1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 人に懐くハトって存在するの?
2024-01-11 09:40




アルゼンチンのサッカーゴールキーパー、Emimaruさんに関する話があります。Emimaruさんはワールドカップで活躍しており、最優秀ゴールキーパーに選ばれています。彼は奇妙なパフォーマンスを見せましたが、素晴らしい選手であることは間違いありません。 私たちは大型犬よりも小型犬が好きなようです。ハトの懐き具合やネコについて話し合い、彼らが人々に親しまれる理由を考えます。1回のエピソード中、私たちはハトに触れる経験をしたことがあり、ハトの柔らかさや軽さについて話し合います。また、休暇中の植物の手入れについても触れます。

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Hey, guys.
This is not a question, I guess.
But it's from Emimaru-san.
Wow, Emimaru-san.
It's a very super great goalkeeper from Argentina.
You know, they won the World Cup.
Oh, yeah.
Messi, right?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Martínez was the one who saved the country.
Oh, shit.
He was like a hero.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The best goalkeeper in that World Cup.
But he was very like a crazy guy.
And he, you know, like a celebration time.
They got gold medals and trophies and everything.
And Emiliano Martínez, Emimaru, we call him Emimaru.
But Martínez was awarded as a best goalkeeper.
Best goalkeeper in that World Cup.
And then he got a little trophy kind of thing.
This one.
And then he received from the, you know, the Erai Hito.
And then he put it in like this.
Oh, my God.
And he tore it from that stadium and then did it.
As he was, like as he had like a huge dick or something, like that's how he...
That's, that's what he is.
That's how he is.
That's how he is.
But he's a great goalkeeper.
But he's a great goalkeeper.
I mean, he's a great athlete.
He's a great athlete.
Yes, yes, yes.
He's a great athlete.
There's, there's different people out there in the world, right?
I have to accept that.
So, this is from Emimaru-san.
shouldn't that
mameshiba take a shower then
like doesn't that come from
could be
what's what's your what dog
do you think is the most cutest
dog yeah
ever seen a mameshiba
before yeah like a small one right
me it's shibacan yeah
shibacan's like my number one
top favorite
cutest huh
it's a difficult question
big one but i prefer big ones like a
golden shepardo
yeah i'm not um
you're not familiar familiar with the
but like a big and
the one you can do play football
uh-huh play you know running together
or even
battle uh-huh those big ones
uh like these huh
yeah yeah
that one maybe golden retriever
german shepherd
looks too strong looks too strong yeah i
prefer like this
very dog-like dog oh okay yeah
or like that one
bernice mountain dog yeah
i would prefer like big
thick dogs rather than like thin thin
one like the great dean yeah great your
fruit great dean's really thin
because i want to play football together
with them so you want to be able to
tackle them yeah yeah
you want to you want to do a like a
defender right
you want to you want to you want to do
it you want to defend within the
the foul play very hard
yeah what you love is shiba inu
yeah she's a shiba inu shiba can it's the best yeah
is it shiba inu or shiba can i don't know
both accepted both accepted yeah weird
very weird
yeah yeah no any plans to have dog dogs well i mean i
want to but like you know i live alone so that makes it really
difficult is it difficult to have dogs because
you have to walk the dog every day right true you have to come back to your house and then
feed the food every day and like you can't go on a vacation right like we sometimes go to
you united states right yeah and we're gonna be out for like weeks or two
right so then you're gonna need someone to rely on for the dog right and that's right right i don't
want that person to feel pressured yeah so i you know that really holds me back from getting a dog
yeah that's true yeah dogs huh yeah yeah but you're free from those obstacles you will have fun
i don't know no no i don't i actually don't know i don't know if i would get one actually
because it's too it's too it's too
it's too alive you know yeah like yeah yeah i agree there's also this fear of like when
when the dog dies like i the the sadness right yeah i kick it and i don't want that right
they're not things yeah they're just living lives yeah right it's just like humans or like kids
yeah the amount of commitment that yeah is needed right right like yeah he was responsible in it
yeah yeah
right that's right yeah dogs dogs are the the top ones for you if you have pets yeah yeah probably
dogs then cats yeah yeah you love cats too i love cats yeah massaging and i love massaging cats
and they love being massaged by me oh yeah i'm confident that they are
do you recently do your i don't recently give them i know i have not had a chance to
come back to them i haven't had a chance to come back to them i haven't had a chance to come back to them
come across a stray cat oh uh for massaging
uh yeah my service was not needed wow yeah recently no cats around here no cats around here man
no cats around here that's sad i'm thinking about massaging pigeons now
if they're if they're if they're available for receiving service yeah do you think they are like
if they're if they're available for receiving service yeah do you think they are like
if they're if they're available for receiving service yeah do you think they are like
massage friendly i don't think so i i think just i think they would fly away you know i think they
would just be scared right fly away they're too scary they're too scared like i've never touched
them i know you've never i've touched once oh really yeah i have tried to massage them no
high school yeah the window was open there was like a like an injured bird that flew in
and they couldn't escape the building wow so i caught him yeah and then i i threw out the
window oh i mean yeah that's a kind kind gesture yeah wow that that was the one and only time that
i've ever touched a bird is that just a pigeon are they like soft they're actually kind of soft
yeah they're really soft you can like it feels like if you squeeze them hard enough it will like
explode like really yeah they're kind of soft yeah yeah they have like many like um what
feathers right yeah feathers yeah very light yeah yeah oh wow right
what are you gonna do with your plants when you go to when you're like out for a week when you have
to go to shucho yeah i put like a you know one of those water dispensers yeah kind of like
very small version of plastic bottles yes i think i know yeah and put it in the soil and then
that releases it over time yeah that's what i do okay yeah i guess that works then yeah but
but still
it's you know it's not perfect it's not the perfect right amount of water yeah so when i get
back to my house i have to take care of them like very heavily to recover ah i see i see
that kind of hurts yeah yeah yeah yeah all right i see all right thanks for listening guys

