1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 山ちゃんラジオで何を話した?
2023-01-06 11:23


Good luck my man

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
All right so tell me more about your your radio. Yeah.
Radio experience. Yeah radio experience. What'd you talk about?
Um I actually don't remember that you know exactly what I said but basically
it was just usual conversation like we open up with like some introductions
like how we met, Goto-san and me how we met, so we talked about podcast. Okay.
That we are doing this and also you know who am I kind of just brief you know
introduction and who he is. Okay. And then okay well what we talked hmm so we
talked about yeah we talked about my hippo thing. I didn't prepare that or
expected that or Goto-san was like suddenly "Yama-san, there are so many languages in your radio show!"
"Really?" "Oh that topic here?" I was like yeah that's true and a bit and also
did I talk about you know each other's like music things. I see. Like Goto-san's
music and my music a bit and also Goto-san is going to be publish a book
like a novel it's like a mixed with novel and research book. I see. Yeah it's
about 90s music scene novel kind of. Okay. Yeah so we talked about that a bit and
hmm, what we talked about? You know it was just free conversation so nothing you know no daihon at all.
Just talked. Also how you know was I feeling for the first radio show. Yeah so
then radio shows can't speak easy concept is like it's not in the radio
studio right we're in the right speak easy bar is the concept yeah so we have
to do some usual conversation like between just friends or like you know
just usual conversation right and narrator it's kind of fading in and
fading out kind of thing it's not like authentic radio hello this is it's not
like that right it's just we just use your conversation and there's another
narrator guy do I sort of course to the key to me Mashaoka and then waiting into
this conversation. I see. So we actually had to do usual like real usual
conversation for whole through the time. There are no like "Saa Minna-san!" No.
It's just we. There's no audience you have to yeah take care of it's just you
yeah yeah yeah yeah and so that's the concept of the radio show so we had to
just it's just like chilling in the bar having conversation and somebody the
audience's are just sneaking in and listening it I was like "Whaaaaaa! Sugoi desu ne!
Radio Kyoku tte!" Totally breaking the concept. Yeah yeah.
"Mini, kono, kafu, boku, koete yatterun desu kedo."
Yeah. And there were like there were a vending machine okay radio center okay
they in the vending machine there were like onigiri. Really? Yeah and sandwiches
and cup ramen. So I picked cup ramen because I was hungry and I cooked yeah and had a
cup ramen just before the show okay I talked about it yeah "Saki cup ramen
daette!" Vending machine de uttete. We had those conversations and make the show
kind of completely ruined. Breaking its concept. Yeah maybe
Akimoto-san will matter. You know, show maybe. How long was the the final like the
episode? It's about one hour. It's very long. Yeah I mean yeah it sounds long but actually like I have so many things to talk about
it was quite it's like I want to talk more. Really? Yeah it was short yeah so
even it's like one hour show you had a CM and I saw my song Goto-san's song
so 40 minutes. I see. Almost still. Yeah yeah I see. It was fun. Yeah and like so I asked
the director-san "Do you have meeting with Akimoto-san regularly?"
She was like "Yeah every week I have meeting with Akimoto-san."
Oh does Akimoto-san use Line?
Oh really?
I mean yeah it was completely new experience to me. Yeah. Did you have
headsets on? Yeah. Did you get did you were you comfortable with it? Yeah. Okay.
Why? You don't like that? It was weird for me. It was just I hear myself through
my brain and I also hear myself through the headphones and it was
it was uncomfortable for me. I don't know what how loud I'm supposed to be
speaking so it was difficult for me like oh shit am I speaking too loud or like
like it's I weirdly kind of like tone down my volume. Yeah. When I hear myself
through the headphones. Yeah. That was difficult. So yeah I can I understand
that we didn't do any like volume test. Oh okay. Before the show so I was like you
know first few voices I was like how loud can I be and also it's like a
midnight radio show so maybe I shouldn't I'm not supposed to do like yeah. I was like hello.
Like down the midnight. Yeah. Yeah. I made a voice a bit like hello.
I tried to you know make it like sexy. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. But yeah. It was fun. Like a musician side of myself.
You know. Yeah so like that's that's what is different from many of your
appearances on the internet right? The media that you're more focused on.
You you're there as a more of a musician rather than a youtuber. Yeah. I feel like
that was very fresh. Yeah. For you I guess. True. It was quite an honor. I can
finally like somebody liked my music. Kind of kind of accept me as a
musician. So yeah and finally get into get on the radio and played it through
the radio. Yeah. So it's radio show so I'm sure there are so many like Yakobasu
drivers or like truck drivers or like you know those driving people could be
listening to you know my song. Right. Without knowing like who this singer's
are. Right. So that's romantic right? Yeah. And if I could if my song could like
touch them that's unbelievable. Yeah. Yeah. Are the majority of the people that
are listening to radios midnight are truck drivers? Do you think is that what
they? Yeah what they told me. That they had? Yeah like there's a there are two types
of listeners. One is like active listeners. Okay. Those are like listening
to that channel. Listening to that program. Right. And you know using Twitter
so like replying and sending emails messages. So those are one type and the
other type is non-active. Like a passive. Yeah they just listen it. They don't send
messages. They don't do nothing but just listen and listen to you know some songs
and having their own beautiful lives. So that's also like big side to me.
Because I was, I remember when I was kid with my parents with my family driving
back from somewhere in you know late night. Always like that the car radio was
on and we listened to you know some songs and we sang together sometimes. So yeah
that's like one of greatest memories of my you know family time you know. So if my
song could be a part of that you know someone's beautiful moment. That's
amazing. And now you get to be on the other side right? Yeah. Now you're on the
radio side right? Yeah. It's quite a quite a moment I guess. Yeah it is. It is. Like finally
like I can say that I am doing you know as a musician finally kind of. Yeah.
I mean but you know the journey goes on right? Right. I have just you know so many
things to you know work on. Yeah a lot music more to come. I want to do some live
someday you know. So yeah. Yeah. It's actually it is the you know the biggest
step in my music career. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. Congratulations man. Yeah thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. All right. So thanks for listening guys. Yeah thank you. Bye bye.

