1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 朝5時起きで空港に行くスケジ..
2023-03-22 11:52



Welcome to Gavin's English Room Podcast.
Good morning. Good morning. Good morning again.
Have you packed your things yet?
Zero. Oh, okay. Zero? Zero. Oh, okay. Absolutely zero.
But we still have what? Three days left? Two days?
Still got two days, right? Yeah, two days.
Yeah, same here. I have a full day open for packing, so.
Oh, you got a full day? I'm sure it'll be okay. Yeah, yeah. Right. I made myself a packing day the day before.
Okay, that's great. Yeah.
So, same here. I haven't packed yet. Like zero.
I actually haven't opened my suitcase yet. Oh, my man.
But, um, what do you...
What do you prepare for?
So, remember the, um...
The video? The kaku that we did about packing? Yeah. Was that out yet?
I'm sure it will be out before the trip, no?
I think it's out. Yeah. Yeah, in the video.
It's, um...
I think it's going to look really similar to that. Yeah, like, um...
I'm going to bring my own, like, what?
Shampoos. Oh, yeah.
Clothes. Make sure the hoshitsu and everything is going to be dry.
I'm going to bring a, like, a foldable down jacket.
Yeah. Like a light one. Um...
And bring, um... Not going to plan to go to, like, a laundry machine.
Oh, true. So, bring clothes for all day.
For every single day. Yeah. Do we have, like, laundry in our place?
Um... No, you don't think so?
I think so. Like, it's a service apartment, right? So, like, I'm sure they've got one.
So, I guess it's usable. Okay.
So, yeah, I mean... True. Like, I was thinking...
But we're not sure. I'm not sure. But I was thinking we were going to stay at a hotel.
I forgot about the service apartment. If it was a service apartment,
I'm sure there's the laundry machine. So, like... Yeah. I guess you don't have to, like, bring the whole...
Yeah. Just maybe half and then, like, wash it.
Um... Yeah.
That's right. Yeah. Right.
Do we have, like, fridge and, like, microwave?
Uh, I'm sure we do. Fridge and microwave. Yeah. I mean, it's got to be there.
Okay. Yeah. Hmm. Okay.
Yeah. So, I'm going to watch the video then.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um...
Definitely wear something comfortable for your, um, flight day.
Yeah. Definitely. Like, don't wear jeans. Not like that. Like, that's... Yeah.
Go for more stretchable, more softer fabric.
You know, like, jazzy kind of thing. Yeah.
Keep it warm. It's going to be cold. Okay.
Yeah. Hmm. And we need some cash?
We do. Like, we need for tips, right? Yeah. Get a lot of, uh, one dollar bills.
Okay. Yeah. Hmm. And plus several twenty dollars bills just in case.
Like, if it's cash only. Hmm. I'm sure, like, most of it is credit card.
But if, right? Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Hmm. Uh...
Is your, uh, cellular data okay?
I've... Data okay? Uh...
I think so. You think? Okay.
Have you checked for roaming? No, I haven't checked. Oh, okay. But, yeah, I think...
I think it'll be okay. You think it'll be okay? Oh, yeah.
Yeah. I mean, you're not that much of a heavy data user guy kind of guy, right? Yeah.
I'm not going to, like, upload the videos or anything like that. Yeah. But...
You don't watch YouTube? No, no. But, um...
I'll make sure if I can, like, you know, call somebody or not.
Yeah, I mean, if it's... Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure it's okay. It's just going to be expensive, that's all.
Yeah. I'm sure your plan is, like, has roaming, but it's just...
Whether if it's, like, extremely expensive or not, that's what matters. True, true. Or, like, limited or not.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um... Yeah.
Right. Okay. Right, right, right.
Uh... Don't forget your medicine if you have any.
Yeah. That's important. True.
I'm thinking about bringing my, um, tumbler. Tumbler? Yeah.
Because, you know, in flight, right? I don't want to keep my...
My cup right in front of my... Yeah. Or my desk.
The whole time. I want to put a lid on it. And then, like, yeah.
Right. Yeah. It's a good idea. Right.
Uh, yeah. Right. Yeah. Because I think I'm going to
forget everything. Like, every tips that I...
I'm assuming you're going to forget this one too.
Like, if you don't travel, like, frequently, like, at least
once a year, you kind of forget
it. It flows. That's true. That's true.
