2023-03-21 13:00



- Welcome to Kevin's In Your Room Podcast.
- Oh, yeah. - Wow.
Thank you.
- All right.
- I didn't think you were gonna,
on your second recording,
like you were gonna get that,
like you're still kinda like waking up from.
- Yeah, yeah.
- And like, I didn't think you were capable of like,
- Okay, thank you.
- synchronizing that fast.
- It's just my voice are like, still like this.
- But you're active.
- Yeah. - It's just your voice.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Okay, so.
- Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- You were asking me like,
the hardcore American authentic junk food.
- Yeah, yeah.
- If you eat it, - Yeah.
- you're kinda worried about like,
if you can handle the junk.
- Yeah.
- If you can handle the unhealthiness.
- Like, do you think it's delicious for,
not people like you,
but for the like,
you know, first experience,
as in first experience,
do you think it will be like delicious?
- Honestly, I think you can enjoy it.
- Okay.
- Yeah, I mean, I don't think you will have
that much of a trouble with it,
but I don't know if you enjoy
an everyday junk food schedule.
- Ah.
- Like, - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- maybe, - True.
- you'll start wanting something more healthier and lighter
and like some like, I don't know, like salad.
- True. - Or like, I don't know,
like something light.
- Yeah, tofu.
- Tofu, yeah, sure.
- Yeah, true.
So you really don't have anything else
than those like, hot burgers or like french fries.
- Well, like, oh, it's like something light?
- Yeah, like a...
- Yeah, we got plenty of light stuff,
like salad, like what I just mentioned.
There's salad.
- Yeah, and Caesar dressing on it, right?
- There's Caesar dressing, there's cheese,
and then blue cheese on top.
And you got a lot of, I mean, you got fried chicken on top.
- Yeah.
- Or you can get, go to like a bakery.
Food options in NY
- Um, true.
- There's, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Bakeries are good. - Okay.
- You know?
- Like you can find usual.
- Right, usual croissants.
- What, croissants are light.
- They're not light.
- They're very light.
- They're lighter than hamburgers.
- Yes, it is, but, oh, if you start saying
that croissants are light, then I think, you know,
the whole world, it's like shifting to heavy side.
- Well, croissants are light, man.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
- Oh, life will be tough then.
- Are you looking for like, what,
how light are you looking for, like tofu light?
- No, for example, like even in like bakery.
- Yeah.
- Something you don't use that much butter.
- Oh, okay.
- Or like, you know, for example, like, like.
- Hawaiian bread.
- What's that?
- Hawaiian bread.
- It's like a really soft, like, it's like this big
and then like, it's, you can rip it into cubes.
- Ah.
- And it's kind of, it's a little bit sweet.
Not that much butter.
- Okay.
- Not that much butter, but it's a little bit sweet though.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, and it's soft.
It's, in Japan, you'd call it plain bread kind of thing.
- Ah, okay, okay.
- Like, chotto amai plain bread.
- Those.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That'd be great.
- Yeah, yeah, it's light.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, okay.
- There's also soup.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah, soup.
Soup shops.
- That's good.
- And then you can go to like, clam chowder.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Right, that's good, right?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, 'cause we're gonna experience
the real ishiku amerikan soku seikatsu, right?
- That's true.
- That's right.
- Yeah.
- Are you planning on eating out
or are you planning on like,
buying stuff from the grocery store?
And like--
- Cook, you mean?
- Cook or microwave or--
- Oh.
- Half and half?
- Yeah, I think half and half.
Like, I wanna go out and try, you know, some restaurants.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, so other than that, I don't plan.
So maybe I buy some.
Yeah, but also I wanna go and try grocery store,
like locals and see what's, you know, in there.
- Right, right, right.
- Yeah.
Try maybe some weird, I don't know what's,
you know, sold in groceries, but try some weird,
maybe foods.
- Oh, so you wanna go for like the rare stuff
that you don't really use.
- Yeah, yeah, we can get in Japan.
Like, I don't know.
I don't know what will be waiting for me,
but yeah, try those things.
- Oh, and another thing, bagels.
- Oh, yeah.
- Those are like a huge--
- That's good.
- But there's gonna be cream cheese on top.
- Okay.
- So like, you ready for that?
Like a fuck ton of cream cheese?
- Yeah.
- Is that heavy for you?
- Cream cheese are okay to me.
- Okay.
- But it feels like continuous, every day, every day.
And that will be like, oh, again.
- Oh, okay.
- Yeah.
What are you planning for, like eating?
- Well, first of all, I have to eat all those--
- Yeah, you have to eat.
- I have to eat every one of those fast foods
that I've been craving for.
- Yeah.
- The Papa John's and the Chick-fil-A's and the,
if there's Moe's, Moe's.
- Okay.
- No, if there's--
- Mexican.
- If there isn't, I would go for Chipotle.
I've never been to Chipotle, I'm not.
Probably go twice for each of those.
