1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. ドラム式洗濯機にどうしても負..
2022-07-02 14:16


[※Content may include explicit language.]

Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast!
Alright! The applause that you... if you're watching YouTube you can't hear this.
Oh. It's only on the podcast shows. Please check. Yeah.
How do we have this much of a big system and not connected to the iPhone, right?
I still can't believe it. Yeah. True. If you guys know the way, you know, to change this
the volume of sending this mix machine to the iPhone. Yeah. I mean we can send
audio but we can't control the volume that it goes into the iPhone. Yeah. Right?
Why can't you do that? Why can't you do that? It's not that rare. Who's that? Who's that guy? Who's that guy?
The um... Kevin the audio engineer. But I kind of heard of you. You've heard of me before?
Yeah. I remember that. Why? Why? It's so simple. Why can't you control the audio?
Have I met you before? I think we have.
On the podcast, like the real podcast, the audio quality is much better than that.
Oh yeah. 100%. Yeah. Please go win. You know we're doing podcast mainly.
And that's just... This is a podcast show. There's a camera catching us over there.
Yeah. Exactly. This is similar to a documentary, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I got that.
You got my point, right? Yeah. It's not edited. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That's a good documentary.
Yeah. That's a good memories. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like once a week we capture that.
Mm-hmm. And like every weekend. That's true. Yeah. It's true. I feel like we can do a
compilation of like how well your English has gotten with this amount of like content
out there. Yeah. You know. Like two weeks of every day. Exactly. Every day. But yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. English conversation. Yeah. I feel like you made progress. Like we get DMs of like
your English has gotten better. True. Right? At the beginning I was terrible. I don't want to...
It wasn't terrible but like now I think you're more fluent I feel like. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.
Well that's a good... Right. Right. Yeah. Right. So. Oh. That's a new one. That's a new one right there.
Oh. Thank you. Thank you. Wow. So it's like today's the 20th. So one week. It's been a week after our second anniversary.
Oh great. That's great. Wow. That's great. It's fantastic. Oh yeah. It's fantastic. Yeah. All right. Wow. Thank you. It's on the day you know. On the day. Oh. (laughter)
(speaking Japanese)
Yeah. Yeah. True. Yeah. We'll probably forget tomorrow that like wait when was our anniversary? Yeah.
Well we should celebrate huh? Yeah.
(speaking Japanese)
No. That's for you. Does she have a solution? I guess so.
(speaking Japanese)
(speaking Japanese)
(speaking Japanese)
Did she get that?
I understand the procedure. Okay.
(speaking Japanese)
(speaking Japanese)
What? No. I can't. I'm sorry but I can't do that.
What? Why you can't?
Because the only reason why I bought a drumshiki sentaki is because I did not want to spend time hangering all my clothes and putting them outside or like in the bathtub, right? And aligning them so that the air can breathe.
And that all that hassle like.
I just can't. I don't understand you.
I'm trying my best to not get pissed. I just can't. The memory.
You're a big boy.
I am a big boy. I'm a grown ass man. I'm a grown ass man holding in my anger.
We are recording this podcast.
I am a grown ass man.
Yes. I am controlling my anger.
Yes you are. You are doing a really good job. Yep.
Right. The only reason why I bought.
The only reason.
The sound.
That was my shoes. That was my shoes. That was my shoes. The only. I can't. I just can't.
I see if I start doing that then it's like why don't you just. Why don't you just. If someone tells me like why don't you just. Why did you buy that? You could have done that with the old washing machine.
I don't have a comeback.
I can't say anything. I'm like you're right. I've wasted my money. I've completely wasted my money. Yes. You have a point.
That's the only thing I got to say. Right. So I can't do that. I can't go back.
But you can you know wash and dry at the same time at least for the towels.
Exactly right.
Pants. Underwears.
Underwears. Like pajamas. Right.
And bras if you have.
Bras. Bras if I have. Yes. I understand.
Yeah. So at least.
You know right. Right. No. No man. No.
