1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ケビンと山ちゃんの最大の違い
2021-09-28 12:39


Yama-chan with the joy of leaning.

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
So last episode we were talking about the difference of the food qualities, right?
This is a very...
Like, caesarea versus a very expensive French-Italian restaurant.
Five stars.
Yes, the Michelin restaurants.
And then the food tastes different.
Some people, I feel like some people demonize the caesareans once they get to know that...
Once they get the knowledge of like how good and high quality the Michelin restaurants are.
And yeah, we're just debating over that, right?
You want to continue your thoughts?
Okay, thank you.
Yes, for me it's kind of a hobby.
So it's not good or bad, actually.
It's a hobby.
If you like, then you like this.
If you like this, you like this.
Same thing in music.
Like there are some well-trained like classical or like well-trained players or singers make
great masterpieces.
You know, the quality is very high.
But it doesn't mean that it will be like sold in worldwide compared to those masterpieces,
compared to like just found in a city girl who looks great, not sings well, but you know,
well packed in a...
Produced by JYP maybe.
No, I'm not talking about anybody, especially, but that can be sold all over the world.
You know, the quality, there's a quality difference, of course, from the ear of well-trained people.
They can clearly see the differences, but it doesn't like good or bad because that,
you know, packaged singer can, you know, make people move, make people dance and sometimes
cry and that's a good thing.
So I guess that's not like better or bad.
But I kind of understand that there is a word that only some certain like trained or like
maybe paid.
I don't want to say paid, but trained, experienced people can experience, which is fun.
So if, so like me, I go to like a Michelin French restaurant, I probably would not understand
what's so good about this plate, right?
A lot of decoration.
So yeah, those things like a huge plate with a tiny, tiny, tiny ingredient.
Yeah, like Jule.
Those things.
So it's probably because I'm uneducated.
Well, yeah, maybe.
Oh, me too.
So if I start learning about the food, if I start learning about what goes good with
what and maybe I might start enjoying the dish.
That's what I think.
Same thing about like wines, you know, there's so many expensive wine who is set
very delicious.
But I, when I actually, when I was in France, I tried like, I was Burgundy wine, which is
like Chateau from, I don't know, which is very expensive and said very delicious.
But it was like terrible.
It was terrible to me.
It was the worst wine I've ever drunk.
But that's because I didn't know about and I still don't know about.
I'm trained at all.
And also, that's not my hobby.
So is it the same thing, I guess, you know, there's a, you know, "shikouhin"
Do you know this word?
So if you want to really understand the quality of those "shikouhin" then you have to make,
divide your time, you know, need to train a little bit and try to understand it.
Does this match?
So does being educated match with you liking them?
Being educated and understanding that it's a high quality, that doesn't mean that you're
going to love them.
It doesn't.
Is there a stance?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It doesn't completely fit.
But more you know about that thing, you might be start liking that word.
Well, maybe.
I was, I did a restaurant, right?
I did a dessert shop, right?
And I didn't sell this at the restaurant, the cafe, but I tried to open a, I tried to
serve soft serves and ice creams and I was really educated on the soft serve world and
I personally like soft serve.
So I got to know like what ingredients to put in and what and what, how the flavor would
turn out if you put in what and everything.
And once I'm, once I got to know the whole industry and how everything's made, I, so
I could go to like a really fancy ice cream shop and be like, okay, this is a very Nama
cream based heavy cream based ice cream, or this is more like a more like a non non-dairy
shadi shadi kind of thing.
I can, I can kind of understand like what's in it and stuff like that.
Still, even with this education in mind, with knowledge in mind, I still, one of my favorite
ice cream is a, is a one from Ikea.
Or one of my favorite is the one from like Choco Monaca Jambo, right?
You can buy it at convenience stores?
It's a very cheap one and still, so like that didn't match for me, even with the knowledge,
I could understand the high ends of it, but still I didn't really have this.
I still preferred the, the standard ones.
The economy seats.
Uh huh.
So yeah.
I do understand that.
I'm getting, I'm stepping into this light, sour coffee world right now, but I still prefer
these little dark one, of course.
Right, right.
And I love classical high quality music, but at the same time I love, like those.
Those music, of course.
You, you said that early on in this discussion that it's a, it's our fundamental difference.
Yeah, yeah.
What did, what did you mean by that?
For me, it's a kind of, like you are some kind of, please say no if you're not.
You a guy come, some kind of guy that you, like very like business guy.
You can pay anything.
Merit based.
Very, very.
You pay as much as, as, as low as you pay and get as much as you can.
You win.
That's your style, right?
I'm not saying in a bad way.
It's a good way to live in this, this modern society.
It's a good way.
It's a very good thing.
And I am kind of guy for, pay things.
And I mean, I'm the guy thinking that assuming that if you want to get something, you need to pay
decent fee, enough fee to, if you don't pay anything, you won't get anything.
That's my perspective.
So if you want to understand like the deep coffee world, then you need to pay maybe money, time,
all those, if you want to understand that the real beauty, like real, like,
like the real thing you need to pay, you need to divide your, your resource.
And that's my way of thinking.
And that's what I like actually.
So, well, we've been friends like for seven, eight, nine years.
And I'm kind of finding that's the most, well, we're kind of similar guy actually.
But that's the biggest difference between me and you.
That's what I'm thinking recently.
You are very like economically right.
I'm a return on investment guy.
I'm an ROI guy.
That's very important at the same time and very logical.
So, yeah.
You're more of a, more of a experience.
How you word that?
Kind of
pay for
a high end experience.
Yeah, can be.
Yeah, but probably not the fundamentals of who you are, I guess.
They didn't express that in it.
I guess experience first guy.
Right, right, right, right, right.
And your style is very like to me, like very American.
I mean, West side, I'm going to say like, what was that?
Capitalism, yeah.
Style that ruled this world right now.
So to me, it's very like America and like economy or like Western.
You know, that old things matters.
So mine would be like, I get, I get, I would, you can buy 10 kilograms of rice with, with
versus what you're like, I want to eat the Yamagata-san rice with however much price,
however many price it is.
I want the experience of eating the rice, the high end rice.
Or like, I just want to know the sense of, of, of goodness of rice.
And for that, I kind of think that we need to take time and pay for something.
But then for me, what important is to knowing the, the, the deeper world.
You're a progressive learner.
You just, you continue learning things and you just love to learn, to acquire knowledge.
Think about learning.
10 minutes.
Any, any last thoughts?
I mean, it's going to be long.
It's going to be long.
So, all right.
Thanks for listening guys.

