1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ジム活が充実している山ちゃん
2020-10-01 10:14


Hey guys welcome to the episode I am your host Kevin this is the English
Room Podcast. Yes, you're a little bit, you know, you seem like a little bit depressed.
Yeah I thought I was gonna buy a MacBook Pro but I missed out okay because it sold out
mm-hmm the refurbished version yeah right they sell out in few minutes okay
I thought I had it but I did not sorry guys this episode is gonna be a little
bit sad one yeah all right what is it okay one all right okay we've got a line
we got a are we yeah really is our line account in public yeah we did we do we
even have a line account yeah did not know that okay did not know that yours
mine yeah wow is in public right now it in public yes so you're great okay we've
got a line from mommy Lily son okay thank you for the line talk about
can't read it's okay you know that's she's asking that might be different
about can't lay or training you know your buddy you're going to your gym yeah
compared to Japan and the United States a little bit ah might be different do
you think they're not that different I don't think they're different like I
heard that almost every American people mm-hmm is going to gym and train
yourself your buddy well if I mean I wasn't not probably if it's like a
college student maybe that could be it but I was only there until high school
right beginning of high school so that I did not encounter that culture but um so
never went to a local gym in the US so I don't know how it feels like there but
um but it is popular I think it's in the movie movie which is like American
school life movie mm-hmm people who is really you know yeah pumpy yeah yeah I
guess college life I think gym I think really matters having a fit body and
being people want to be really healthy right the more more urban it gets I
think the sensitivity towards being healthy gets a little bit higher I think
people crave for more healthier food being staying fit matters more I think
if it's a place is like you know Rome Georgia where I was at no I you'd only
have like one gym in this town and you don't really go there it's cultural
thing within the United States there's different cultures yeah but in Japan I
think what do they go people go there for they want to be healthy right did
they I think people want to be more healthier or they want to be like Hassan
stories Hassan maybe like that or yes it I yes it ah more of the female yeah
female that's more for the female right for male for male too but you know
rather than try to pump yourself up you know it's yes it's a tie or you know
it's more of the inner muscle maybe maybe not trying to have big body right
I think they're going to make us yeah yeah yeah I think there's more of a the
fit people rather than more of the gory gory people yeah yeah when I go there
yeah hi are you going to jump have you been going to just every week every two
weeks or something every twice a week or or more about five or six times a week
yeah what it's a lot of gym yeah I went today this morning to what what are you
doing which I do I today I ran mm-hmm and then little what's that abs abs and
little feet legs yeah feet work and that's it today
inner muscle kind of I know no no just running just running yeah and went to
the took shower mm-hmm bath tub huh how early did you go there oh it was 930 it
opens at 930 uh-huh I went there and it was just about one hour maybe it was
just opening up my today so not like hard hard training it feels good to go
to the gym yeah then it like how does it I say right there sweat sweat right
sweat move your body huh that's nice it's nice yeah feel great it does feel
great how much are you paying for the monthly fees oh 2000 yen that great deal
yeah but only for the two month of the beginning the first two month yes but
you're moving out yeah so right so that that's just daddy to me yeah good deal
yeah I need to start mine too hmm so you haven't been going no no no no I have
not been going to the gym for for quite a long time actually ever since the
corona thing started and so so like what six out six months six months yeah
probably like that hmm but you still got some you know yeah I do that just you're
not like getting fat yeah I don't know how my body it's really easy for my body
to gain muscles and it's slower to like deteriorate so that's great useful it is
useful mm-hmm I just work out several times in my house and I'm a little bit
more I can see I just have a muscular structured body I guess yeah yeah you
can be some bodybuilder hmm I don't know about that we have a friend we have a
yes common friend who's a bodybuilder right yes the professional and then I
don't know if he's professional so but he's go going to the high guy yeah he's
going to take ice right then the real one yeah he's really shining he's really
like doing this thing yeah like he loves muscles he loves muscles and he's going
at it for like 100% and he is living his life yeah very admirable right very
admirable you know what I'm going to go to the countryside in the beginning of
next week with my friends and do some training gosh cool actually yeah and
we'll do some kintore running and musical training and some kind of old
kind of training gosh cool I'm gonna do and in that gosh cool we will do muscle
training so I contacted to him and that bodybuilder friend to you know asking
please make some menu time and he was like yes let's do that and he made you
know full set of this is it and we'll do that was it hard I think that will be
hard yeah like you know the menu usually it says like what would it that they're
sanjuka you know go to kai no he right differently he said like with a
doctor said would it go agaraku not a it's not like how much how many you do
that it's it's about pushing your limit right leg no coil curl ups car laughs
maybe yeah I think I'm a see that she knew my name that was one set and we
have to try this do three sets yeah I'm gonna die three times yeah that's tough
but that's why he you know he does for making his body right right what what
why do you suddenly start did you have passion for muscle training no right no
I don't have passion for muscle training but I like training and learning I like
training you like actually that's new really yeah I like you know I like
studying I like learning practicing that's same thing to me oh training is
like practicing yeah yeah yeah so it's not that you want to have a muscular
body just want to be healthier or yeah you're but now I'm you know a little bit
being you know what a big bigger man oh yeah you know go going to the gym uh-huh
little bit man I gotta start the gym yeah I really gotta do I'll do this when
I move yeah yeah yeah all right the question was on kintore
Nikon show yeah oh that was there right yeah that was all right thanks for
listening again guys yes yes we'll see you again

