1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 質問機能活用してみたよ
2023-03-17 11:55



Exploring the new question feature on Spotify
Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast.
Oh, longer than that.
Uh, you know, uh, there's this new feature on Spotify.
You can add questions to episodes.
Oh, yeah.
You can add.
Yeah, I can add a question to an episode.
What do you mean?
So like, for one episode, there's like the, like if you click the episode, I think towards the, somewhere in the screen, there's like this, um, Kevin's question.
Like, "What's your favorite color?"
And then anyone can type in the answer.
So the new feature came out.
So what I tried to do was I put, "I'm accepting your request here."
I did that on one of the episodes, just one of the episodes.
Oh, okay.
Can I just check if there's, if I got some answers or not?
Yeah, of course.
See if it worked out or not.
So is it like, so if you want to listen to that episode and then you start like playing that episode and then you see that box?
I think so.
I think you see the box.
Let's see how it did.
Yeah, cause that's what, like, like this.
Queue on the way.
And then, okay, get to, that makes it a lot easier to communicate, I guess.
Yeah, but let me see where I can look, where I can get the, where that's being sent on my end.
I guess I got to log into the Spotify platform.
But the thing is, I'm uploading it all through Anchor.
So, I guess you have to.
Oh, I think I got it.
I think this is it.
Oh yeah, I got two answers.
Oh, really?
Yeah, one answer is a question of like, is this where to send the topic?
That's one.
And the other is, that's what you said.
You hate that question, right?
I don't like those.
I mean, it's not about I like or I don't like.
It's just doesn't have any meaning to it.
It's completely just...
Oh, wow.
That's the only question.
So, this is the first question came through this Spotify feature, right?
Yes, yes.
Thank you.
What the fuck?
Can you go over the last line again?
Just, can you go several lines before the last lines?
I want to understand the flow.
Yeah, of course.
Discussion about trying new things
Conversation or like the context and everything.
So, the best question is like, trying new thing or like keep going?
Keep the same like chilling situation.
And she's like, [Japanese]
I can see how she's a big challenger.
I mean, buying bacon is not a challenge.
It's like a...
But yeah.
She was just not being careful with the labels.
Yeah, but funny, funny message.
Yeah, this came in two days ago.
Okay, great.
Okay, so let's answer her question.
What did you say?
What did you say?
Did you not hear what I said?
Yeah, probably let's just answer the question or something.
I said, let's answer her question.
Okay, okay.
What did you think I said?
Let's just answer her question.
Let's just answer her question.
Okay, okay.
Let's answer her question, right?
That's right.
I would definitely go for the challenging.
Yeah, yeah.
You're a challenging guy.
I mean, I feel like that's a better life ultimately when you look back on it.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, my motto has been, "Yaru koukai yori."
No, "Yaranai koukai yori, yaru koukai."
I always make that mistake.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So definitely go for the challenge.
Yeah, yeah.
I think I'm, well, basically the same, like I'm challenging style.
But I think I'm rather, like you're more like challenging guy.
I think I'm kind of a bit more like conservative.
So I kind of, I don't try kind of every everything.
I just want, at the same time I want to keep like stable, stableness.
At the same time and then like stepping just new step and then...
I see, I see, I see.
Yeah, I'm not like, see you kind of try like betting into completely new into like everything
and like this style.
Yeah, I like that.
Yeah, right?
And I'm not that challenging.
You're not that all in.
Yeah, I kind of still kind of keep this like a stableness at some certain level.
And then I just want to try just new things.
Right, right, right.
How about the level of the differentness?
Like, so what I mean by that is like I tend to...
So when you say, "Kevin, I think you're the kind of guy that would go all in on something
completely different."
Like how I view that is like I like to do things that are completely different.
Like I like to do things that are completely irrelevant.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
For example...
Exploring New Ventures
What I am doing right now.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're doing this like influence and things and then you suddenly start something like
completely different like tissue company.
Right, right.
Starting new railroad company.
Right, right, right.
I'm drawn to that.
But I don't go like I don't completely give up on the influence of the thing.
Like that is...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think it makes sense not to, right?
Is that for you...
Do you think that you stepping out of not conference but like you trying new things
would be...
Do you like to do it like in the same realm or do you like to go completely left field
and just irrelevant subject?
I mean, at least to me, it's very relevant.
It's connected.
Okay, okay.
But for example, like do you think like making music and like writing novels are relevant?
Like to me, it's quite relevant.
I see, I see.
Like it's words.
Yeah, both like writing words and like making stories.
They're storytelling.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I would say that's a similar kind of overlapping.
Yeah, yeah.
So my style is kind of, at least to me, relevant.
Or like maybe sometimes making films.
Not like railroads or like rocket companies.
No, I don't think like that completely like drastic changing things.
But maybe like starting like camping place, which is to me like relevant so that I can play music.
Oh, okay, okay.
Like play some, you know, movie festival maybe or coffee shop is relevant to me.
So yeah, that's my stance.
I see.
So you don't adventure around with your interests.
Like your interest circle is stable and you try to do new things sometimes connected through that circle.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's like digging in kind of.
Not like jumping to a...
A different, completely different circle.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm like digging and like reaching to that next...
I see, I see.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So yeah, that's my style.
So what are you interested in?
New YouTube Channel
What are you interested in now?
Right now, I'm interested in making a new YouTube channel.
That's very similar, but into what I'm doing right now.
But like that YouTube channel could be having me in it or not either way.
Like still, like I could hire somebody else to go on the channel and I could produce it or just have me in it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Either way.
That's what I'm thinking about right now, but yeah, still I don't think it's still a seed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Is it 10 minutes?
Let's talk about that.
Yeah, sure.
In the next episode.
Different perspectives on content creation
But to me, like you're more like interested in like new system.
Yeah, I get it.
That makes a lot of sense.
Not like the content itself.
That makes sense.
That I get.
You want to talk about that next?
Thanks for listening guys.

