1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. 16時間ダイエットどうですかケ..
2022-07-04 10:33


No pain, No gain だもんな…!!!

welcome to Kevin's English room podcast
hungry why so hungry I'm doing my 16 hour diet and I can eat nuts
yep I can eat peanuts during my 16 hour span but I've never so I actually bought
the peanuts like several days ago and it's still new to me yeah having having
just peanuts into an empty stomach okay it just feels weird it just um like it
satisfies this this part of the stomach but this part of the stomach is still
like yeah craving for food yeah you know it just feels weird okay I don't know I
don't know if I can continue this diet you know China so how many days have you
doing this I'm in my fourth week fourth week mm-hmm so it's about one month it's
about a month yep about a month I I weighed my body yesterday each hero oh
each hero loss oh yeah I guess that's really big for usual people mm-hmm
that's true that's true maybe not for you but yeah but in terms of loss yeah
it's a big step yeah you know it's a big step yeah my eyes aren't sharp oh well
look at my eyes yeah it's like a I feel like it's 70% as usual okay let's we eat
a burger boom my eyes are probably gonna be like sharp and everything oh that's
a maybe not like a suitable way for you maybe not it's possible maybe not you
know cuz um to me hungry makes me sharper sometimes oh yeah if you eat too
much amount of food mm-hmm you feel full yeah then you will be more like hot even
like tired mm-hmm kind of bored yeah yeah but um this hungry made me a little
sharper yeah like but not for you mm-hmm maybe not maybe not maybe it's something
to do with because yesterday I was like this too and I was like I want steak and
I bought like 300 grams steak and I thought yeah so maybe that's part of it
as well okay but that's uh that's not in the 16 hours right that's out of the 16
hour frame yeah it's after it then that should be okay really yeah cuz that you
know the book I read mm-hmm it said that it's okay everything you can eat
everything you want as long as it's if you take that 16 hour break yeah
and it's okay that's true I don't know well I mean I'm not sure if that's true
then that's pretty like exciting yeah you know yeah you can eat whatever you
want the amount to I don't know if that makes sense I mean does that add up but
one thing you have to do is keep 16 hours of not eating things so does that
have to be very precise but you can't just eat because I ate a cookie so just
nothing nothing just or nuts or water that's it yeah that's what I read okay
and that book you know was written by some kind of really famous doctor no
get the name all right so my when that was you know based on the you know those
science things oh okay but I'm not sure about that
because imagine you eat ten Big Macs yeah that's not good I know right
french fries a bunch of possible I think that that's bad yeah definitely bad yeah
you're definitely gonna get fat yeah even though you have even if you have
that 16 hours then kind of still not sure yeah I agree I agree that's what
says so but I guess that does take off some limit some weight off my shoulders
because I mean I'm I'm not gonna eat a 10 Big Macs but I it is good to know
that I can eat what I actually want to eat so yeah I'll try that yeah yeah you
have to keep in mind that you shouldn't eat cookies not you can't I can't eat
cookies right I can't eat cookies during the sixth hour well I mean oh come on
man those were cookies from the dogas you know the YouTube dogas and I gotta I
want to eat them because the shelf life and everything right it's already open
right so like and it's there right you have to eat this you know in the you
know that's true other side I should wait on the other side yeah I should
wait on the other side yeah you're right you're right I should wait I should wait
yeah yeah you look like you get smaller maybe yeah one reason maybe is because I
played soccer yesterday like you know I exercised heavily yeah and I'm in a bit
of a kink to like my whole body yeah isn't unique to did you catch that yeah
like hobo body yeah and maybe you need some maybe carbo or proteins true you
know right recover your body right maybe that's true maybe yeah I got it got
happy I was like I just justified my protein intake yes gotta go to
convenient get myself a protein bar
yeah it's on the way yeah yeah yeah this is all experimenting yes right so we're
gonna have to see if it's if this suits my body or not yeah yeah mm-hmm
for some people that's really almost the best way for some people yeah but you
know for some people not it's not yeah it's just you know and depend on yeah
we'll find out we'll find out soon yeah we'll find out yeah you already found
that no well not yet you know I haven't I haven't tried the no limit on the
other side method okay okay you know maybe I might be able to be excited for
the the other side and then you know be happy and then like I'd be able to
balance it out maybe yeah all right um one thing I remember when I did that
challenge I was really looking forward for that the meal meal first meal yeah
because I was like having two meals basically yes in one day yes I was like okay this is
my today's first meal this is my today's last meal so I was like ah
convenient you know cheap easy food no like you know good one right like a
gourmet yeah so that was like happy to me it's true that's true yeah yeah
always happy yeah you know for having those eating times that's true it's true
not like okay I'm just eating things and isn't it difficult to like balance your
diet like with your social life like when you have to go like go play like yeah
like yesterday like I play soccer with folks and I had like a dinner right
because I wanted to eat dinner like but like the 16 hour time for no it was kind
of like I was like it was in the gray gray zone looks like is it really 16
hours maybe not yeah but I played heavily and like yeah is it a difficult
don't you think to like balance that out really really yeah like your social life
in there sure yeah I told my friends I'm doing this okay so I I just eat
nothing yeah what do you know but yeah I'm together right yeah but yeah that's
tough I guess I understand that it was yeah all right I hope your journey thank
you goes well thank you thank you we'll find out next week you I'm sorry guys see
the video version is cut off right now it's just I accidentally clicked the end
button so like I'm sorry about that all right thanks listening guys