Six days, right?
So like.
- Yeah.
- And then I'll go for some of the New York specials.
- Yeah.
- Like New York pizzas, bakeries, hot dogs.
- So it's like different from like Papa John's
and New York pizzas?
Those are different.
- It's different, it's different, yeah.
I mean, definitely different.
What are you talking about?
Like Domino's Pizza, you know in Japan.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Domino's Pizza and you go to like, for example,
like Pizza Slice in Shibuya.
That's different, right?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Pizza Slice in Shibuya, that's like,
I think that's closer to the New York style.
- Okay.
- So you wouldn't call that same, would you?
- Okay.
- You wouldn't call that the same pizza, would you?
How much have you?
- I wouldn't call them same pizzas.
- Yeah.
- But they're both pizzas, right?
- I mean, yeah, if you, okay, okay.
Categorize them really broadly.
Yes, that would be pizzas, but.
- Okay.
- Desserts, like muffins.
- Oh.
- Desserts, muffins.
Cheesecake factory, if there's a cheesecake factory.
There's a store called Cheesecake Factory.
It's like a cake shop.
- Okay, it's a famous cheesecake.
- I don't know.
I mean, there's all these kinds of cakes,
not limited to cheesecakes.
But it's a famous franchise.
And local cafes.
- Yeah, me too.
- I'm excited for that.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Oh, Chinese restaurants.
- Oh, that sounds interesting.
- Yeah, like it's so different.
Like, you know, the Chukas in here
is very different from like,
it's really closer to Panda Express.
- Okay.
- Yeah, the Panda Expresses of America.
I would love to go there.
They gave you so much, it's so tasty.
Yeah, it's really good.
- Oh, that's great.
- You usually find it in some,
in like a food court of a mall, usually there.
Yeah, so that I'm kind of, I really want it.
- True.
Is that something you like,
you have some memories with those?
- I do, I do.
I ate it a lot, actually.
I mean, there weren't much Japanese restaurants.
So we would, our go-to Asian place
would be a Chinese restaurant.
And yeah, we ate it a lot.
- 'Cause they provide you a lot.
- What?
- They provide you a lot.
- Yes, yes, yes.
And we would like,
one plate is enough to feed two people.
- Okay.
So you can never go there alone?
- Well, I mean, you can, you have to try hard.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Walgreens, Walgreens is a--
- Walgreens.
- Yeah, one of the most popular drug stores.
- You wanna go to drug store.
- Yeah, it's a, I went there a lot.
So like, I wanna like, you know.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Relive the middle school days.
- Yeah.
- And like, oh.
- Yeah.
- Right.
- That's fun.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Walmart, Target, David Joe's.
- Yeah.
- If there's one nearby, I definitely wanna go.
I do wanna try Starbucks.
- Ah, true.
- Yeah.
- Have you been to Starbucks in the United States?
- Only drive through.
- Oh, drive through.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Only drive through.
- Is it different?
- The menus are different.
- Ah, okay.
- Yeah.
I don't remember what the taste was like.
So I do wanna compare.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Like how, like how sweet it is,
how different it is and everything.
- As a professional.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Um, yeah.
- I guess that's it.
- I guess that's the sort of things that I wanna do.
- I wanna go to the Central Park too.
- Ah, Central Park.
Yeah, that's big.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- It's huge.
- That's huge, right?
- It is huge.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
- Take me like whole day?
- Yeah, I mean, you can spend a whole day in it.
- Wow.
- But you know, it's just a park.
So like, you know.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- You're gonna have to find something to do.
- Like it's a park.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like I wanna see the bridge.
You know the famous bridge?
- Oh really, in the park?
- No, no, no, not in the park, like in New York.
- Oh.
- You know the famous bridge?
I don't know what the name is, but.
- I don't know either.
- Yeah, but you see that, like image?
- Huh.
- Like there's a--
- I don't think so.
- Okay, I see the same bridge in different movies.
New York, like, oh, that's the same bridge again.
And I think that's the famous one.
- Oh, I think I know what you're talking about.
- Yeah.
- I think I do.
- I just wanna see that bridge.
- It's not that big, right?
Like not as big as Golden Gate Bridge.
- What is Golden Gate Bridge?
- One in--
- Is that in New York?
- California.
- Oh, California.
So I don't know what is Golden Bridge.
But yeah, it's not that big.
- Yeah, I think I know.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's like a rather like a pretty bridge, I think.
- The movie with the monkey.
- Monkey?
(speaking in foreign language)
- Yeah, yeah, those, yeah.
- Avengers, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, I've seen that bridge a lot.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- True, so many things to do and things to eat.
- Probably wouldn't have enough time to do everything.
- Yeah.
'Cause obviously we have to record,
like we have jobs to do.
- Right.
- So it's not like free vacation, right?
- Right.
Let's try going there, going to,
going as much as we can.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's try.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- All right.
Thanks for listening, guys.
Bye bye!

