welcome to Kevin's English Room podcast
this program is brought to you by
Kimi no Koyo wo Todokeyou anchor we are using an app called anchor to create and
distribute this podcast not the video format this podcast yeah see now we got
both of them right it's a little confusing yeah but all right anchors for
podcast yeah and we're using anchor to create this podcast it's got all the
features in need to start your very own podcast yes it's free you can download
off of Google Play or on the App Store so and we're very excited into hearing
your first podcast episode right right all right are you getting used to the
studio um yeah yeah yeah I feel really like comfortable here that's good it's
good it's really young smells like new house you know new shoes or really yeah
smell like new no no what do you smell I don't smell anything yeah I don't smell
literally anything yeah no I smell like new you know new house smell or new new
shoes smell and the new shoes my yeah that's yeah that's what I oh yeah I
gotta get it yeah I kind of yeah that's where it's coming from yeah okay yeah
and I feel good that's good yeah good you have to thank Amazon for letting us
use this video to professional to us I know like just ten minutes ago you know
we're like 20 like the the Amazon people are like we got all this like we got all
these gadgets of like like check this out guys only on the video format but
like look at all this stuff right here like this and like that and everything
microphone those expensive microphones and stuff like that and headphones like
yeah we got we got all this you can use it we're like oh no we got this what we
planned yeah yeah tell them what we were planning on doing tell them man we put
we used to those microphones right once a time right once for this right yeah
once for the iPhone and one before the video format video format right right
microphones at the same time like this that was what we're literally going to
do like right until like 20 minutes ago that was what we were planning on doing
that's why I bought the second one yeah but like the professional guy was like
oh no maybe two microphones too close it's kind of like how do you do whatever
you call that in English and like maybe that's not a good idea so we're like
fuck okay but we realized that the iPhone had such a great camera that we can put
this thing close enough wide actually yeah like this yeah yeah it's pretty wide
right true so I think the video the audio quality for the YouTube is a
little bit different than on the podcast yeah so you guys to please comment on
YouTube if you want us to put these pinned microphone on us if you want us to
use the use it for the video format as well please comment it okay that's
really messy I know look at this fucking cable this long I know right I would
rather want this side to be longer yeah you know true right that's true
so come tell me why why do you want it why you want to start tell me what so
you can yeah just tell me why you want to start this you know a video format
podcast okay yeah so with video format I think people can like watch our like
dumbass faces yeah and like see like oh that's how they're speaking right like
the facial expression and I guess content production value right like uh
like efficiency wise like why not have a why not roll a camera at the same time
and make more content out of it yeah that's the kind of mindset that I was in
so right yeah that's why I put in video format cool yeah so guess you can
listen to the whatever you do at the same time while you like on the train
yeah to their face or like you making you know cooking yeah so that's really
actually really convenient when you do something and listen to our really funny
stories very funny stories yeah so but also they are beautiful what you can see
the facial expressions that actually help you you know the one thing that I
feel like is gonna revolutionize this podcast is that when you put it on
YouTube there's this feature that auto transcripts are our voices right our
ours whatever we're saying and are we are we gonna be all translated yeah
really it's gonna be it's gonna be written below the it's gonna the
machines that are like auto auto like analyze it and then this is what these
guys are saying it's gonna say it's gonna subtitles are gonna be on the
bottom of the video and you can translate that to that's really
convenient that's gonna be so revolutionary true you know that's true
because I got I think one of the top keywords like a relevant keywords that
when you put if you put Kevin's English from podcast one of the the additional
suggesting keyword is like transcripts Wow so like with this you can now see
what we're actually saying if the computer can catch us right if the
yeah catch us well if the computer can catch yeah I can catch we were too you
know fast I know and exactly they can yeah but it is actually pretty accurate
you know the YouTube's the algorithm of like catching the the phrases you know
one of those like um we've done the end ml ml wait the the major league
basketball um the basketball yeah that's um wait you forgot it - right yeah NBA
NBA right national basketball ah yes yeah NBA maybe okay yeah that like the
we did a YouTube kick up on like what the GQ people are saying yeah and what
there are some that I can't catch what I would do is I would turn on the the
caption Wow video and they got it really yeah so I think they're pretty like
accurate ah yeah so I think they're gonna catch every word that I'm cool
right okay even if it's in Japanese see that's a that's a good question okay I
don't know if they would be able to like go back and forth like that's a good
that's a good point yeah that's a that is a good point obviously they would
understand that yeah so I guess I guess that's a English says I'm gonna give you
see I know oh sure he'll try it yeah that computer cannot you know yeah true
but that's really like help me yeah yeah you know to understand what you
actually exactly saying exactly exactly Wow right and that means like it will be
obvious that I make so many mistakes I know
I'm Ali grammatically yeah we're gonna be exposed yeah so much well you know how
like YouTube has this culture of like Kiri Nuki yeah they're gonna keep you
all of the grammatical mistakes that we've done and they're gonna compile it
into one video Wow and we're gonna be so exposed Wow just yeah heads up guys we
fucking suck at grammar like the amount of grammatical errors that I've made in
this podcast yeah unbelievable yeah a lot true yeah yeah so be careful yeah
just heads up guys yeah don't rely us for grammar right yeah yeah please get
just you know the flows and yeah exactly a conversation exactly lines and exactly
yeah right or like the Kiki Nagashi yeah that's also what I'm gonna do for the
video what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna compile all the the past video of like
episode 1 to 100 and I'm gonna put it in one video and then I'm gonna title it a
Kyle a Kikinagashi video five hours yeah exactly that's gonna be so valuable
like yeah people can listen to it when they're sleeping nice right and then
they're gonna hear our voices be like yeah there we go yeah thanks for
listening guys thank you