1. 英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast
  2. この人がネイティブかどうか分..
2022-06-05 11:21



Welcome to Kevin's English room
Forget the echoing I forgot the echo. Yeah, I forgot the echo always forget the echo
Welcome to Kevin's English room. Oh
I my voice was too loud and I kind of
Again, okay. Welcome to Kevin's English room podcast cast cast cast
Thank you, thank you, no I didn't
Okay, all right, so
Remember we did the big kick a coo
Older guy. Yeah, yeah, you too. Hmm. Okay, we did a
Some kind of kaku that we gathered
People from mm-hmm. Shouldn't we talk about that? That's okay. Yeah from you know
Fluently English speaking people. Yeah all around this country and yeah
We gather together and did a little kind of quiz. Yeah. Yes and
Let's talk about that. Okay, what impressive to me, okay
Because that was you know that eight people came to their studio. Yeah and
Six people
They are like native. Yes, or like almost native
Yes, English speakers and there were two who have almost never been
To abroad. Yes, but fluently speak English. Yes, and
The game was you know us try to find that
Guys, yes and
That's quite impressive to me. Yeah, the skills of the players right now stations. Yeah
Talk levels. Yeah English
Uh-huh. What what surprised you the most of like specifically?
Without giving away like who the yeah
Sure, that's a difficult point
But like to me yeah, they all sounded quite native yeah, so that was the most
Surprising thing to me because because it like the
They haven't
Ever been to that to any abroad right never lived abroad. Yeah, they've done the world
Yeah, true in Jap in Japan and yeah and
studied through
internet or
You know those services and yeah
Well, that was quite surprising to me. Yeah, I didn't you know, I couldn't tell
who is
Native and who is not. Yeah, that
Was just quite impressive to me. Right, right, right. I mean, I
feel like
I've of course, I mean at that time
Many of those people were like that but I've I've also met several people in university. Yeah, like
I've only studied Netflix. I've only studied through listening to music. Yeah or
Watching movies, right and this person is like
You can't really tell yeah, so fluent so like
On point yeah with
his expressions
It's fascinating. Yeah, I mean I I grew up in the culture like
In an environment where English was spoken all the time. Yeah, it's it's different for me
I didn't I don't know how to do that. So like
and some people
at that event was like that so I guess
Yeah, it's pretty like
Mind-blowing. Yeah
I was kind of um
kind of uh
Yeah had a confident
Confidence. Yeah of you know
Who is native and who is non-native?
Because me myself kind of try to learn to be like native. Yeah, so
quite confidence
confident about
You know see the differences. Yeah, but I completely
Yeah couldn't yeah, it was difficult. He was really difficult. So
It was kind of first time for me to meet those kind of people
Yeah in front of me and listen to them. So it was
Quite a moment for me. Yeah, and also I'm kind of happy that yeah, it's kind of hope
You know, it's Lana. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think it's true. Yeah someday we can be like them and it's true. Yeah, that's really yeah
Quite a moment for me
What was um?
For me what I thought was like that room I've never been in a room with so many
Fluent bilingual speakers. Yeah, so like this potential
If you gather all the power, you know of these people here, it would have been so much powerful. I was like
We could do something with the hour
Felt this like yeah Wow, that was really talented. Yeah, how did it room? Yeah
Like they're like you speak like native English speaking at the same time. They are like almost ten people in there who speaks
native level English and of course Japanese, yes, and
So like they're so experienced. Yeah
It was a quiet ginger. Yeah, it was yeah, I feel like big key. Oh, yeah
We won those people. Right, right, right. I would hire them. Yeah, if I had like, you know a company, yeah
Really interesting for you. It was difficult to yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was difficult. It's uh,
I'm trying not to give it all away. Yeah, but it was difficult. Yeah, but um
There were some
players that was like, uh-huh, that's
Easy one. Okay, easy go
Definitely a native speaker. Yeah. Yeah, um at the moment
You were kind of struggling. Yeah about finding non native speaker. Mm-hmm, but you were quite
Good at pointing out who is native speaker? Yeah, so there are some I a certain point that yeah
You cannot clearly see yeah
That one is native, right? You know, it's fascinating that like
There are things that would make you
Instantly know that he or she is a native speaker, right by the tone of the voice by the intonations and like
It's it was so noticeable for me
Uh-huh, if it's that noticeable then I feel like you can take out some of the elements out and then apply it
Yeah to the you know English learners. Yeah, they can speak more like they can
Speak in a way that would make a lot more people understand their saying so like
Yeah, I mean I thought I found some juices in there. Yeah
Can you
out some element sure
Is it easy for you to?
Clearly point out that
Element or it's just you you can
See it, but it's difficult for you to you know
Articulate. Yeah word it out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's a little difficult to word it out
but um, I feel like one of the easier ones is like
The speed and the tone of the voice like
when you're saying a sentence will I go up or like and
Like when you talk like this, it's like yeah speak a little bit faster
Huh and then have a pause and then say whatever like it's it's the flow
That's so like oh, I heard this flow. I heard this flow when I was in the US
Uh-huh. It it's just it's there. Okay, I hardly ever see it like for like a
secondhand English speaker. Yeah, so like that's
That's that's one easy to articulate. Okay, okay, so it's not only like
Pronunciation like yeah, it's just not only that
pronunciation but speed or like those right nation down Wow
Or like the Hyojo, mm-hmm
facial expressions like how the
Yeah, little yeah, like how the the the angle of the face like how he or she uses
Hands fingers. Yeah
like the eyes
like or like
Yeah, yeah, well it's really um interesting that you
Clearly know that yeah in some parts. Oh, that's definitely native. Yeah, that was very yeah
Yeah, yeah
Because I I was I've never been tested of you know, yeah, we did there so like I
Didn't know that I had such like yeah
radar like yeah, yeah
Sure. Yeah, as you say if we can, you know
Point out those things out elements out and try apply to those like people like me and yeah
If we can do that, that'll be so right so helpful. Yeah, so help when good, you know, cause I uh-huh
It's true through material. It's true
But I'm not sure if we can do that because it's we're gonna need to collect so yeah people and yeah
You talking non-native talk. Yeah, like what different? Yeah. Yeah
True, but it's interesting interesting. Yeah, right
Okay. All right. All right. Thanks for listening guys. Thank you. Bye. Bye

