.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Why is Paris burning?

Why is Paris burning?

Mar 25, 2023 39:05

In this special episode of The News Agents, Lewis travels to Paris to find out why the City of Lights is on fire. Amidst the tear gas, the riot police, the stun grenades and the flames, The News Agents ask- what's happened? why is it this bad? And why could this riot be the start of a new, far-right, European order?It all comes as huge protests have erupted across France after President Emmanuel Macron forced through a rise in the country’s pension age.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Our billionaire PM and his £1 million tax bill

Our billionaire PM and his £1 million tax bill

Mar 24, 2023 36:06

Keir Starmer spent the morning in Stoke-on-Trent. Not WOKE-on-Trent, as one hilarious Tory Red-wall-er reminded him. But attempts to fire up the culture war are something Rishi Sunak wants no part in.And recent polling suggests it's the right call. Today we look at the state of play of the two main political parties and what the numbers are currently telling us -with James Kanagasoorium of Focaldata. And we ask whether we mind have a billionaire prime minister who pays a million pound tax bill. Lewis is on the streets of Paris where they are rioting. And not just because of something he said.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Boris Johnson Swears He's Telling the Truth

Boris Johnson Swears He's Telling the Truth

Mar 23, 2023 39:23

Boris Johnson told the parliamentary inquiry that he HAD misled parliament, but he hadn't meant to. His repeated defence was that he hadn't been advised what he was saying might be wrong (he had). And that other people hadn't told him that rules might have been broken (they had). He insisted that the leaving parties he'd attended had been essential work and berated Downing Street itself for having too many corridors to make parties safer. Sir Bernard Jenkin led the charge asking what he would have told a press conference if the rest of the country had wanted to hold leaving parties too. Now the committee goes away to consider its findings and its verdict. We dissect the afternoon and that Stormont Brake vote that briefly interrupted proceedings.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

The (sexist, racist, homophobic) Met Police

The (sexist, racist, homophobic) Met Police

Mar 22, 2023 35:43

The Met Police - so says the explosive Casey Review released today - is a bullying boys club in which predators flourish. Rape evidence is thrown out - because of broken fridges.Eye-watering force is used against Black people.Gay officers are scared of their colleagues.So what happens now? And will this diminish public trust in the force even further? The author of the review Baroness Louise Casey joins us. Plus we get hold of Boris Johnson's defence dossier. He argues he didn't mean to mislead Parliament, only called it a party because the media did and doesn't understand why he's accused of breaking rules when everyone else did too. So yes. that one.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

Can Boris Johnson defend the indefensible?

Can Boris Johnson defend the indefensible?

Mar 21, 2023 46:01

Boris Johnson has submitted evidence to the Privileges Committee which will be judging whether he set out to mislead the House of Commons over Partygate. He argues that 'he was advised he wasn't breaking any rules' - which might seem odd coming from the person who in fact made up those rules. We now await publication of his defence. Also today - why the DUP won't vote for Sunak's latest Brexit deal: The Windsor Framework. And - on Iranian New Year we speak to Anoosheh Ashoori and his daughter Elika. Anoosheh emerged from Evin prison a year ago after being falsely arrested. He tells us of his hunger strike, his suicide attempts and his torture - and why he's now feeling optimistic for Iran.You can watch our episodes in full at News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

London Tech Talk

London Tech Talk

Ken Wagatsuma & Yosuke Asai です。最新の技術ネタや海外転職、イギリスでの現地生活について喋ります。



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@narumi のつぶやき

声低おじさんの独り言 お便り募集中




SDGs NEWS from Japan in English  / Japan 2 Earth delivers stories and insights on improving the global environment and achieving the SDGs from Japan.

SDGs NEWS from Japan in English / Japan 2 Earth delivers stories and insights on improving the global environment and achieving the SDGs from Japan.

Our Purpose Japan 2 Earth delivers stories and insights that highlight contributions by Japanese communities and companies to improving the global environment and achieving the SDGs. Twitter WEB   Managing EditorSusan Yoshimura A US citizen based in Asia for over 20 years, Susan has a postgraduate degree in Environmental Education. She is a former environmental activist and media relations coordinator at Greenpeace Japan and research programme assistant at United Nations University, Tokyo. She has 15+ years experience in Japanese-to-English translation and editing in the environmental management field. Our Focus Areas [ Japanese Technologies ]Showcasing innovative technologies, from recycling and waste to transportation and beyond [ Earth's Diversity ]Drawing attention to biodiversity, and efforts to protect our oceans, skies, forests and waters [ Climate Change ]Delivering information on impacts, mitigation, adaptation and what we can do [ Clean Energy ]Exploring options, from renewables and clean coal to nuclear-to-hydrogen and biomass, along with the constraints, byproducts and trade-offs involved [ Op Ed ]Bringing you leading ideas, dialogue and hot debate, from all sides of the issues Tokyo Sankei Bldg., Otemachi 1-7-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 100-0004 E-mail:    japan2earth@japan-forward.comPhone:    +81-(0)3-3275-8511  

英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast

Tiktok/YouTube で活動中のKevin’s English Room のケビンと山ちゃん(英語勉強中)が英語で雑談するチャンネル。ほとんど英語なので、スピードラーニング的な感じで、ナチュラルな英会話に耳を慣らすのに役立てればと思って始めました! 【番組お便りの送り先】 →Kevin's English RoomのインスタのDMへ ※メッセージの1行目に「Podcast宛」もしくは「Podcast Plus宛」とお書きください! ※Podcast Plus宛とは:通常の「Kevin's English Room Podcast」のスピンオフ番組で「Kevin's English Room Podcast PLUS」という番組をAmazon Musicのみで配信しています。PLUS版ではより英語に関する質問を答えています。PLUS版で読んでほしいDMには1行目に「Podcast Plus宛」とお書きください。 Tiktok:@kevinthepepperoni ・ YouTube: Kevin's English Room/掛山ケビ志郎 ・ Instagram:@kevinsenroom ・ Twitter:@kevinsenroom