Underwears are one of the easiest ones to hang. Right.
It's the t-shirts and the jeans and the shirt.
That's a hassle.
Those are the pain in the ass drying ones.
See I bought my drumsky syntaki.
Drumsky syntaki.
Drumsky syntaki.
So that I don't have to do all that pain in the ass shit.
Oh yeah.
I just can't.
I can't.
Sorry but I can't.
I appreciate the recommendation.
But I can't.
But you know what I'm doing?
I'm doing.
I am doing something similar to that.
I look at the label and if it says no Kansoki.
I just put it aside.
Right. And I just compile all the Kansoki OK ones.
And just dump it in.
After that I just when the no Kansoki is piled up.
I put it in and I do all the hand hanging ones.
That's kind of similar to what she's suggesting.
So the idea is similar.
Just that yeah.
I can't give up on the whole thing.
That's the reason why you bought that machine.
Because if the clothe said that it's not compatible it's fair.
It's fair.
What do you mean fair?
It's fair.
Because if I just give up on all my t-shirts and jeans.
That's just that's just stepping back.
Stepping back.
You're just you're just giving the Sentaki a win.
I can't do that.
What do you mean win?
You lost?
I can't do that.
Yeah I lost.
What do you mean lost?
I lost the clothing industry.
The washing industry.
I can't let them do that.
I and you got shrinked t-shirt and you lost.
That you mean you win?
Well yeah.
The purchase.
I lost the purchase would be more accurate I guess.
But if the clothe says that you can't.
Dry you can't Kansoke it.
That's fair.
What do you mean fair?
That's fair.
That's funny.
That's like.
That's like.
No one can do it.
No one can put that in the Sentaki Kansoke right?
So it's fair.
So like it's not the Sentaki's fault.
It's not my fault.
It's just it's just how it is.
That's the that's the rule that is it says it.
When I bought it so it's fair.
So you're not you're not the one who lost.
I didn't lose.
I didn't lose and sent sentaki didn't lose.
No one won.
It's just it's just plain fair.
I understand that.
You don't get it man.
You don't get my feeling man.
I mean yeah.
Like look listen if I.
I'm listening to you.
I just stopped Kansokeing all my t-shirts even the ones that are compatible.
Then why the fuck did I buy a Kansoke Tsuki Sentaki right?
That's that's that's you understand right?
You're you're with me.
I understand.
You're with me.
Same level.
Same page.
Yes yes.
And so I don't want to do that.
I lose.
Do you understand?
I lose.
I lose because I'm not using what I bought.
You pay for that and you.
I paid for it and I'm not fully utilizing it.
Lost your money.
I lost.
Sentaki won.
I don't understand that.
But yeah so I'm not going to do that.
I'm not going to just blindly not Kansoke all the t-shirts.
However if I look into the tags and the tags said that it's not compatible.
You you see how that's fair?
Like this guy this teacher is not meant to go in there from the get.
Like he's not going to play the game.
He's not in the field.
So like there is no am I going to put it in or am I going to put it I'm not going to put it in.
It's not it's not a conversation of am I going to win or is it like he's not in the game.
He's not playing the game.
He's just he's he's just watching from the bench.
He's just he's in the kankyaku.
All right.
He's he's he's at home.
He's just he's he's watching Netflix right now.
You got you got me now.
You know what I'm saying?
There you go.
That's where I came from.
I understand that.
All right.
So you don't want to let Sentaki win.
Yeah I can't.
I just I can't I can't I can't let him win.
He tried to try to beat you.
He's trying to beat me with all he's got.
It's freaking my clothes.
You know trying to regret my purchase.
Oh that's funny.
I haven't yeah I haven't you know I haven't put the towel in yet.
I'm still fighting.
You put the towel into Sentaki but
that's a good one.
That's a good one.
I am putting my towels in the laundry machine but laundry machine but it's not in the ring yet.
It's yeah that's a good one.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for listening guys.
All right.
Bye bye.
Thank you.