I'm genuinely excited of what trouble that...
What trouble we're going to run into. Yeah.
Someone's going to forget this. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm sure there will be... Some sort of trouble. Two, three
troubles. Yeah.
True. That'll be fun. Yeah.
Can we bring, like, higasori
into the flight? No, right?
I don't remember. It should be in the suitcase.
I don't remember, but...
higasori is okay. No? If it's like a razor?
No, but like, if it's just... It's a richiu-denchi. Okay?
Oh. Yeah, but we can bring, like, PCs and...
Yeah. No problem?
Better to check the website. Better to check the homepage for that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Bring your... Bring in-flight
entertainments. It's going to be a long flight.
14 hours? 14 hours.
That's a long flight. Yeah, it's... Your body is going to
get so, like, "God, I want to move my body!" Yeah.
And, like, you're so bored. Yeah. Right? So,
prepare your own in-flight entertainment. Ah, true.
Do you have, like, noise-canceling headphones and stuff? You do, right? Yeah, like, uh...
Earphones? Yeah. Right. Do you have anything to play
music or... Yeah. Like... Do you use that
to play music? Yeah, I can. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. I bring books. Oh, yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, books are good.
Preparing for the Flight
Yeah, that's good. What are you thinking? Planning?
Planning on, um... Netflixing.
Henshu TikToks. Ah, okay.
Other than that, I'm thinking about, um...
Just, uh...
Like... In-flight... You know the panels in front of you?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The movies? Yeah, those. Yeah, yeah, good. Exploring some of those.
Yeah, yeah. Um...
I guess that's it. Okay. Listening to music.
I guess that's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's all I got. True.
I'm really weak at... Weak for, like,
riding, like, for example, like, motor cars
or, like, those planes, actually. Like, Kurumayo, I think.
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm not sure if I can read
in the, you know, plane. I mean, if it gets stable, I guess you'll be okay.
Like... Yeah, true. True.
Like, if you... Yeah, yeah. Because it's not gonna be, like,
turbulence 24/7. It's only, like...
Yeah. Lift off. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lift off and the, um...
During the, like, when you go through the clouds. Yeah.
Other than that, it's all just... True. It doesn't move that much. True.
Yeah. It's a big flight, so... Yeah. It's more stable. Right, right, right, right.
Okay. Yeah.
Right. Yeah.
I mean, I'm excited. Me too. Yeah, I'm excited.
Me too. A bit worried. Yeah.
Yeah. A bit nervous.
At this point.
Concerns about Wake-Up Time and Travel to the Airport
Do you think you can wake up really early? That's the problem.
You're gonna have to wake up at, like, what? Like, 5 or something, right? Like, 4 or 5?
Yeah. Damn. Yeah.
And then go to the airport. Yeah. So... I'm planning to stay in the airport.
For the day before? Yeah. Oh, shit. That's better for me.
Oh, shit. Yeah. That's... Like, if it's really... Yeah, if it's really necessary, I need to do it.
Right, right, right. Or at least take a hotel nearby.
Yeah. Or, like, inside the airport. Yeah. That's right. That's right.
That's what I'm thinking now. All right. Because I'm terrible at, like,
being in time. You know?
I mean, you can't miss flights, right? It's really important, right? So...
Like, this time it's not like, "Oh, sorry for late."
Right. Yeah. Right. I know it, so...
Yeah. Yeah. Right.
So, you're gonna wake up, like, 5, 6? Yeah, I'm planning to wake up really early.
Like, sleeping at 11 or something.
Then sleep for, I don't know, like, 5, 6 hours.
And then, yeah. Then waking up. And take trains?
Or, like, bus? Take the bus. Bus. Yeah. Direct to the airport?
Directly to the airport. Yes, that is what I'm planning to do.
Yeah. Hope there will be no traffic jam. I know, right?
Yeah. I know.
What do you do? Like, what do we do if the bus
will be stuck in, like, traffic jams? I mean, we're just gonna
have to live with it, right? Like, if we don't make it, we don't make it.
That's why we go there 2 or 3 hours prior.
True. Right? You don't run? Get off the bus and...
No, no. Not gonna do that. How long is that gonna take?
From, like, Shinagawa to Narita.
Like, "Oi!"
Big ol' suitcase.
Alright. Thanks for listening, guys! Thank you! Bye bye!

